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ENArC. E uropean N etwork on Ar chival C ooperation. C entral point Contact place for preparation and implementation of various projects. I nternationality Partners from 13 European countries. Enrichment. ICARUS. Sustainability. Accessibility.
ENArC European Network on Archival Cooperation
Central point Contact place for preparation and implementation of various projects Internationality Partners from 13 European countries Enrichment ICARUS Sustainability Accessibility Research Platform for all topics regarding virtual preparation of historical sources and their content Archive Activities in the archival field New possibilities
Basic project ideas of ENArC • Expanding the existing archival network • Enlarge the digital content • Publication via the big internet-portals.
ENArC – 14 partners in 10 countries
ENArC - partners Diözesanarchiv St. Pölten (AT) - Coordiantor Generaldirektion der Staatlichen Archive Bayerns (DE) ICARUS – International Centre for Archival Research (AT) HKI, Universität zu Köln (DE) Arhiv Republike Slovenije (SI) Hrvatski Državni Archiv (HR) Slovenský Národný Archiv (SK) Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa (IT) Budapest Főváros Levéltára (HU) Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II (IT) Magyar Országos Levéltár (HU) Národní Archiv (CZ) Ministerio de Cultura, Subdirección General de los Archivos Estatales (ES) Balkanoloski Institut SANU (RS) ENArC – associated partners Moravský zemský archiv v Brně (CZ) Österreichisches Staatsarchiv (AT) IEEkQ – Institut zur Erschließung und Erforschung kirchlicher Quellen (AT) Archiv des Bistums Passau (DE)
ProgrammeCulture 2007 – 2013 „The EU’s Culture programme (2007-2013) has a budget of € 400 million for projects and initiatives to celebrate Europe’s cultural diversity and enhance our shared cultural heritage ...“ 3 objectives • cross-border mobility of people • circulation of cultural output • intercultural dialogue
Cooperation Agreement Partner Partner Partner Partner
Cooperation Agreementcontracted between the project partners Title and description of the project Aims and objectives of the project Responsibilities and tasks of the partners Accountabilities Financial contributions and grants Management structure and procedures
Mandates Coordinator Partner Partner Partner Partner
Mandatescontracted between each project partner and the coordinator power of attorney from the project partner to the coordinator obligations and provisions of the project partner towards the coordinator the financial contribution of the project partners
European Commission Grant Agreement Coordinator Partner Partner Partner Partner
Grant Agreementcontracted between the coordinator (and the partners) and the European Commission Special and General Conditions Duration Roles of the beneficiaries Payment arrangements Reports and statements Bank account / interest Subcontracting Publicity obligations
Coordination Team (CT) Coordination Team Each partner: Selection of 1 person responsible for the project implementation (financial issues, supervision of activity progress etc.) = project managers altogether 14 project managers (from Coordinator and Coorganisers) Partner Partner Coordi-nator Partner
Coordination Team (CT) • Formed by the 14 project managers • meets every 6 months • the Coordinator‘s project manager heads the meetings • every project manager has a casting a vote • Tasks • Monitor the progress of the partners’ activities • If necessary • reschedule or redefine the work plan of activities • redefine Co-Organisers’ roles, contributions or budgets • Risk management • In case of default by a contractor, review the partners’ roles and budget as well as any new entity to replace the defaulting contractor
Management Team (MT) Tasks Coordinator´s project manager • Executive body • Directly support the Coordination Team • Prepare and distribute all necessary information on project meetings (agendas, minutes, etc.) • Oversee all financial issues (distribution of EU grant, collect the invoices etc. to prepare the financial reports, etc.) • Collect and review all reports (scientific and financial) and deliver them to the EU as scheduled • Support communication and networking between the partners Administrative manager Management Team Administrative manager Manager for internal & external Relations
Publication of project results digital newsletter www.icaru-us.eu inside the network: www.icar-us.eu/icaruswiki communication-platform printed brochures outside the network project homepage project logo advertisements in newspapers, magazines etc. ENArC lectures
Timetable • Overall duration: 01.11.2010 – 30.04.2015 • Preparation and planning phase: 01.11.2010 – 30.04.2011 • Start for project activities: 01.05.2011 • Implementation plan: • 2-year-workprogramme for the first project phase (announced in November 2010 – kick-off meeting in Vienna)
General tasks and obligations for each partner Actively try to enlarge the network in the own country Organise and host a national workshop in his own country Organise the translation of the main content of the website into the own language Organise the translation of publication material received from Co-organiser N°1. Disseminate the publication material and e-newsletter received from Co-organiser N°1. Ensure the local management of the project.
Individual Tasks Digitise and analyse charters of Slovenian origin in different Austrian archives. Implementation of the data into www.monasterium.net ARS Maintain and update the Hungarian archives’ portal “www.archivportal.hu”. Implement data into www.monasterium.net. BFL Design the data collection, analysis and digitisation of the stock of charters of the chapter of Freising within the holdings of the Bavarian Main State Archive. Implement all the data into the European charters portal www.monasterium.net. GDA Digitise and analyse archival content. Implement further data into the Hungarian State Archives’ database and the European charters portal www.monasterium.net. MOL Identification, digitisation and descriptiom of 1500 monastic charters. Implement data into the European charters portal www.monasterium.net. SGAE
Individual Tasks Digitise archival content from 7 different Czech archives (in total: 10.466 charters, 115 manuscripts, 3 boxes). Implementation of all the data into www.monasterium.net. Organise and host the final conference in Prague in cooperation with the Coordinator and Coorganiser N°1 (ICARUS). NACR Arrange the data collection, analysis and implementation of digitised content in order to build a digital database for medieval charters of Serbian origin. Implementation of data into www.monasterium.net. BISANU Design the data collection, analysis and digitisation of archival material. Implementation of all the data into the Slovak archives portal and www.monasterium.net. SNA Organise and design sub-projects for the usage of online sources within university courses. Develop a course programme dealing with the practical approach and use of historical material on the internet and the possibility of student exchange programms. UNINA
Financing Overall costs for the project: 4.498.000,00€ for 4,5 years Grant requested from the EU: 2.249.000,00€ = 50% of costs The other 50% have to be covered by the project partners (i.e. „self financing“)
Linking the Neighbourhood Programme • In order to expand the network, partners will participate in the Neighbourhood Linking Programme to win archives from neighbouring countries to join the network. • The partners are entitled to special funding which include: • Establishing new contacts • Dissemination • Organisation of a national workshop in the neighbouring country together with a local host
Linking the Neighbourhood Programme Attempts to enlarge the network NACR Poland with ws MOL Romania with ws. HDA Bosnia and Herzegovina BISANU Bulgaria with ws BISANU Serbian congregation of Hilandar within the monastery of Athos (GR). UNINA Spain
National Workshops In order to announce the project results among experts within the individual countries and attract new partners for the network, one partner of each country will host a national workshop. The workshop should last one day and consist of two blocks: 1. Appraisal of national activities in the area of digital processing of archival records 2. A discussion in context of the project and international developments. 10 workshops in countries of participating partners 4 workshops will take place in neighbouring countries.
The project’s core activity for strengthening cooperation between the Consortium partners is a staff exchange programme that will allow experts from participating institutions to work at facilities in other countries for a certain period of time (3-4 weeks) with the following objectives: • To establish personal networks and contacts at expert level • To familiarise with different working methods and technologies • To intensively exchange knowledge and experience • To strengthen the intercultural dialogue In doing so, people will be able to share their expertise across borders with other institutions and at the same time gain knowledge and new experience in turn. In this context, archiverelated scientific topics and questions that have arisen in the course of the project as well as the specific handling of archival records will be particularly addressed. Thus, given programme promotes the strengthening of the network and personal relationships. The programme will be coordinated by ICARUS as a project partner, carried out in cooperation with the Moravian Regional Archive (associated partner). A committee selected out of the Consortium members will decide upon allocation of funding. Experts Exchange Programme • Staff exchange programme to work at facilities in other countries for a certain period of time (3-4 weeks) with the following objectives: • Establish personal networks and contacts at expert level • Familiarise with different working methods and technologies • Intensively exchange knowledge and experience • Strengthen the intercultural dialogue • The programme will be coordinated by ICARUS as a project partner, carried out in cooperation with the Moravian Regional Archive (associated partner).
Training Programms • The Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa (SNS, IT) will: • Develop special training programmes on information technology and cultural heritage, archive management, restoration and preservation together with the other project partners • Organise and hold such courses once a year at the Centre of Learning at the Scuola in San Miniato. • This will guarantee that Consortium competences and project results are passed on directly and become part of the daily work of the individual archival and cultural institutions.
ENArC Lectures • Discussions with experts and historically interested laypersons • 9 ENAC Lectures are planned, each in a different country. • Each lecture will focus on a certain topic related to archives and the challenges of IT. • It is proposed to choose a speaker from another country. • All ENAC lectures will be transmitted online via the communication platform. • Coordinated by ICARUS
Dr. Karl HEINZ, MAS Monasterium/MATRICULA – Project coordination ICARUS – scientific management ENArC – Management for int. & ext. Affairs Tel.: +43/664/48 66 795 E-Mail: karl.heinz@monasterium.net Web: www.monasterium.net www.matricula-online.eu www.icar-us.eu
objective I - cross-border mobility of people • project meetings • national workshops • experts exchange programme • linking the neighbourhood programme • training programmes
objective II - circulation of cultural output • Digitisation and indexing activities • integration of digital content in existing national and international online portals (Monasterium, Apenet, Europeana) • development of collaborative internet tools • scientific subprojects based on the material and tools available online
objective III - intercultural dialogue • strengthening the international cooperation • improving the communication • developing strategies and coordinating individual initiatives • linking the neighbourhood programme • organising ICARUS as a permanent independent institution and expanding the already existing network