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Problem 7.15 Use the REL chart below and find the Total Closeness Ratings for all departments. Let the values of 81, 27, 9, 3, 1, & -81 be for A, E, I, O, U , and X ratings respectively.
Problem 7.15 Use the REL chart below and find the Total Closeness Ratings for all departments. Let the values of 81, 27, 9, 3, 1, & -81 be for A, E, I, O, U, and X ratings respectively.
Total Closeness RatingUsing eqn. 7.9 (pg 217) V(rij) is the function for determining an adjacency of importance of rij. Given V(A) = 81, V(E) = 27, V(I) = 9, V(O) = 3, V(U) = 1, & V(X) = -81Since V(X) is negative we will ignore all X relationshipsFirst calculate the TCR for the Receiving Department.TCRrecieving = V(rrec’v,test ) + V(rrec’v,comp. ) + V(rrec’v,sub ) + V(rrec’v,assy. ) + V(rrec’v,ship ) TCRrecieving = V(I) + V(I.) + V(U) + V(U.) + V(A) = 9+9+1+1+81 TCRrecieving = 101 TCRtest = V(rtest, rec’v ) + V(rtest,comp. ) + V(rtest,sub ) + V(rtest,assy. ) + V(rtest,ship ) TCRtest = V(I) + V(X.) + V(I) + V(E) + V(U) = 9+9+27+1 TCRtest = 46 TCRcomponents = V(rcomp, rec’v ) + V(rcomp,test. ) + V(rcomp,sub ) + V(rcomp,assy. ) + V(rcomp,ship ) TCRcomponents = V(I) + V(X.) + V(I) + V(E) + V(O) = 9+9+27+3 TCRcomponents = 48 TCRsubassembly = V(rsub, rec’v ) + V(rsub,test. ) + V(rsub,comp. ) + V(rsub,assy. ) + V(rsub,ship ) TCRsubassembly = V(U) + V(I.) + V(I) + V(A.) + V(O) = 1+9+9+81+3 TCRsubassembly = 103
TCRassembly = V(rsub, rec’v ) + V(rsub,test. ) + V(rrec’v,comp. ) + V(rrec’v,sub ) + V(rrec’v,ship ) TCRassembly = V(U) + V(E.) + V(E) + V(A.) + V(A) = 1+27+27+81+81 TCRassembly = 217 TCRshipping = V(rship,rec’v ) + V(rship,test. ) + V(rship,comp. ) + V(rship,sub ) + V(rship,assy ) TCRshipping = V(A) + V(U.) + V(O) + V(O.) + V(A) = 81+1+3+3+81 TCRshipping = 169 Thus the department rating is such (1) Assembly, (2) Shipping, (3) Subassembly, (4) Receiving, (5) Components, & (6) TestAttempting to construct a relationship diagram based on these ratings. Assembly is ranked the highestso it is placed in the center of the layout.Shipping is next. It can be located anywhere around Assembly, all positions increase the adjacency score by V(rship,assy) . Arbitrarily pick below Assembly.Third is Subassembly. There are now six possible locations. Right, left or top of Assembly, are the best choices based on the increase in adjacency score of V(rsub, assy) . Arbitrarily pick left of Assembly. Assy. Ship. 81 81 81 Assy. Sub Assy. 3 3 Ship. Ship. 3
Fourth is Receiving. There are now seven possible locations. The best location is between Subassembly and Shipping because of the A relationship. 1 1 1 Sub Assy. Sub Assy. 81 82 Ship. Rec’v Ship. 3 Next choice is Components. There are only two best possible locations, either above or right of Assembly, both with and increase of 27. I arbitrarily choose above Assembly. 9 27 Comp. 9 27 Sub Assy. Sub Assy. 9 3 Rec’v Ship. Rec’v Ship. 9 3 The final department is Test. For a gain of 27, place Test to the right of Assembly. 9 Comp. Comp. 9 27 Sub Assy. Test Sub Assy. 9 1 Rec’v Ship. Rec’v Ship. 9 1 The final department is Test. For a gain of 27, place Test to the right of Assembly. Another pass at trying to create a layout is as follows: 9 9 1 1 81 9 9 36 9 9 Comp. Rec’v Rec’v Comp. Rec’v 1 81 Sub Assy. Ship. 9 9 3 1 Sub Assy. Ship. Sub Assy. Ship. Sub Assy. Ship. 81 1 1 3 1 9 9 27 27 Test