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英语教学法 (2) 期末复习. 主讲教师 : 景韵. 英语教学法 (2) 考试说明. 英语教学法 (2) 考试题型分析. 英语教学法 (2) 考试说明. 评价目标 :《 英语教学法 》 ( 2 )的考试重点是考查学生对所学理论知识的掌握和运用理论知识指导教学实践的能力。 适用对象: 开放教育本科英语专业(教育方向) 考试方式 :本课程为闭卷考试,考试时间 120 分钟。. 英语 教学法 (2) 考试说明. 命题依据: (1) 教材:该课程的文字教材是 《 英语教学法 》 ( 1 )(外语教学与研究出版社)。 ( 2 )本课程的教学实施意见(略)。
英语教学法(2)期末复习 主讲教师:景韵
英语教学法(2)考试说明 英语教学法(2)考试题型分析
英语教学法(2)考试说明 • 评价目标:《英语教学法》(2)的考试重点是考查学生对所学理论知识的掌握和运用理论知识指导教学实践的能力。 • 适用对象:开放教育本科英语专业(教育方向) • 考试方式:本课程为闭卷考试,考试时间120分钟。
英语教学法(2)考试说明 • 命题依据: • (1)教材:该课程的文字教材是《英语教学法》(1)(外语教学与研究出版社)。 (2)本课程的教学实施意见(略)。 • 考试要求:本次考试要求学生能够运用合适的教学方法,设计多样化的教学活动,灵活使用教材和运用现代化教学手段,最终使学生的教学对象在交际能力和语言能力方面得到提高。
英语教学法(2)考试说明 • 考试试题结构: • 试题分三大部分: • Section 1: Basic Theories and principle (30%) • 主要测试学生对教材中讲授的基本教学法理论、原则的理解和联系实际的能力。 • Section 2: Problem solving (30%) • 主要测试学生解决具体教学过程中出现的问题的能力。 • Section 3: Mini-lesson plan (40%) • 主要测试学生根据所提供素材设计教案的实际应用能力。
英语教学法(2)考试说明 • 联系方式: 时间: 星期一、三、五上午 地点: 重庆广播电视大学文法学院 电话号码: 68465559 E-mail: jingyun@cqdd.cq.cn 责任教师:景韵
英语教学法(2)考试题型分析 Section I: Basis Theories and Principles Questions 1-15 are based on this part. Directions: Choose the best answer from A, B or C for each question. Write your answer on the Answer Sheet.
英语教学法(2)考试题型分析 1. What role does a teacher take to create an environment in which learning can take place? a. Instructor. b. Manager. c. Assessor Answer: B
英语教学法(2)考试题型分析 2. Among the following factors that may affect a lesson plan, which one includes classroom size? a. Human factors b. Physical conditions c. Syllabus and testing Answer: B
英语教学法(2)考试题型分析 3. Why do we need to design tasks to supplement the textbook? a. Textbooks usually are not well written. b. Textbooks need adaptations to fit the needs of their target students. c. Textbooks only cover a limited amount of language skills. Answer: B
英语教学法(2)考试题型分析 4. Which of the following techniques can best present the word “pollution”? a. Show or draw a picture. b. Give a definition or an example. c. Demonstrate the meaning by acting or miming. Answer:B
英语教学法(2)考试题型分析 5. In which stage of the Presentation-Practice-Production approach will students have the chance to use the new language freely and incorporate it into their existing language? a. Presentation Stage b. Practice Stage c. Production Stage Answer:C
英语教学法(2)考试题型分析 6. What kind of cohesive devices is used to link sentences through signaling relations between sentences by means of anaphora or back reference? a.a. Cohesive devices that indicate meaning relationships between or within sentences, such as apart from, in order to, since, however, not only, and so on. b.b. Grammatical devices that establish links to form the cohesion of a text, such as it, this, the, here, that and so on. c. Lexical devices that use the repetition of key words or synonymous words to link sentences together. Answer:B
英语教学法(2)考试题型分析 7. What will a good writer usually do in the pre-writing stage of the writing process? a. Making decisions on the purpose, the audience, the contents and the outline of the writing. b. Concentrate on getting the content right first and leave the details like correcting spelling, punctuation, and grammar until later. c. Develop a revising checklist to pinpoint the weakness of his or her writing and focus on the flaws likely to appear in their drafts. Answer:A
英语教学法(2)考试题型分析 8. Writing exercises like completion, reproduction, compression, and transformation are mainly the type of exercises used in which writing task? a. Controlled writing b. Guided writing c. Free writing Answer:B
英语教学法(2)考试题型分析 9. Which type of grammar tends to teach you how the grammar is used by the people rather than how it should be used? a. Descriptive grammar b. Prescriptive grammar c. Traditional grammar Answer:A
英语教学法(2)考试题型分析 10. When students are given the structure in an authentic or near authentic context and asked to work out the rule for themselves, what kind of method their teacher is using? a. Deductive grammar teaching. b. Inductive grammar teaching. c. Traditional grammar teaching. Answer:B
英语教学法(2)考试题型分析 11. How can we help students to memorize a new word more effectively? a. Put the new word in a context, relate it to known words, and use illustrations. b. Pre-tech the new word of a text, pronounce it correctly, and group it. c. Put the new word in a list of unconnected words with illustrations. Answer:A
英语教学法(2)考试题型分析 Section II. Problem Solving Directions: Below are five situations in the classroom. Each has a problem. First, identity the problem. Second, provide your solution according to the communicative language teaching principles. You should elaborate on the problem(s) and solution(s) properly. Write your answer on the Answer Sheet.
英语教学法(2)考试题型分析 16. In a writing class, the teacher asks the students to write an article about their hometown. To help the students, the teacher also provides a well-written article about hometown by a famous writer as a sample. Students are instructed to follow the style and the organization of ideas of the sample article. Answer
英语教学法(2)考试题型分析 Problem: The teacher’s instruction to the students is too general and it may leave the students with too much room to choose from. There is no help provided for the students to develop a sense of purpose and a sense of audience. Without a sense of purpose and audience, the students may either feel confused by all possible things that could be included in the writing, or just follow the contents covered in the sample article. Solution: The teacher could first narrow down the topic by providing a situation for the students, such as writing a tour guide for their hometown. Then, help the students to work out possible contents that could be included in the writing, such as location, population, resources for tourism, places of interests, etc. The teacher could also help the students to decide the writing style based on their writing purpose and targeted audience.
英语教学法(2)考试题型分析 17. This is a traditional classroom. The students’ desks are arranged neatly in rows and columns, while the teacher’s desk is placed in the front of the classroom on a platform. The teacher comes into the classroom. All students stand up to greet the teacher and the teacher greets back. Then the teacher will ask some questions to the whole class, and those students who know the answers will respond. At other times, the teacher will point at an individual student and asks a question. The teacher also asks the students to do some readings or exercises quietly in class. As the students finish their job, the teacher collects their work and tell them that they will get feedback over the next week .
英语教学法(2)考试题型分析 Problem:This class has no management at all. The teacher plays a simple role as an instructor and controls every activity of the students. Desks are arranged in a teacher- centered way. There is very little students’ involvement in the teaching process, and no pair work or group work at all. And we see no effort of using the teaching tools to facilitate the teaching environment. There seems no natural communication between the teacher and the students . Solution:The purpose of classroom management is to create a positive learning environment in which the students will show a willingness to achieve the targets we have set. A good environment needs people’s effort as well as good physical environment. A teacher should play the role of a helper rather than a controller. The desks in the classroom should be arranged to show learner-centeredness. The teacher should communicate with the students in a polite way and show great care and encouragement towards the students. The teacher may also adapt the textbook and use audio-visual aids to make the lesson lively and interesting .
英语教学法(2)考试题型分析 18. In a grammar class, the teacher teaches the use of “some” and “any” in the following way: A. Explains the rules of their usage. B. Provide some examples to illustrate the usage of the two words. C. Ask the students to do pattern drills. D. Ask the students to apply the rules to given situations.
英语教学法(2)考试题型分析 Problem:The teacher teaches grammar in a deductive way. This approach is usually mechanical and dull. The students learn the rules passively with little involvement in process of working them out. Since rules are something too restrictive, there are lots of exceptions that may confuse the students. This method is usually more concerned with form than use. If students meet the new structure in isolated sentences, they may not get a feel for when and how to use the structure. They are still very likely to go on using it incorrectly . Solution:Bring in the inductive grammar teaching approach. By combining the two ways of teaching grammar together, the teacher can achieve a much better result than using either way exclusively. The teacher could first give the students a context and ask them to work out the rules. After collecting the students’ suggestions, the teacher could then tell them the existing rules and explain exceptions to the rules. This way, the students will be actively involved in the thinking process and may understand the rules better. They will also be aware of the fact that grammar rules are worked out by people observing the use of language, so they may change as people’s use of language may change .
英语教学法(2)考试题型分析 19. When teaching a new reading passage, the teacher writes all the new words on the blackboard and asks the students to look them up in dictionaries. Then the teacher explains the meaning of these new words in simple English, usually by providing some examples of their usage. Sometimes, the teacher may provide the Chinese versions for these words. After dealing with the vocabulary, the teacher will then shift their focus to the reading passage .
英语教学法(2)考试题型分析 Problem:The students taught n this way are mainly receiving passive knowledge from the teacher. They merely learn to understand these vocabularies, rather than how to use them. The new words are not taught from a context, and there is no practice of using them in an authentic or a near authentic situation. The students will not learn these new words in an effective way . Solution:The students need to learn passive knowledge and active knowledge at the same time. The teacher could use various means to help the students to understand the vocabulary. For some, they can use illustrations, for some, they can use definitions, and for others, they can use guess from the context. The teacher could also use different ways to help the students to use the new words. Exercises like information gap, crossword, quiz, or recording new words all can help the students to learn vocabulary in a more efficient way .
英语教学法(2)考试题型分析 20. When preparing a lesson, some teachers just rely on the teacher’s book. Before teaching a lesson, they will just look up the new words in the dictionary and copy paraphrase from the teacher’s book onto the student’s book. In class, they will just follow the instructions provided by the teacher’s book.
英语教学法(2)考试题型分析 Problem:Though the teacher’s book may provide very good references and guidance for the teacher, it is not enough. The textbooks we are using are not written just for our students. For different students, they have different needs. We need to adapt the textbook to meet the needs of our students. Other factors like the physical conditions, our syllabus and system of testing may also affect our planning for a lesson. If we failed to consider all the factors that may affect our teaching, we will not achieve a good result in our teaching . Solution:A lesson plan is very important in the success of teaching. For whatever we are going to teach, we need to have a good lesson plan. First, we need to define the objectives of the lesson plan. That is what we hope to achieve. Then, we need to decide the classroom aids required, such as blackboard, white board, overhead projector, audio-visual facilities, etc. Next, we need to plan the procedure of the lesson, like what will be done, when, by whom, etc. We also need to have a contingency plan in case something unexpected may disrupt the plan. Last, we need to have a checklist to assess our implementation of the plan to see if everything is as planned and what needs to be improved .
英语教学法(2)考试题型分析 Section III. Mini-lesson Plan Directions: Read the two texts below and complete the teaching plans. Write your answer on the Answer sheet.
You are going to teach some vocabulary about temperature. Please design a vocabulary activity based on the followinginstruction: Look at the box and try to find out the meaning of each word in a dictionary. Then arrange the words to show their differences in the degree of temperature. Finally, try to make a sentence using each of the words. Freezing cold chilly cool mild warm hot Type of the activity ( e.g. Question, short-answer questions, information gap, role-play, problem-solving, etc.) Objective (s) of the activity Classroom organization of the activity Teacher’s role(s) Students’ role(s) Teacher working time Student working timeTeaching aid(s) Predicated problem(s) Solution(s) Procedures 1) 2) 3) 4)
Type of activity Using word fields, Sentence-making Objective(s) of the activity • Understand the meaning of temperature related words; • Distinguish the differences in degree of these temperature related words; • Use these words competently.
Classroom organization of the activity Pair or group work Teacher’s role(s) Instructor, organizer, facilitator Students’ roll(s) Active participant, helping each other Teacher working time 5-10mins
Students working time 20-25mins Teaching aid(s) Blackboard illustration of vocabulary steps and cardboards with one word on each of them. Predicated problem(s) Students may tend to use Chinese in vocabulary exercise. Solution(s) Tell the students try to avoid using Chinese as much as possible while doing vocabulary exercise.
Procedures • Ask the students to work out the meaning of these words by looking them up in a dictionary. • Draw a series of steps on the blackboard. Write “cool” on a middle step. Ask the students to work in groups to decide words on the other steps that are colder or warmer than the word “cool”. • Invite 7 students to pick up a word each. Then instruct them to line up according the degree of temperature of the words they are holding. The teacher may invite several groups of the students to do so or may shift order from left to right or from right to left. The teacher should give the correct order in the end. • Ask students to work in pairs to practise use of these words. One may produce a cardboard, and the other try to make a sentence using this word. Then the two shift turns until they finish practicing all the words.
英语教学法(2)期末复习 Thanks so much for joining me, and wish every one of you good luck! Good-bye! Back