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Random Early Detection Gateways for Congestion Avoidance

Random Early Detection Gateways for Congestion Avoidance. Jinyoung You CS540, Network Architect. Contents. Introduction of the Problem Previous works Design goals of the RED gateway The RED algorithm Simulation Results Calculation Parameter sensitivity Conclusions. Problem.

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Random Early Detection Gateways for Congestion Avoidance

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  1. Random Early Detection Gateways for Congestion Avoidance Jinyoung You CS540, Network Architect

  2. Contents • Introduction of the Problem • Previous works • Design goals of the RED gateway • The RED algorithm • Simulation Results • Calculation • Parameter sensitivity • Conclusions

  3. Problem • In high-speed networks • Previously, the TCP detects congestion only after a packet has been dropped at the gateway • It occurs to have large queues • Large maximum queues accommodates transient congestion • Therefore, it’s necessary to keep throughput high but average queue sizes low

  4. Previous work • Without explicit feedback from Gateway • Estimating bottleneck service time from changes in throughput, end-to-end delay. • Informed by packet drops • Limitation • By the timescales of the connection • By the traffic pattern of the connection • By the lack of knowledge of the number of congested gateways • By the possibilities of routing changes • By distinguishing propagation delay from persistent queueing delay

  5. Previous work • Detection by gateway itself • Can distinguish between propagation delay and persistent queueing delay • Has a unified view of the queueing behavior over time • Gateway scheduling mechanisms with per-connection gateway mechanisms • Fair Queueing • Hop-by-hop flow control schemes • Limited by circumstances where it can be used

  6. Previous work • Drop tail • If the queue is full, then the gateway drops packets arriving later than others. • When the queue overflows, packets are often dropped from several connections, and these connections decrease their windows at the same time. • That state refers to “Global Synchronization” • Global Synchronization occurs decrement of throughput • Have a bias against bursty traffic

  7. Previous work • Random Drop • With Random Drop gateways, when a packet arrives at the gateway and the queue is full, the gateway randomly chooses a packet from the gateway queue to drop • Able to reduce Global Synchronization rather than Drop tail • However, both Drop tail and Random Drop could not keep average queue sizes low, effectively • Have a bias against bursty traffic

  8. Previous work • Early Random Drop gateways • If the queue length exceeds a certain drop level, • Then the gateway drops each packet arriving at the gateway with a fixed or dynamic drop probability • Problem • Not successful in controlling misbehaving users

  9. Previous work • The DECbitcongestion avoidance scheme • Uses a congestion-indication bit in packet headers to provide feedback about congestion in the network • When a packet arrives at the gateway, the gateway calculates the average queue length • When the average queue length exceeds one, then the gateway sets the congestion-indication bit in the packet header of arriving packets • If at least half of the packets in the last window had the congestion indication bit set, then the window is decreased exponentially. Otherwise, the window is increased linearly.

  10. Previous work • Differences between the DECbit and the RED gateways • Computing the average queue size. • The method for choosing connections to notify of congestion; notified connection decreases the windows size • Adaptive window schemes • The source nodes increase or decrease their windows according to feedback concerning the queue lengths at the gateways

  11. Design goals of the RED gateway • Main goals • Provide congestion avoidance by controlling the average queue size • Additional goals • The avoidance of global synchronization • The avoidance of a bias against bursty traffic • Maintain an upper bound on the average queue size without cooperation from transport-layer protocols

  12. Design goals of the RED gateway • The gateway should detect incipient congestion and to notify of this congestion • Because the gateway can monitor the size of the queue and has a unified view of the various sources contributing to this congestion, it appropriates to support that • The gateway should decide which connections to notify of congestion at the gateway. • We will refer these works, dropping and notifying as Marking and Notification

  13. Design goals of the RED gateway • The gateway could avoid a bias against bursty traffic • The gateways such as Drop Tail and Random Drop gateways have a bias against bursty traffic • It could make the gateway queue will overflow • The gateway should avoid the global synchronization, when deciding which connections to notify of congestion • It results in loss of throughput in the network

  14. Design goals of the RED gateway • To solve the bursty traffic and the global synchronization • Gateways can use distinct algorithms for congestion detection and for deciding which connections to notify of this congestion • The RED gateway uses randomization in choosing which arriving packets to mark • By using the probability of marking a packet from a particular connection is roughly proportional to that connection’s share of the bandwidth through the gateway

  15. Design goals of the RED gateway • The last goal is that the gateway have the ability to control the average queue size even in the absence of cooperating sources • This can be done if the gateway drops arriving packets when the average queue size exceeds some maximum threshold

  16. The RED algorithm

  17. Simulation Results

  18. Simulation Results The x-axis shows the time in seconds The y-axis shows the size of queue Two straight lines are min and max threshholds

  19. Simulation Results The x-axis shows the time in seconds The y-axis shows the packets of each node Each ‘X’ shows a packet dropped

  20. Simulation Results

  21. Simulation Results

  22. Calculation • Calculating the average queue length • If wq is too large, then the averaging procedure will not filter out transient congestion at the gateway. • If wq is set too low, then avg responds too slowly to changes in the actual queue size. In this case, the gateway is unable to detect the initial stages of congestion. • Calculating the packet-marking probability

  23. Parameter sensitivity • Ensure adequate calculation of the average queue size • Set minthsufficiently high to maximize network power • Make maxth−minthsufficiently large to avoid global synchronization

  24. Conclusions • Congestion avoidance • Guarantees that the calculated average queue size • Appropriate time scales • By notifying a connection of congestion • No global synchronization • By marking packets at as low a rate as possible • Simplicity • Using simple algorithm • Maximizing global power • Simulations shows high link utilization

  25. Conclusions • Fairness • The fraction of marked packets for each connection is roughly proportional to that connection’s share of the bandwidth. • Because of randomly choosing packets to be marked during congestion, it easily identifies misbehaving users, which have large share of the bandwidth • In addition, it doesn’t have a bias against bursty traffic, which is traffic from a connection where the amount of data transmitted in one roundtrip time. • Appropriate for a wide range of environments

  26. Questions and Discussion

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