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Please glue, seal and mail. Dear Sir/Madam, When a family member is afflicted with mental illness, very often it is the entire family that is devastated and ostracised. As mental illness can be genetically inherited, there are families who have to cope with multiple members who suffer from it.
Please glue, seal and mail • Dear Sir/Madam, • When a family member is afflicted with mental illness, very often it is the entire family that is devastated and ostracised. • As mental illness can be genetically inherited, there are families who have to cope with multiple members who suffer from it. • Many such families do not reach out for help despite their dire situation because of the social stigma attached to mental illness. As a result, they suffer in silence due to lack of knowledge on mental illness, financial support and a listening ear. • CAMI is a newly formed association comprising of family caregivers to the mentally ill. As we have family members who suffer from mental illness, we are in the best position to reach out to other families who face similar difficulties. • Please support us by making a generous donation to CAMI. We hope to raise $200,000 in the year ahead for the following : • Direct Financial Assistance $80,000 • Public Education $20,000 • Caregiver Training $20,000 • 24 Hour Crisis Hotline $10,000 • Home Care Outreach $10,000 • Fundraising $20,000 • Administration/Overheads $20,000 • Reserves $20,000 • We are not funded by any government grants and currently do not have any full-time staff or premises. • Please help us to reach out and assist families with loved ones who are mentally ill. Thank you. • Yours sincerely.Michael Pang, Chairman, Caregivers’ Association for the Mentally Ill (CAMI) • 各位善心人士,社团, • 当家中的成员患上精神病时,往往整个家庭会因此而受到摧毁和排折。 • 因为精神病的遗传性,有些家庭甚至有多位家属同时患上精神病。 • 许多家庭因为社会的歧视而不寻求外来的援助。 因此他们缺乏正面的应对知识,经济资助以及能了解他们的聆听对象。 • “精神病患关怀者协会” 是一个新成立的协会。会员们都是照料家中患有精神病的亲人。因为我们的亲身体验,我们能了解这些家庭的需要。我们的宗旨在于帮助在挣扎中的家庭走出困境。 • 在此,我们恳切地希望各位善心人士与社团能慷慨解囊,帮助我们筹集 二十万元的善款, 作为以下用途: • 家庭经济援助八万元 • 公共教育 两万元 • 家属训练班 两万元 • 二十四小时热线服务 一万元 • 登门辅导 一万元 • 筹款经费 两万元 • 行政与会所开销 两万元 • 贮备金 两万元 • “精神病患关怀者协会” 目前不享有任何政府津贴,也没有全职员工或会所。 • 请您伸出您的援手, 帮助许许多多有精神病患的家庭,让他们也能走出黑暗,得到社会的关怀与温暖, 并重新建立信心。 • 祝福您与家人, • 幸福,健康,快乐 • 彭福裕, • 精神病患关怀者协会主席 谨启 Please glue, seal and mail Please glue, seal and mail 感谢您让受困的家庭受益! Thank You For Helping Families in Need ! 现款捐献,请拨打 67829371 To donate in cash, please call 67829371 Name (Dr/Mr/Mrs/Ms/Mdm) 姓名:___________________________ Tel 电话: ________________________ Address 地址: __________________________________________ Email 电邮: ________________________ _______________________________________________________ NRIC / FIN 登记号码:_________________ We would like to donate 我愿捐献 : $ ____________ Name of Bank 银行名称:______________________ Cheque No. 支票号码:________________ Cheque to be crossed & made payable to: “CAREGIVERS’ ASSOCIATION OF THE MENTALLY ILL” 支票请划线,抬头请开给: Please mail cheques to 请把支票寄交: 84 Riverina Crescent Singapore 518313
Please glue, seal and mail Please Affix Stamp Caregivers’ Association of the Mentally Ill 84 Riverina Crescent Singapore 518313 Please glue, seal and mail Please glue, seal and mail