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International Perspective Presentation by PARIS21 Secretariat. About PARIS21. Partnership in Statistics for Development in the 21 st Century (= PARIS21) Established in November 1999, Secretariat hosted by OECD/DCD in Paris.
International Perspective Presentation by PARIS21 Secretariat
About PARIS21 Partnership in Statistics for Development in the 21st Century (= PARIS21) Established in November 1999, Secretariat hosted by OECD/DCD in Paris
International partnership of users and producers of statistics for development Policy Makers Statisticians Analysts
Central Stat. Office, Sector Units, Central Banks, etc. Ministers of Finance, Sector Ministers, etc. Development Agencies, WB, IMF, RDB, etc. OECD Statistics Office Mngers, UN Specialised Agencies; Stat. units in intl orgs Partnership Policy makers Statisticians DevelopingCountries OECD Countries andMultilaterals
Goal to develop a culture of Management for Development Results =Better Development Outcomes
Promoting a focus on results and encouraging: The demand for, and use of, statistics by decision makers
An increased capacity to produce and analyse statistics A better dialogue between the producers and users of statistics
Promoting an efficient use of national and international resources in a national statistical system that is focussed on the user’s needs and embedded within national development policies.
N SDS National Strategies for the Development of Statistics C • oordinationamong partners at all levels A dvocacyfor national statistics K nowledge for Statistics
C oordination • PARIS21 must strengthen the coordination of all the actors working to develop National Statistical Systems
At the Global level: The Partner Report on the Support to Statistics (PRESS) Meetings of the Consortium Following up on the implementation of the DDDS and Paris Declaration
At the National level : • Supporting the creation of coordination groups for statistics comprising national players and those giving technical and financial support
A dvocacy • Convince key players of • The importance of putting in place strategic planning tools for statistics, such as the National Strategies for the Development of Statistics (NSDS) • Ensuring that NSDS work is coordinated and of high quality • Apply the Paris Declaration and the Accra Agenda for Action to the development of statistics
Advocating for change: In the short term, to change perceptions about the importance of statistics; In the longer term, to change behaviour and ensure that statistics are viewed with the importance they deserve.
How to break the Vicious Cycle…. Weak demand Lowfunding Weak statistics
by creating a Virtuous Cycle Better coordination Better Statistics Increased demand Increased and better spent resources
N SDS • Brings together decision makers to have a coherent conversation about statistical priorities, • Focussing on the next 4 or 5 years,.
N SDS • To facilitate the production of better statistics and better statistical analysis, • To identify – and respond to – the priorities of national decision makers (including those from civil society and elsewhere) and international stakeholders.
Today, 74 of the 79 countries eligible for IDA have started some process, as have 35 of the 39 LMIC.
K nowledge for Statistics • PARIS21 participates in two international initiatives aimed at making better use of existing data and improving the quality of data in the future
K Knowledge for Statistics International Household Survey Network (IHSN) Accelerated Data Program (ADP) www.ihsn.org/adp Active in 60 countries Provides technical and financial support to : improve access to existing survey data improve survey programmes => TA, capacity building www.ihsn.org 21 agencies + light secretariat • Develops tools and guidelines to improve survey management • Harmonises survey methodology • Maintains survey catalogues => int. coordination, standards
Focus of work programme On National Strategies for the Development of Statistics (NSDS): Design, implementation, scaling-up resources NSDSs emphasised at international fora: Marrakech, Hanoi MfDR Roundtables Strategic planning crucial to statistical development : Address data limitations, prioritize data needs, coordinate statistical programmes Integrate statistics within policy and budgetary processes
Target Marrakech Action Plan for Statistics set a target: “to mainstream strategic planning of statistical systems and prepare National Strategies for the Development of Statistics for all low-income countries by 2006….” “…..and to have started to implement them by the following year with a view towards having better data to monitor progress towards national and international development goals by 2010”
Why now? Greater emphasis on evidence and managing for development results (MfDR) e.g. in PRS and MDG monitoring Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness: Better statistics needed by donors to inform aid allocation and monitoring Need for better use of better statistics for better development outcomes Investment in statistics will pay for itself many times over by improving the efficiency of resource allocation
NDP and NSDS National policy and planning frameworks Frameworks for statistical development • National • Development • Plan NSDS HIS, EIS, etc NDP M&E Other GDDS
Dakar Declaration on Statistics Countries must be supported to define their own pathways for their statistics system Partners should promote the development of statistical systems that anticipate and respond to new needs Efforts to improve statistics should support the institutions within the NSS Partners should strengthen and use developing countries’ statistical systems in line with the Accra Agenda for Action