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NACE International Technical & Educational Resources. Tripartite Meeting November 8-9, 2008 D. Terry Greenfield Vice-Chairman CIP. Technical Committees – 30 Specific Technology Groups (STGs). STG03 - Coatings and Linings, Protective: Immersion and Buried Service
NACE InternationalTechnical & Educational Resources Tripartite Meeting November 8-9, 2008 D. Terry Greenfield Vice-Chairman CIP
Technical Committees – 30 Specific Technology Groups (STGs) • STG03 - Coatings and Linings, Protective: Immersion and Buried Service Scope: Determine effectiveness, performance criteria, and quality needs of immersion coatings and lining materials used in immersion service. • STG08 - Corrosion Management Scope: To promote the exchange of corrosion information resources and standards to improve corrosion life cycle management and to reduce costs. • STG11 - Water Treatment Scope: Development of guidance and dissemination of information related to the production and/or use of steam, water, and wastewater.
STG44 - Marine Corrosion: Ships and Structures • Scope: To study the corrosion mechanisms, causes, effects, and corrosion control remedies for ships, structures, and equipment exposed to marine environments, and to disseminate information in the form of industry standards and formal and informal technical information exchanges on the research, development, and performance of materials, coatings, and improved or innovative methods to mitigate problems related to marine corrosion.
STG 44 is the Administrative or Sponsoring STG for the following Task Groups (TGs) and Technology Exchange Groups (TEGs): • TEG 181X - Marine Vessel Corrosion • TG 392 - Measurement of Soluble Salts on Marine Structures • TEG 346X - Offshore Coatings: Laboratory Testing Criteria • TG 387 - Biofuels
Educational Programs Beyond CIP • Shipboard Corrosion Assessment Training This course is intended to provide a foundation of coatings, corrosion, and corrosion control knowledge for assessing the condition of tanks and other structures, and determining the required actions necessary to effectively maintain fully operational status. • CP2 Marine Cathodic Protection Technician Course topics include intermediate-level discussions of corrosion theory and CP concepts, types of CP systems including those specific to ships, AC and DC stray current interference, and advanced field measurement techniques some of which are specific to ships. This course provides both theoretical knowledge and practical techniques for testing and evaluating data to determine the effectiveness of both galvanic and impressed current CP systems and to gather design data.
NACE Coating Inspector Program • 25-Years of service • Largest Training and Certification program • 14,600+ NACE CIP card holders • Advanced administration/infrastructure • Worldwide Inspectors (105 countries) • 2008: training in 24 countries • Current Translations in Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, Spanish, and etc. • Korean will be available in 2009
The CIP2 Marine course is designed to: • Provide marine personnel with thorough knowledge of surface preparation and the associated quality control. • Provide marine personnel with intermediate knowledge of protective coatings, their uses on marine vessels, their application, and associated quality control. • Review the salient safety issues associated with performing inspection in the marine industry. • Review the equipment and processes involved with inspection equipment, both non-destructive and destructive
CIP2 Marine Curriculum • Marine Corrosion • Designing & Fabricating for Corrosion Control • Marine Coatings • Antifouling Coatings • Shipyard Facilities & Processes • Specifications & Role of Inspector • Environmental Control & Testing • Surface Preparation • Testing Equipment
CIP2 Marine Curriculum (cont.) • Specialty Coatings Application • Quality Control Documentation • Coatings Defects • Safety & Environmental Concerns • Intro to In-Service Inspections • Linings & Special Coatings • Ships Maintenance Coatings Operations • Specialized Testing • Advanced Coatings Inspection
CIP2 Marine is: • Updated Course Material with a Marine Coatings Inspector Focus • Case Study Exercise address and discuss marine issues • Six (6) days in duration
CIP Level 2 Marine Attendance Pre-RequisitesListening to the Market Needs • CIP Level 1 OR • Three (3) years of experience as a Marine Coatings Inspector • (this “Grandfathering” option will only be available for the next two years)
NACE Marine Activities • 4th International Marine Corrosion Summit Busan, Korea Oct. 30-31st, 2008 • Development of Salt Contamination Testing Equivalency to ISO 8502-9 Std.-Oct. 2008 • 5th International Marine Corrosion meeting. Corrosion 2009 Atlanta, GA USA Mar. 23-29th • 6th International Marine Corrosion Summit - Osaka, Japan Oct 29th -30th , 2009
Potential Collaborative Work • Coatings & Linings Testing & Qualification Standards • Coatings Technical File – Best Practices & Guideline
Marine Commitment Work with the ship builders, owners, class societies, and applicators to meet SOLAS, PSPC and IACS goals.
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