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The Hot-Wire Constant Voltage Anemometer (HW-CVA) is a dressy type of hot-wire anemometer by way of explanation designed for high-performance linger measurements. It enables the real-time drop of velocity and latitude fluctuations in communicate and gases without the crave for mystical adjustments to cadence its frequency response.
Hot-Wire Constant Voltage Anemometer: Features and Applications Hot-Wire Constant Voltage Anemometer Features and Applications
The Hot-Wire Constant Voltage Anemometer (HW-CVA) is a dressy type of hot-wire anemometer by way of explanation designed for high-performance linger measurements. It enables the real-time drop of velocity and latitude fluctuations in communicate and gases without the crave for mystical adjustments to cadence its frequency response.
Applications: • Velocity and turbulence measurement using single or multiple sensors in isothermal and non-isothermal flow • Accurate measurement of one, two and three components of velocity • Measurement of rapid velocity and temperature fluctuations • Measurement of high-speed compressible turbulent flows • Measurement of transitional and turbulent boundary layers • Measurement of very low turbulence intensities http://www.kanomax-usa.com/why-are-there-so-many-types-of-hot-wire-anemometer-probes/
Features: • High frequency response (> 450 kHz, no tuning required) • Operates with wide variety of commercial probes and geometries • In-situ temperature compensation without an auxilliary probe • Circuit stability ensured regardless of probe cable length • Long probe length (up to 100m) without deterioration of frequency response • High-sensitivity, ultra-low noise circuit • Virtually unaffected by EMI/RFI, cable capacitance and inductance effects
Hot-wire Anemometer http://www.kanomax-usa.com/why-are-there-so-many-types-of-hot-wire-anemometer-probes/
If you need Hot-wire Anemometer then please visit http://www.kanomax-usa.com/why-are-there-so-many-types-of-hot-wire-anemometer-probes/ KANOMAX USA, INC. 219 US Highway 206 Andover, New Jersey 07821 United States Phone: +1.973.786.6386 Toll Free: +1.800.247.8887 (US & Canada only) ASIA E-mail: sales@kanomax.co.jp JAPAN URL: www.kanomax.co.jp