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Maintenance Managers April 2007. Environmental Viewer and KPDES Permit. Environmental GIS Viewer. http://kytcgis.ky.gov/enviro/viewer.htm. Getting it to Start up ……. Turn off Pop-Up Blocker. CTRL + F5. Where you start …. Find your project …. Find XY Tool. Location not acceptable ….
Maintenance Managers April 2007 Environmental ViewerandKPDESPermit
Environmental GIS Viewer http://kytcgis.ky.gov/enviro/viewer.htm
Getting it to Start up …… Turn off Pop-Up Blocker CTRL + F5
Find your project … Find XY Tool
Location not acceptable …. Location is not the center of the project
Find a point …. • Select Point Locator tool • Place it on point of interest • Data will pop up
Results ………. Sensitive Water Acceptable Location
Sensitive or Impaired (TMDL) Waters • Using the KPDES Permit KYR10 may be in question. This needs to be addressed to DEA early in the project development. DEA will make contact with the Division of Water about these projects. • We have been successful by adding the following to the CAP and as a special note in the contract documents: • The storm water discharge from this project drains into a (example: stream and a lake) that are sensitive waters. The contractor will be expected to establish, inspect and maintain effective erosion and sediment controls in strict conformance with the KPDES permit requirements, especially Part IV B (1) of the permit, and sections 212 and 213 of the standard specifications with emphasis on use of temporary mulch during construction. • A graphic showing the proximity of the project to the sensitive or TMDL water should be included in the contract documents.
Zip Code, etc. …. Zip Code Identify Tool • Turn on Zip Codes in the Base Map • Select it as the active layer • Use the Identify Tool
Triggered by Public Concern in 2002 $800,000 Penalty $10 Million in Program Adjustments Forced Change of the Paradigm TennesseeConsent Decree
KPDES BMP Plan and NOI Forms KyTC WEB site, Division of Design, Drainage
KPDES BMP Plan Template • Implement the requirements of Permit KYR10 for all projects that disturb One or more acre of ground. • Items marked (1) are to be completed by project manager/design engineer • After letting, District and Contractor complete items marked (2) and (3) and NOI • This plan template includes Groundwater Protection per 401 KAR 5:037 • This plan template points to SPCC per 40 CFR 112
The District managing the project A Succinct Project Description Items marked (1) Add the SYP Plan # here
1. The District managing the project 5. Address – use the route number 6. Lat/Lon – project mid point 7. County – project mid point Page 2 - Items marked (1)
A 1. Use the description in the letting 3. Volume of material to be moved 4. Total Area is the area of the right of way 5. Disturbed area is the sum of the DDA areas 6. runoff coefficient reference to drainage folder 7. a general statement about the existing soil cover and erodability of the soils as a whole Page 3 - Items marked (1)
8. Existing conditions water quality data, if any. 9. Receiving Waters – the highest order named stream(s) affected by the project. 10. TMDLs, If any. DEA is to coordinate this information with the Division of Water. http://www.water.ky.gov, search for TMDL, use the 2004 303d list Page 3 - Items marked (1)
B 3. When projects include permanent BMPs for water quality management, they are to be listed in this location in the BMP Plan. This is especially important where the KARST policy is applied. Reference Chapter 10 for other examples 1002 and 1005 . Page 6 - Items marked (1)
D. Projects can be in areas that have other state or local plans. When this happens, it is to be noted here with the extra requirements. E. In addition to B 3., the post-construction maintenance requirements for BMPs are to be included here. Page 9 - Items marked (1)
Notice of Intent • Prepare the NOI with information found in the BMP Plan. • The project location is its center. • Lat/Lon • County • Zip Code • Follow the instructions for the rest.
Aunt EPheliA Now, Just what are they doing in Kentucky ???