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From Program Verification to Program Synthesis

From Program Verification to Program Synthesis. Saurabh Srivastava * Sumit Gulwani ♯ Jeffrey S. Foster * * University of Maryland, College Park ♯ Microsoft Research, Redmond. Program Synthesis. Goal: Automatically generate program Important benefits of program synthesis

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From Program Verification to Program Synthesis

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  1. From Program Verification to Program Synthesis Saurabh Srivastava * Sumit Gulwani ♯ Jeffrey S. Foster * * University of Maryland, College Park ♯ Microsoft Research, Redmond

  2. Program Synthesis • Goal: Automatically generate program • Important benefits of program synthesis • Reduced programmer burden • Potential to generate novel algorithms • Objective: Automatic program synthesis, given • Pre/post condition (functional specification) • Some hints about the form of the program • Ideally: program is automatically proved correct • Synthesized programs can be complicated scaffold

  3. Proof-theoretic synthesis Our approach: Synthesize program and proof simultaneously Benefits: • Pruning invalid proofs prunes invalid programs • E.g., A program that manipulates a ordered list • Ordered list invariant has to hold, preventing any program that would violate it • View synthesis as generalized verification • Reuse existing verification tools and technology • Tool synthesizes: linear arithmetic programs, sorting, dynamic programming programs

  4. Discrete Line Drawing Input (X,Y) 0<Y≤X (12,7) (10,6) (11,6) (8,5) (9,5) (6,4) (7,4) (5,3) Output values |y-(Y/X)x| ≤ 1/2 (3,2) (4,2) (0,0) Using only linear operations: Bresenham’s line drawing algorithm (2,1) (1,1) (0,0)

  5. Scaffold(1): Functional Specification • Precondition Fpre • Formal specification of possible valid inputs • E.g., 0<Y≤X • Output PostconditionFpost • Formal specification that outputs need to meet • E.g., |y-(Y/X)x| ≤ 1/2

  6. Scaffold(2): Resource Constraints • Hints about the form of the desired program • Looping structure R loop • Acyclic fragments (*), loops (), sequencing (;) • Grammar: L ::= * | (L) | L;L • E.g., R loop = *;(*) • Acyclic fragment followed by a loop with an acyclic fragment inside • Stack R stack • Maximum number of local variables permitted • E.g., R stack = 1 • Only one extra local variable is available • Hints about the form of the desired program • Looping structure R loop • Acyclic fragments (*), loops (), sequencing (;) • Grammar: L ::= * | (L) | L;L • E.g., R loop = *;(*) • Acyclic fragment followed by a loop with an acyclic fragment inside • Stack R stack • Maximum number of local variables permitted • E.g., R stack = 1 • Only one extra local variable is available *  *

  7. Scaffold(3): Domains • Domains for program elements • Expressions Dexp • Guards Dgrd • E.g. • linear or quadratic expression over program variables • predicates with array lookups • Domain for invariants Dprf • Choice of solver • E.g., linear arithmetic • Invariant form: ⋀iaix+biy+ci≥ 0 • Linear arithmetic fixed-point computation tool, i.e., verifier

  8. Outline Input: Scaffold Approach: Synthesis conditions Experiments

  9. Modeling Basic Blocks as Transitions • Task: • Model statements in a manner that a solver can reason about • State update and ordering problematic Basic Block as input->output transition inputs: v,x,Y v := v + 2Y; x++; outputs: v’,x’ transition : ⋀i(output vari = fn(inputvars)) v’ = v + 2Y ⋀x’ = x + 1; Sbody:

  10. Synthesis Task *;(*) expand Sinit while ( Gloop ) { output (x,y) []Gcond1 → Sbody1 []Gcond2 → Sbody2 } • 0<Y≤X • Sinit • while ( Gloop ) { • |y-(Y/X)x| ≤ 1/2 • []Gcond1 → Sbody1 • []Gcond2 → Sbody2 • } Generate values for unknown Sinit/body1/body2,Gloop/cond • Generate proof (invariants)

  11. VC - Safety Constraints Verification condition (VC) output I entry • 0<Y≤X⋀Sinit⇒ I’ • 0<Y≤X • Sinit • while ( Gloop ) { • |y-(Y/X)x| ≤ 1/2 • []Gcond1 → Sbody1 • []Gcond2 → Sbody2 • } entry: • I⋀Gloop⇒ |y-(Y/X)x| ≤ 1/2 output: • I⋀Gcond1⋀Sbody1 ⇒ I’ induct: • I⋀Gcond2⋀Sbody2 ⇒ I’ induct

  12. Fixed point solutions, i.e., invariants verifier Verification condition (VC) ik, i.e., invariant I • 0<Y≤X⋀Sinit⇒ I’ entry: SAT solver • I⋀Gloop⇒ |y-(Y/X)x| ≤ 1/2 output: • I⋀Gcond1⋀Sbody1 ⇒ I’ Assume a form for I,e.g., i1x+i2y+i3≥0 for I (given the domains) induct: • I⋀Gcond2⋀Sbody2 ⇒ I’ boolean clauses Gcond2 Sbody2 Domain specific reducer i1x+i2y+i3≥0⋀ g1x+g2y+g3≥0 ⋀ x’=s1x+s2y+s3 ⋀ y’=…⇒ i1x’+i2y’+i3≥0 • linear arithmetic Linear arithmetic tricks ∃ik: integer SAT instance • linear arithmetic [PLDI’08] • predicate abstraction [PLDI’09]

  13. Fixed point solutions, i.e., invariants verifier Verification condition (VC) ik, i.e., invariant I • 0<Y≤X⋀Sinit⇒ I’ entry: SAT solver • I⋀Gloop⇒ |y-(Y/X)x| ≤ 1/2 output: • I⋀Gcond1⋀Sbody1 ⇒ I’ Assume a form for I,e.g., i1x+i2y+i3≥0 for I (given the domains) induct: • I⋀Gcond2⋀Sbody2 ⇒ I’ boolean clauses Gcond2 Sbody2 Domain specific reducer i1x+i2y+i3≥0⋀ g1x+g2y+g3≥0 ⋀ x’=s1x+s2y+s3 ⋀ y’=…⇒ i1x’+i2y’+i3≥0 • linear arithmetic Linear arithmetic tricks ∃ik: integer SAT instance • linear arithmetic [PLDI’08] • predicate abstraction [PLDI’09]

  14. Unknown statements and guards verifier Synthesize statements and guards! Verification condition (VC) ik, i.e., invariant I • 0<Y≤X⋀Sinit⇒ I’ entry: SAT solver • I⋀Gloop⇒ |y-(Y/X)x| ≤ 1/2 output: • I⋀Gcond1⋀Sbody1 ⇒ I’ Assume a form for I, Gcond2,Sbody2,e.g., i1x+i2y+i3≥0 for I (given the domains) induct: • I⋀Gcond2⋀Sbody2 ⇒ I’ boolean clauses Domain specific reducer i1x+i2y+i3≥0⋀ g1x+g2y+g3≥0⋀ x’=s1x+s2y+s3 ⋀ y’=…⇒ i1x’+i2y’+i3≥0 gk and sk guards/ statements • linear arithmetic Linear arithmetic tricks ∃ik,gk,sk: integer SAT instance • linear arithmetic [PLDI’08] • predicate abstraction [PLDI’09]

  15. Statements unknown Statements unknown: Trivial soln: false false false Ask solver false false false • 0<Y≤X⋀Sinit⇒ I’ • 0<Y≤X⋀Sinit⇒ I’ false false false • I⋀Gloop⇒ |y-(Y/X)x| ≤ 1/2 • I⋀Gloop⇒ |y-(Y/X)x| ≤ 1/2 But transitions, i.e., Sinit,Sbody1,Sbody2, cannot imply false • I⋀Gcond1⋀Sbody1⇒ I’ • I⋀Gcond1⋀Sbody1⇒ I’ • Issue: Well-formedness not ensured • Statements • Conditional Guards • I⋀Gcond2⋀Sbody2⇒ I’ • I⋀Gcond2⋀Sbody2⇒ I’ • Remember, • statement unknowns: transition • ⋀i(output vari = fn(inputvars)) • E.g., v’ = v + 2Y ⋀x’ = x + 1 • Can never imply false • Infer I and Sinit,Sbody1,Sbody2

  16. Additional Constraints • Outputs reachable/termination constraints: • Exists ranking function r • r bounded from below • r decreases in each iteration Safety • 0<Y≤X⋀Sinit⇒ I’ • I⋀Gloop⇒ |y-(Y/X)x| ≤ 1/2 Termination Issue: Termination constraints • I⋀Gcond1⋀Sbody1⇒ I’ • Issue: Well-formedness not ensured • Statements • Conditional Guards Well-formedness • I⋀Gcond2⋀Sbody2⇒ I’ • Well-formedness constraints: • Statement unknowns are not false • Conditional guards form tautologies • Infer I and Sinit,Sbody1,Sbody2,Gloop,Gcond

  17. Additional Constraints Safety User input: Scaffold User input: Program Synthesis Conditions VCGen SCGen • 0<Y≤X⋀Sinit⇒ I’ • I⋀Gloop⇒ |y-(Y/X)x| ≤ 1/2 Synthesis Conditions Verification Conditions Termination • I⋀Gcond1⋀Sbody1⇒ I’ Fixed-pt Solver Fixed-pt Solver Well-formedness • I⋀Gcond2⋀Sbody2⇒ I’ Synthesized Program+ Proof Verified Program + Proof • Infer I and Sinit,Sbody1,Sbody2,Gloop,Gcond Synthesis (Invariant + Program inference) Verification (Invariant inference) • Solving synthesis conditions does yield valid programs

  18. Example: Discrete Line Drawing Scaffold Fpre Program: v := 2Y-X; y := 0; x := 0; while ( x≤X ) { print (x,y) if ( v<0 ) { v := v + 2Y; x++; } else { v := v + 2(Y-X); y++; x++; } } : 0<Y≤X Fpost : 2|y-(Y/X)x| ≤ 1 R loop : *;(*) R stack Synthesis Conditions : one extra variable Program and Proof Dexp Constraint-based verifier : • Dgrd linear arithmetic Invariant: 0<Y≤X v = 2(x+1)Y-(2y+1)X 2(Y-X) ≤ v ≤ 2Y constraint-based linear arithmetic+ verifier Dprf : Solution strategy (verifier) Ranking function: X-x User Input

  19. Outline Input: Scaffold Approach: Synthesis conditions Experiments

  20. Experiments: Linear Arithmetic • LIA verifier from previous work [PLDI’08] • Benchmarks • Strassen’s 2x2 matrix multiplication • R loop = * and Rstack = 7 --- for holding the seven intermediate results • Swapping two integers without a temporary • R loop = * and Rstack = 0 • Computing the integral square root • Linear search • R loop = *;(*) and R stack = 1 • Binary search • R loop = *;(*) and R stack = 2 • Discrete line drawing • R loop = *;(*) and Rstack = 1

  21. Experiments: Predicate Abstraction • Predicate abstraction verifier from previous work [PLDI’09] • Benchmarks: Sorting • Requires quantified specification and invariants • E.g., All major sorting programs • Specification: sortedness • Vary resource constraints • Nested loop, 0 extra variables: bubble sort, insertion sort • Nested loop, 1 extra variable: selection sort • Recursive, 0 extra variables: merge sort • Recursive, 1 extra variable: quick sort • Benchmarks: Dynamic Programming • Iterative program from its recursive specification • E.g., Fibonacci • Specification f(0)=1, f(1)=1, ∀k>2: f(k)=f(k-1)+f(k-2) • R loop = *;(*) and R stack = 2 • Generated program maintains sliding window (of size 2) and computes f(n)

  22. Experiments: Synthesis times • 1 around 10,000 seconds • 8 under 1000 seconds • 8 under 10 seconds seconds (log scale) 0.1 0.01 0.001 Sorting Prg 1 Sorting Prg 2 Sorting Prg 5 Sorting Prg 4 Sorting Prg 3 All pairs SP (loop) All pairs SP (body) LIA verifier Predicate abstraction verifier

  23. Summary: Proof-theoretic synthesis • Proof-theoretic synthesis • Synthesize programs and proof simultaneously • Treat synthesis as generalized verification • Principled approach to solving for programs using verification • User input: scaffold • Functional specification • Space of desired program • Domains of guards and statements • Resource constraints • Approach: One-shot synthesis, i.e., no iteration • Constraints, synthesis conditions, encode the desired program • Safety, termination, and well-formedness • Solve using existing constraint-based verifiers • Possible to synthesize wide variety of programs

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