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Content Case Studies Page Knowing our community – Equality mapping Case Study 1 - Website Equality & Diversity Survey Analysis 2 Case Study 2 - Heathscene – the council’s residents magazine 4 Place Shaping, Leadership, Partnership & Organisational Commitment
Content • Case Studies Page • Knowing our community – Equality mapping • Case Study 1 - Website Equality & Diversity Survey Analysis 2 • Case Study 2 - Heathscene – the council’s residents magazine 4 • Place Shaping, Leadership, Partnership & Organisational • Commitment • Case Study 3 - Surrey Heath Youth Council 5 • Case Study 4 - Waste and Recycling Scheme 7 • Community Engagement and Satisfaction • Case Study 5 - Theatre - Making Links/consulting Disability group 8 • Case Study 6 - Theatre - making links & consulting Nepalese community 9 • Case Study 7 - Disability Football 11 • Case Study 8 - Heatherside Multi User Games Area Consultation 12 • Case Study 9 - Sustainable Community Strategy Consultation 14 • Responsive Services and Customer Care • Case Study 10 - Housing Improvement Agency 15 • Case Study 11 - Mosque Application 16 • Case Study 12 - The Arena Leisure Centre – Disability 17 • Modern and Diverse Workforce • Case Study 13 - HR Policies 19 1 www.surreyheath.gov.uk
1 Knowing Your Community Case Study One Website Equality & Diversity Survey Analysis Customer RelationsCommunications & Marketing Background and Key Issues: It was clear from completing the Equality and Diversity Impact Assessment that the Web Team needed to know who uses the Surrey Heath web site in order for us to cater for all types of disabilities, races and religions within the Borough. It was decided, therefore, that a survey would be conducted online and as a printed version so that we could develop policies and practices that are fair to all and to check that we are hearing views from all groups within our community. What we did: About the surveyThe survey included questions relating to each of the six equality and diversity strands: age, disability, gender, race, sexuality and religion. The printed version was altered slightly, so that it also included some web related questions so that we could tell if they use the Surrey Heath website. Online SurveyThe online survey was published on the homepage along side our general Web Site survey from 1st June 2008 until 18th August 2008. During that time we received 32 online responses. We also contacted Gay Surrey who were happy to e-mail out the link to the online form to its members within the Surrey Heath area. This helped promote our survey to the Surrey Heath gay community and increased the number of submitted forms. Postal SurveysThe Web Team delivered printed versions to a number of organisations within the Borough to help reach communities from each of the Equality and Diversity strands. We also sent out 2,900 copies to local residents at the end of July, based on census information and Councillor Ward knowledge to those largely populated ethnic communities within the Borough. The following Wards were included: St Paul's, St Michael’s, and Town. Self addressed envelopes were also included with the surveys to make it easy and convenient for residents to post back their responses. 2 www.surreyheath.gov.uk
Outcome: The outcome of the survey highlighted a number of areas of the website that we need to concentrate more on including: Promoting the website and its online services more fully throughout the Borough on Council publications and online consultations. Which we did through holding a Web Roadshow across the Borough, taking time to show local residents and businesses how to save time online through using the Council’s website. This in its self has created more awareness of the website and its online services.Need to advertise the computers available in the Contact Centre that members of the public can use to look at Council and other online services.The Web Team need to create more relevant content, for the retired members of the community and young families that could fall in the 30-49 years old bracket. Content could include more local communities groups and leisure activities in the Borough and surrounding areas. The Youth section of the site should also include more information.This has now been achieved on the website and we now have areas for different aged groups linking to a number of other sites with useful information.Measures could be improved by adding special welcome and contact / translation service pages for other key languages. More information relating to weddings, civil partnerships, support groups and community groups has been added to the site. The website does have in place measures to help disabled users by means of a larger text facility and an audio version which will read out the content of the site. The Web Team work hard to reach and maintain Level AA of the WAI Web Accessibility Standards and will continue to do so.Recent content updates have included links to information on disability grants and benefits as well as employment information. Contact: Rachel Hill-Venning Web Manager Tel: 01276 707362rachel.hill-venning@surreyheath.gov.uk 3 www.surreyheath.gov.uk
2 Case Study Two Heathscene – the Council’s residents magazine Customer RelationsCommunications & Marketing Background and Key Issues: We wanted to identify the range of groups that read Heathscene - the council’s quarterly publication sent to all residential properties in the Borough. The magazine is a key vehicle for communicating council news, policy and achievements, promoting community events and for residents to find out information from around the Borough. As well as being delivered to 34,632 homes, the magazine is also available from public venues such as Camberley Theatre, Surrey Heath Museum, Camberley Library, and is published on the council’s website. Our aim was to consult the community and find out if Heathscene is read by a cross section of people living in Surrey Heath. Also to develop polices and practices to provide equal access and opportunity for all groups of society within the borough. What we did: An Equality and Diversity survey was carried for Heathscene which involved consulting members of the local community including households and community groups, as well as the council’s Equality Action Group. A student from Tomlinscote School was given a project to review Heathscene from a young person’s perspective and her feedback has been taken into consideration. Outcome: A wide range of groups responded to the survey, reflected by the range of ethnic minority groups. More than half of readers are aged 50 or over. Aiming for a more balanced readership we will increase the content appealing to young people. Surrey Heath Borough Council also aim to survey Heathscene readers about Equality and Diversity issues on a regular basis (every 12-18 months). Contact: Ian Macey Press Officer Tel: 01276 707137 ian.macey@surreyheath.gov.uk 4 www.surreyheath.gov.uk
3 Case Study Three Surrey Heath Youth Council Community Partnerships & Corporate Performance Background and Key Issues: The Youth Council initially formed in May 2001 using a delivery model of operating annually with formalised meetings (minimum of 2 a year), including cross-party representation of councillors, plus the Chief Executive, the Mayor, a committee administrator, and youth council co-ordinator. The council operation focussed upon young people aged 16+. The recruitment and retention of young people willing to become involved and participate proved difficult and, in September 2005, it was agreed by the Council Executive to suspend the Youth Council. It was agreed that engagement with young people could be achieved via other local initiatives, such as Youth Café, and the work being delivered by Surrey County Council’s Youth Development Service from their three Youth Centres, based in Bisley, The Old Dean and Frimley Green. No formalised youth council existed within the Surrey Heath area between these times. The Following Motion was approved at Council on 16th July 2008: That this Council notes the recent national and local concerns relating to young people and believes that the vast majority of young people make a positive contribution to their community. This Council further believes that we should proactively listen to young people and work effectively with them to address these concerns. Therefore, this Council requests the Chief Executive to bring forward a report to the Executive within 4 months outlining ways in which youth engagement within the Borough can be enhanced within existing resources What we did: Surrey Heath Borough Council worked within a two-tier partnership approach to re-introduce a dedicated Youth Council for the young people of the Borough. The core partners comprise Surrey Heath Borough Council and Surrey County Council Youth Development Service, who provide the support to the young people. The wider partnership group meet regularly following council meetings and may be called upon to support young people within their area of expertise. The adult role within this process focuses around encouraging young people to find their voices and participate fully. 5 www.surreyheath.gov.uk
This project does not seek to duplicate any school council role, but to offer young people an opportunity to broaden their experience within their locality, by developing an awareness of wider community issues that may fall outside of their existing knowledge or scope. This project encourages participation from a wider age group of year 9 (age 13) upwards. It also gives the Borough Council a valuable alternative source of consultation. Outcome: The Surrey Heath Youth Council re-commenced in April 2009 with 12 members it strives to encourage mixed representation from a wide variety of locally based young people from organisations such as: schools, both mainstream and special needs, youth clubs, uniform groups and other known organisations and access will be offered to nominated representatives from these groups. Contact: Jayne Boitoult Community Development Officer Tel: 01276 707464 jayne.boitoult@surreyheath.gov.uk 6 www.surreyheath.gov.uk
4 Case Study Four Assisted Waste and Recycling Collections Environmental Services Background and Key Issues: In September 2009, the Council launched its new waste service comprising a weekly food waste collection service and alternate weekly collection of dry recycling and residual waste in wheeled bins. It was recognised that residents with disabilities may not be able to manoeuvre the bins. What we did: Following the Equalities Impact Assessment of the new scheme and during the roll out of the new service the waste team contacted older people and disabled groups in the Borough to obtain a list of residents whom they felt would need assisted collections. The waste team then wrote to the individuals concerned and asked them if they felt that they needed assistance with waste collections. A number of individuals also came forward requesting assistance following the literature that was sent to each household when they realised they would not be able to handle the bins themselves. The scheme was successfully publicised using ‘Roary’ the tiger to visit community events, schools etc. As a result of the EIA leaflets advertising the new scheme were made more accessible by using photos of what to do with the bins. Outcome: An assisted waste collection service is provided. There are currently 700 households (2%) on the assisted collection service. The crews constantly monitor the assisted collection list if they notice that a householder on their round needs assistance they will contact the Council to have that person added to the list. Contact: John Foley Waste Manager, Environmental Services Tel: 01276 707406 john.foley@surreyheath.gov.uk 7 www.surreyheath.gov.uk
5 Case Study Five Theatre -Making Links/consulting Disability group Arts & Leisure Services Background and Key Issues: The meeting came about as a result of Equality Impact Assessment of the Theatre Box Office. The issues that emerged were to ensure that diverse need groups are contacted and needs clarified and catered for. What we did: The NW Empowerment Board for People with physical, sensory and cognitive impairments and HIV, were contacted. This is a Support Group for 15-20 year olds with physical, sensory, cognitive impairments or HIV. Following a telephone conversation with Yasmin Broome, Co-ordinator for NW Empowerment Board we have arranged to attend the group meeting to give a presentation on the theatre facilities and programming. We are keen to invite the group into the theatre for a visit, to explain fully key facilities and support available. Outcome: Aylith has arranged to attend the group meeting on September 8th to give a presentation on the theatre facilities and programming. Aylith will maintain contact with the group and talk about schools panto performances for them and the possibility of additional theatre visits. Contact: Aylith Augier Groups, Sales and Friends Co-ordinator Camberley Theatre Tel: 01276 707618 aylith.augier@surreyheath.gov.uk 8 www.surreyheath.gov.uk
6 Case Study Six Theatre - making links & consulting Nepalese community Arts & Leisure Services Theatre Background and Key Issues: The meeting came about as a result of Equality Impact Assessment of the Theatre Box Office. The issues to emerge were to ensure that multi cultural groups are contacted and needs established and catered for where possible. What we did: The Nepalese Buddhist Community are not regular attendees at Camberley Theatre, however, after representatives visited the theatre in May 2010 they expressed an interest in the possible hire of conference facilities. Currently they are using Oak Farm community School over a weekend both day and evening for meetings and ceremonies. Kaji Sherpa, Chairman of Nepalese Buddhist Community UK visited the Theatre and spoke about the possibility of a National Conference, although space and lack of free parking might be an issue. We looked at the theatre programming and what shows could be of interest. Children’s shows emerged as an area of possible interest. We also looked at the auditorium, conference room and upstairs space. Kaji was impressed with the facilities and felt that the group could possibly use them for occasional hire. 9 www.surreyheath.gov.uk
Outcome: We will continue to keep in contact with the Nepalese Buddhist Community and in particular send them details of children’s shows that they might find of interest. We will also look at the possibility of screening special interest films that might engage with this community. Contact: Aylith Augier Groups, Sales and Friends Co-ordinator Camberley Theatre Tel: 01276 707618 aylith.augier@surreyheath.gov.uk 10 www.surreyheath.gov.uk
7 Case Study Seven Disability Football Community Partnerships & Corporate Performance Background and Key Issues: The Surrey Heath Show is an annual event hosted at Frimley Lodge Park, Frimley Green. It attracts around 10,000 visitors, and its guiding principles are based around inclusivity. What we did: For the 2010 show management group there was an opportunity to promote and demonstrate within the main arena disability football. Tony Hall, a volunteer who is in the process of setting up his not for profit organisation, currently works in partnership with others such as Circles Network to deliver local projects benefiting disable young people. In this instance it was enabled through Surrey FA sponsorship. Outcome: At the show on the 1st May a disability football group promoted this through the network of Surrey FA to encourage greater participation. Young people demonstrated the overall benefits and fun of participating within this type of sport enforcing the community cohesion message. Contact: Jayne Boitoult Community Development Officer Tel: 01276 707464 jayne.boitoult@surreyheath.gov.uk 11 www.surreyheath.gov.uk
8 Case Study Eight Heatherside Consultation Community Partnerships & Corporate Performance Background and Key Issues: The proposed multi user games area (MUGA) was refused planning permission in February 2008 due to localised opposition. The main issues in Heatherside remains the lack of facilities for its young people and concerns raised by residents on the number of youths gathering in the evenings and weekends. In order to address these concerns, the (former) Safer Surrey Heath Partnership was open to other proposals raised by the council. A small project-group has worked to ease the entrenched community positions. What we did: An extensive partnership approach was adopted to ascertain the preferences of this community. Consultation Process – Sequence of Events 6th July 2009 – send out invitations to the consultation launch on the 13th July with details of the options to all homes within Heatherside. 13th July 2009 – Public Meeting to Launch the Purpose of the consultation at Heather Ridge School 6-8pm. 14th -31st July 2009 displays available for viewing in the foyer at the Heatherside Community Centre + 4 dates (18th July 10-12pm, 20th July 4-8pm 25th July 10-12pm and 27th July 4-8pm) where the community can chat to, or question staff as to the proposals. 27th July 2009 – Letter and survey sent out to each household within Heatherside Ward, together with a pre-paid envelope to respond by 14th August. 9th Sept 2009 findings of consultation presented to the Surrey Heath Partnership. 21st Oct 2009 Public Meeting feedback to the Community the preferences indicated. 12 www.surreyheath.gov.uk
Outcome: Following community approval for the preferred Village Green and Skate Park option - incorporating a skate park, village green area and children’s playground - discussions were held with a small project group comprising Heatherside residents, borough council officers and elected members including local ward councillors to consider the design and best fit options for the facility within the designated area. The planning application is now being considered by planners and we are confident that the works will commence early 2011. Contact: Jayne Boitoult Community Development Officer Tel: 01276 707464 jayne.boitoult@surreyheath.gov.uk 13 www.surreyheath.gov.uk
9 Case Study Nine Sustainable Community Strategy Consultation Community Partnerships and Performance Background and Key Issues: In producing the Sustainable Community Strategy for Surrey Heath the Partnership asked the community and community leaders to tell us what they thought the important priorities are for the area now and in the future. What we did: In producing the SCS consultation events were carried out by an independent research company in December 2008, the groups of people that were consulted included residents, stakeholders and councillors. Two separate focus groups were held with a sample of local residents with an equal mix of ages, genders, social class and area of residence. Stakeholder workshops were also held with a wide cross section of private, voluntary and public sector representatives and councillors including a young person and a person with disabilities. Outcome: The residents, stakeholders and councillors told us what they thought the important priorities were for the area now and in the future, these were then used to develop the objectives in the Sustainable Community Strategy. The objectives in the strategy are therefore borne out of consultation with the community such as 'to feel safe in our homes and on our streets', 'to have good public transport systems available', 'opportunities for promoting and encouraging good health and an active lifestyle' and projects have been developed to deliver these key objectives. Equality is consequently embedded within the Strategy. Contact: Jo Hardy Community Partnership officer Tel: 01276 707545 joanne.hardy@surreyheath.gov.uk 14 www.surreyheath.gov.uk
10 Case Study Ten Home Improvement Agency Environmental Services Background and Key Issues: Home Improvement Agencies (HIA) assist people to maintain or adapt their homes by giving advice and providing enabling services. Although Surrey Heath Borough Council has a long and very successful history of providing grants and loans to residents until recently it did not provide much more than that. A full HIA service takes a much more holistic view of the issue and doesn’t just deal with providing a repair or adaptation to someone’s home. For example a disabled facilities grant may not necessarily be the only or best solution to help a vulnerable person maintain independence. The HIA offers a large range of alternative assistance such as help in claiming benefits, provision of equipment, re-location, filling in forms, tendering for work, overseeing works, and help in accessing alternative sources of funding etc. What we did: There was already an informal working arrangement with Woking BC and when additional funding from Supporting People became available for Council’s that could operate as clusters a formal partnership was brokered with them and came into force on 1st December 2009 for a period of 2 years. Outcome: It is early days yet but the initial signs are very encouraging. The Partnership now ensures that many more people who may otherwise have missed out are receiving a service from both the Local Authority and the Social Services Authority. The service provides a fully holistic approach to home improvements and moved completely away from simply providing an adaptation or repair. The introduction of a Flexible Home Loan Scheme in partnership with 19 other Authorities in the South of England has brought exposure of the service into every household within the community. Contact: Tony Wakeford Environmental Health Officer Tel: 01276 707352 tony.wakeford@surreyheath.gov.uk 15 www.surreyheath.gov.uk
11 Case Study Eleven Planning application relating to a Mosque Cross Council Background and Key Issues: A planning application was made for a new Mosque on the existing Islamic centre site during late 2009. What we did: Full Council considered the application for a Mosque in Camberley which was a contentious issue within the community. In order to provide more capacity for members of the community to attend and view the discussions, the Camberley Theatre was used. This allowed around 300 people as an audience rather than 100 or so in the Council Chamber. The meeting was also webcast to enable an even larger number of people to watch it. People with disabilities were given access to seating in the Theatre when they arrived so they didn't have to stand/wait for too long. A hearing loop was also provided. During the run up to the consideration of the mosque planning application in Camberley every effort was made by the Police and the Council working in partnership to work with the Muslim community to support and reassure them around this contentious issue. The Leader of the Council and the Community Partnerships officer met with the Chair of the Bengali Welfare Association in June 2010 to further enhance relationships with the Muslim community. Outcome: The outcome was that more people from all communities were able to watch the planning application meeting. The planning application was turned down on planning policy grounds. The Council has recently held a community meeting with all concerned to help to find a way forward. Contact: Elizabeth Hatton Community Partnerships and Corporate Performance Manager Tel: 01276 707263 elizabeth.hatton@surreyheath.gov.uk 16 www.surreyheath.gov.uk
12 Case Study Twelve The Arena Leisure Centre - Disabled Changing Access Enhancements Arts & Leisure Background and Key Issues: During the months following the completion of the Arena Leisure Centre’s £1.4 m refurbishment in January 2009, an analysis of the impact of the improvements to the building was undertaken, looking in particular to identify an increase in participation by people with a disability. The provision of new, accessible training equipment in the gym, accompanied by a series of initiatives to promote participation led to an increase in such usage; however, there was no evidence of an increase in disabled swimming. What we did: Both existing disabled customers and non users were asked to feedback their thoughts and perceptions on using the wet changing facilities and identify the type of enhancements which would encourage them to swim at the Arena. This consultation revealed that in order to attract more disabled swimmers, the Arena would benefit from reducing a number of physical and perceptive barriers. This feedback in turn informed the content of a joint application to Surrey County Council by Surrey Heath Borough Council and DC Leisure Ltd. Outcome: The application to the ‘Aiming High for Disabled Children’ fund consisted of two projects. See overleaf 17 www.surreyheath.gov.uk
Project 1 • An application to make accessibility enhancements to the Arena’s wet changing area to promote increased usage of the swimming pools by disabled children and their carers. • The Main elements were: • New dedicated disabled changing facilities with WC and Shower. • Opening up of the shower area to enhance disabled user experience • New vanity area with low level mirrors and lockers • New village change automatic doors • New improved benching within the changing areas • Project 2 • An application for start up and year one running costs for a dedicated disability session at the Arena Leisure Centre for young people. Funds were requested to cover accessible equipment, the cost of specialist staff training and teachers to run the swimming sessions. • This application proved to be successful. A new, dedicated disabled swimming class for young people will be launched by the Arena in September and quotes are now being sought from local contractors for the works detailed in project one above. • Contact: • Kate Newton • Leisure & Recreation Manager • Tel: 01276 707397 • kate.newton@surreyheath.gov.uk 18 www.surreyheath.gov.uk
13 Case Study Thirteen Review of Disciplinary / Grievance/ Employment Stability /Paternity/Maternity/ Adoption Policies and Procedures/Review of Allowances Corporate Resources Human Resources Background and Key Issues: The review of the Council’s employment policies / conditions of service forms part of HR’s work programme. The Council must ensure legal compliance and that we promote best practice around employee relations. Business needs also force policy reviews and revisions where necessary. What we did: Researched legal requirements/best practice/benchmarked with neighbouring authorities. Drafted revised policies and procedures. Took reports and draft policies/procedures to Equality Action Group for Impact Assessments. Incorporated revisions as appropriate. Took reports and draft policies/procedures to Joint Staff Consultative Group (JSCG) for consultation. JSCG made recommendations to Executive Reports/draft policies and procedures revised as appropriate. Took all documents to Executive for consideration. 19 www.surreyheath.gov.uk
Outcome: Revisions adopted by Executive Draft documents formalised & incorporated into Council Terms and Conditions Placed on HR Surrey Heath intranet site / staff advised Heads of Service and Management Board advised specifically Ensured policies and procedures in place that are legally compliant, reflect best practice and that all staff are managed fairly and equitably. Contact: Louise Livingston HR Manager Tel: 01276 707403 louise.livingston@surreyheath.gov.uk 20 www.surreyheath.gov.uk