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SEAMOLEC Distance Learning Program Activities. 2007-2013. Consortium HYBRID Learning. HYLITE Provider: 23 Universities HIFORCE Provider: 69 Polytechnics 30-79% learning activities and interaction through ICT Various Learning Resources: Printed Modules Audio Visual
Consortium HYBRID Learning HYLITE Provider: 23 Universities HIFORCE Provider: 69 Polytechnics 30-79% learning activities and interaction through ICT Various Learning Resources: Printed Modules Audio Visual CAI (Computer Assisted Instruction) Web based Learning Video Lecturing Video Conference
HYLITE Provider Haritz: Tolongkasihgambarpetakedapkedip UniversitasNegeri Semarang Universitas Kristen SatyaWacana UniversitasNegeriSebelasMaret Surakarta UniversitasJember UniversitasPendidikanGanesha UniversitasLambungMangkurat UniversitasHaluOleo UniversitasMuhammadiyah Makassar UniversitasNegeriGorontalo UniversitasMataram UniversitasPattimura UniversitasPendidikan Indonesia UniversitasSriwijaya UniversitasNegeri Yogyakarta UniversitasNegeri Makassar UniversitasNegeri Malang UniversitasMuhammadiyah Malang UniversitasCenderawasih Universitas Nusa Cendana UniversitasAtma Jaya Jakarta UniversitasTanjungpura UniversitasNegeri Lampung Universitas Prof. Dr. Hamka Jakarta
Bachelor Degree-Hybrid Learning for Indonesian Teachers (D2 to S1)/HYLITE http://pjjpgsd.seamolec.org http://pjjpgsd.dikti.go.id Web based Learning using CMS and Moodle, + Video Conference
Bachelor Degree-Hybrid Learning for Indonesian Teachers (D2 to S1)/HYLITE Students Learning Activities
Bachelor Degree-Hybrid Learning for Indonesian Teachers (D2 to S1)/HYLITE Learning Method: Hybrid Model (30-79% web-based) Residential: 1 month F2F activities at the campus and stat at dormitory Goal: Studying at campus Preparation to be a student Socialization Character building Self studying (4-5 months), interact with: Printed modules Audio-visual Web-based materials Peer students through email Lecturer/tutor through email(5 response) Lecturer/visiting tutor (2x) or video conference Other resources Do the assignments Selection of administrative and academic for registered Final Exam
Bachelor Degree-Hybrid Learning for Indonesian Teachers (D2 to S1)/HYLITE 100 students per sm Enrollment residential Independent learning (online tutorial + visit) Exams (f2f) Videoconference - natl V Semester Jan-Juni 2007 Semester Juli-Des 2007 V X X V Semester Jan-Juni 2008 V X X 993 + 1411 (KKG) (2404) V V X X V V X X V V X X 2226 V 2246 Student body as per Dec. 2009: 6876 Graduates per Desember 2010: 4529 Graduates per June 2011:2440 Extended:125 Enrollment quota per LPTK: 100 students per semester
Diploma 3 Computer and Network Program, Game Tech & Tourism (HIFORCE)
Diploma 3 Computer and Network Program, Game Tech & Tourism (HIFORCE) Harits: Tolongkasihgambarpetakelapkelip provider hiforcelokasi 69 politeknikhiforce Oh yatolongsekaliandirapikanpowerpoininiya, terutamauntuktulisan yang kurangterbacaberikutdesainnya.
Diploma 3 Computer and Network Program, Game Tech & Tourism (HIFORCE) Self Learning: Interact with Learning materials (printed and web-based) Lecturer/Tutor/Other students through email, discussion forum, chat) Lecturer/Tutor through Video Conference Do the assignments Learning at SEAMOLEC Partner Institution: At Vocational Schools At P4TK (Centre for Teachers Educator) Goal: Face to Face Learning Lab Activities/Practice 1 Month Residential: Learning at Campus Goal: Preparation for being a student of Distance Learning Program Socialization Character Building Registration Learning Method: Hybrid Model Final Test/Final Task 1 Lecturer/Tutor + 2 Assistants
Diploma 4 and Master Degree Computer and Network Program, Digital Media, Electro, Math & Science and English Provider: Bandung Institute of Technology, Malang State University, Electronica State Polytechnic of Surabaya and SanataDarma University of Jogyakarat. Learning Method: Hybrid Model 30-50% learning activities and interaction through ICT Various Learning Resources: Printed Modules Web based Learning Video Lecturing Conference
Diploma 4 Computer and Network Program, Digital Media, Electro, Math & Science Self Learning: Interact with Learning materials (printed and web-based) Lecturer/Tutor/Other students forum, chat) Video lecturing Do the assignments Internship: At Vocational Schools At P4TK (Centre for Teachers Educator) Goal: Face to Face Learning Lab Activities/Practice Learning at Campus Goal: Preparation for being a student of Distance Learning Program Socialization Character Building Registration Learning Method: Hybrid Model Final Test/Final Task Using EDMODO 1 Lecturer/Tutor + 1 Assistants
Master Degree Digital Media, Game Technology and English Self Learning: Interact with Learning materials (printed and web-based) Lecturer/Tutor/Other students forum, chat) Video lecturing Do the assignments Learning at Campus Goal: Preparation for being a student of Distance Learning Program Socialization Character Building Registration Back to Campus Goal: Face to Face Learning Lab Activities/Practice Learning Method: Hybrid Model Final Test/Final Task Using Moodle & Video Conference 1 Lecturer/Tutor
Rizal danPrayitno: Tolong di slide inidisampaikanskemabelajar di D4 dan S2
Blended Training ICT Integration into Teaching and Learning For Lecturers and Teachers in Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Thailand and Vietnam 1 One Month Online Course 6 October-8 November 2012 http://aseeancybercourse.seamolec.org 2 5 days F2F Workshop During 6-14 December 2012 • SEAMEO RETRAC Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh • IIC, Phnom Phenh, Cambodia • Dongkhamxang Teacher Training College, Vientiane, Lao PDR • Sainampeung School, Bangkok, Thailand • SMKN 4 Malang, Indonesia Totally 132 participants from 5 countries
A Joint Program between SEAMOLEC and Office of Vocational Education Commission Thailand (OVEC) SEAEDUNET 2.0 Digital-Age of Teaching and Learning: Collaborative E-Learning Project under the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Batches of Vocational Partnership Program
List of Schools & Colleges Alinetolongisidengan list sekolahdan colleges yang ikut di nakhonkemarin
SEAEDUNET 2.0: Digital-Age Teaching & Learning Model How the Collaborative E-learning Conducted Among Schools/College Involved 6 Months Project Activities Indo Teacher Thai Teacher Students -Group Project -Discussion Activities/Sharing Thought -etc Students
The Objectives Design an online collaboration activity for teachers and students to be conducted among school partnered using EDMODO Create a project plan for online collaboration Create a timeline for the online collaboration Designing with your school partner/based on particular subject Create a project plan Create a timeline
The Objectives In the project design, the schools and colleges are encouraged to: Create a video lecture using Wirecast software or other software and upload it on YouTube Create handout or module using flipped book(www.issuu.com or other tools) Adapt the flipped classroom model Foster students’ 21st century skills: Creativity & innovation Communication & Collaboration Research and information fluency Critical thinking, problem solving & decision making Digital citizenship
Digital-Age Teaching & Learning Model Tools • Developing using wirecast, etc • Uploaded in Youtube • Embedded from Youtube • Developing using Calibre/Sigil • Reading by smartphone/tablet devices Embedded & Downloadable from ISSUU, etc Edmodo Platform Supporting, Enrichment Supplement Digibook • Assessment & Communication • for Collaboration Project • Assignments • Exercise • Formative test • Competencies test • Unthreaded Discussion forum • Learning Resources • Video Lecturing • Flipped Modules/Books • Downloadable presentation • Web references • Flash simulation
Thank You……. Dr. GatotHariPriowirjanto gatot@seamolec.org