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Working with other agencies, models for proactive collaboration. Dick Willis CNR Ltd 01275 394727 dwillis@cnr.co.uk. Knowledge & understanding. Skills. Strategy. IT support. IT infrastructure. Supplier. Communications. Continuity. Back-office processes. Adequate security.
Working with other agencies, models for proactive collaboration.
Dick Willis CNR Ltd 01275 394727 dwillis@cnr.co.uk
Knowledge & understanding Skills Strategy IT support IT infrastructure Supplier Communications Continuity Back-office processes Adequate security
Local Authorities Private contractors Funding agencies Business schools Business Links Training organisations ICT suppliers Business clusters/ alliances Trade Associations
Leeds Electronic Tendering System Web-based system for publicising tenders, providing relevant documentation and receiving responses (Yr1, a full e-Procurement system by Yr 3) Using EU GoDigital funding, developed a toolkit and delivered 3 awareness-raising events for suppliers within the Yorkshire and Humberside region. Partnership with Business Links to ensure that SMEs receive information about other, more general support services available to them. RDA providing funding for subsequent set of events delivered by UK online for business contractor.
The Roses Marketplace 9 councils in Lancashire and Yorkshire Led by Kirklees with BVP as technology partner Target for 200 SMEs trading on the marketplace by April Currently over 150 recruited with 80+ transacting SME recruitment, delivery of supplier forums and training delivered by BVP
Donovan Taylor Business Link West 0117 973 7373 donovan.taylor@businesswest.co.uk
BANK SME Supply Chain BACS payments Virtual Marketplace Public & Private Sector Buyers IT Support Sector content & invoices catalogue & orders software solution Telcos BLW led advisory practices Influencing the business culture
eBusiness Club & other advisory services Further training [LearnDirect] ‘Agents of Change’ student placements Basic IT skills training [BLW Training Suppliers] e C a p a b I l I t y M a r k 1:1 ‘holistic’ diagnostic [Business Link West] Awareness road show [Ufi] Invitation from the Public Sector body IT @ Work Online
e eCapability (i:’keIp '’biliti) n., pl. -ties.1. the quality of being capable with online transactions utilising the Internet; the ability to trade over the Internet. 2. (usually pl.) potential aptitude to trade using Internet technologies. eCapabilityMark • Skills • Software • Hardware • Communications • Support • Security • Continuity • Strategy
Donovan Taylor Business Link West 0117 973 7373 donovan.taylor@businesswest.co.uk Dick Willis CNR Ltd 01275 394727 dwillis@cnr.co.uk