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Adolph Hitler & Nazi Party. T here were many Germans who were bitter about Germany’s system of government, the Treaty of Versailles and it’s terms, and the fact that Germany lost in WWI One of these Germans was Adolph Hitler Veteran of WWI
Adolph Hitler & Nazi Party • There were many Germans who were bitter about Germany’s system of government, the Treaty of Versailles and it’s terms, and the fact that Germany lost in WWI • One of these Germans was Adolph Hitler • Veteran of WWI • Early in the 1920s, Hitler took over control of the German Socialist Workers’ Party • Written in German, acronym becomes NAZI
Nazi Party Policies I • Extreme Nationalism • Already regarded as a nationalistic country, the Nazi party and Hitler convinced many of Germany’s population that a “citizen’s sole reason for existence was to serve the state” • Hitler rode this wave of extreme nationalism up, and into WWII • Anti-Democratic • Hitler promised from day one that didn’t like Germany’s democratic system, and that he would destroy it. • He would destroy it and turn Germany into a dictatorship
Nazi Party Policies: II • Anti-Semitism • Definition: hate or dislike Jewish people • Hitler blamed the Jews for Germany’s issues • They were a scapegoat • Didn’t matter that this was a faulty statement, but in the end that didn’t matter • This was a popular view held by society; validated true point of WWI & costs associated with it • Hitler did not tell the German people of his plan to exterminate the Jewish people • Over time, his constant hatred of the Jews made it easier to “validate” the unspeakable atrocities that were yet to come • Restore Germany’s Military Might • Treaty of Versailles hampered the allowed size of the German Military • Hitler’s promise of renewing the military was very popular amongst the general population
How Hitler came to power… • With the effects of the Great Depression, more and more people decided that the Weimer government could not solve the economic problems faced by Germany • Drove voters to the left (communists) and right (Nazis) • 1932, Nazis became largest party in German parliament • Hitler’s party was not asked to form parliament • Those who were anti-communist (middle of political spectrum) gave their vote to Nazis • Late 1932 another election was held, Hitler elected German Chancellor • Equivalent to CAN Prime Minister
Hitler comes to power II • While Hitler won the 1932 election, he did not do so with a majority • Unable to pass laws that would give him more power • Feb. 1933, called another election to try and gain his sought after majority • Turning point: Dutch Communist burnt down the Reichstag (German Parliament) • Hitler used this as means to promote the possibility of a Communist revolution • Came up just short of a majority yet again, banned Communists from Reichstag = gave him majority • Bullied Reichstag to pass the Enabling Act; made him “all-powerful” • Brought an end to Democracy in Germany = beginning of Totalitarianism
Nazi Germany under Hitler • Became totalitarian state without any sign of protest • June 1934, Night of the Long Knives, Hitler had 1,000 people murdered • Victims of this act, were deemed to be enemies of the state • Between 1933-1939 Hitler enacted a package of laws, known as the Nuremburg Laws • Draconian (harsh and unjust) measures against the Jews included: • Jews had to wear Star of David at all times • Jews lost professional careers and their property • Jews could not mingle with the German population • Jews lost their citizenship
Sign of things to come? • Nuremburg Laws were passed with zero resistance, this should have warned Germans and the rest of the world about Hitler’s intentions • November 9, 1938 Nazis encouraged the Germans to attack Jews and their property • Jewish shops were attacked, windows smashed, Jews were beaten in public, and many were imprisoned for no reason at all • Event referred to as “Kristallnacht” (night glass)
Further warning signs • All human rights were abolished • Secret Police – the Gestapo and the SS (Schutzstaffel) – became all powerful • SS went from a security force to being held responsible for crimes against humanity during WWII • Could do whatever they wanted as long as Hitler believed they were serving the state • Germany began a rapid re-militarism (rebuild) • Hitler now referred to as the Fuhrer (the leader) • German people no longer greeted themselves with hello, but with the right arm raised at 45o and a snappy “Heil Hitler” (Honour Hitler)
Meet your Dictator #3:Stalin & the Soviet Union • Joseph Stalin: Gained completed control of Soviet Union in 1928, began to shape country with his vision of Communism • Goals: Totalitarian in nature • He was the most extreme in his exercise of extreme power than any of the other totalitarian dictators, his goals included: • Modernize the economy • Industrialization for fear of foreign invasion • Believed a country’s level of industrialization = success at battle • “Five year plans” & Command Economy • Steps undertaken to assume total control of Soviet economy to ensure steps 1 and 2 would succeed…
Stalin’s Five Year Plan • Collectivized Farm Land • Ended all private ownership, land placed into large state owned farms • Peasants now became paid workers • Step #1 because state needed capital (money) to invest and get other steps off the ground • Developed Heavy Industry • Large projects, i.e. steel and coal, production of armaments, railroads, ports, highways, and airports • Emphasize heavy industry = ignored production of consumer goods; wanted to build a successful military to defend Soviet Union • Great Terror • Introduced in 1930s; anyone who was considered enemy of his goals, Stalin had them executed (keep your thoughts to yourself!) • 1000s of Soviet’s lost their lives • International involvement • Joined League of Nations in 1939 despite its inadequacies; he was a fan of collective security • Recognized that the Soviet Union would one day become a target of Nazi Germany, signed Nazi-Soviet Pact August 1939, stay tuned for more on this…
Immediate WWII: The Causes - Europe Fundamental Treaty of Versailles The Great Depression Rise of Hitler & Nazi Party Failure of League of Nations Extreme Nationalism Unwillingness of democratic governments to intervene in places like Germany Appeasement Crisis 1936-39 Appeasement = when a country becomes aggressiveother countries give aggressor what they want to prevent another war France and Britain practiced appeasement as Hitler became more aggressive at being a world force, so they “gave in” on some issues…
Appeasement Crisis I • Re-militarization of the Rhineland: • T of V stated that “Germany was to remove all military presence” from border region with France. • March 1936 Hitler sent troops in, FRA and GB did nothing… Hitler was encouraged • Annexation of Austria: • Annexation – make something part of greater whole • March 1939, German troops moved into Austria, made it part of their own • FRA & GB + other democracies from T of V did nothing…
Appeasement Crisis II • Appeasement in Czechoslovakia • Occurred in two phases; most important immediate cause of WWII • Phase 1: Hitler wanted Germans living in Western Czechoslovakia (Sudetenland) to be included in Germany • Sept. 1938, following numerous demands, Hitler threatened invasion Oct. 1 • GB & FRA panicked: Germany might start a war if they don’t get it as Czechs will refuse! • Conference called in Munich (Went something like this…) • Appeasers: “What to you want?” • Hitler: “Sudetenland” • Appeasers: “Sure” • GB PM Chamberlain = “Great Victory in name of Peace” • Czechs: Sorry, no dice for you… • Phase 2: March 15, 1939, Hitler invaded rest of Czechoslovakia • Czech state = no more, & everyone knew the world was on brink of European based war…
Nazi-Soviet Pact & WWII • Stalin was not involved in Appeasement Crisis • Soviets = Communists = Western Democracies stayed away • Stalin had approached GB & FRA to unite vs. Hitler • Thanks, but no thanks • In the mean time, Hitler stated “Nazism would attack and eradicate communism in the Soviet Union” • Forced Stalin to sign a “non-aggression” pact with Germany, Aug. 23 1939 • Shocked the world • Divide Poland • Side note: Both Hitler and Stalin knew that each other was lying • Done to gain time: Stalin needs time to mobilize for eventual war with Germany, Germany avoiding two-front war • Hitler was clearly in the driver’s seat to start a second World War…