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Water: The Universal Solvent - Adhesion vs. Cohesion

Discover the unique properties of water, including its ability to stick to itself (cohesion) and to other substances (adhesion). Learn why water is the source of life on Earth and how it plays a crucial role in biological processes. Explore surface tension and capillary action, two fascinating phenomena driven by the adhesive and cohesive properties of water.

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Water: The Universal Solvent - Adhesion vs. Cohesion

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  1. Water The Universal Solvent

  2. Adhesion VS Cohesion • Cohesion – is the ability of water to stick to itself. • Adhesion – is the ability of water to stick to things other then itself.

  3. WHY does this occur? • This occurs because molecules of water are POLAR!!! • Partial negative and partial positive • Opposites attract and create Hydrogen Bonds

  4. Water the Source of Life on Earth • The unique physical properties are due to hydrogen bonding. These Include • a high heat of vaporization • strong surface tension • Adhesion and Cohesion • high specific heat (the ability to absorb/transfer heat) • nearly universal solvent properties of water (most important) • Water is polar which allows it to dissolve most substances. • All of the chemical reactions that happen in the cells are all happening in the cytoplasm which is made up of mostly water. • Liquid water makes up 65% of the human body and carries • Oxygen and carbon dioxide • nutrients • Wastes • Hormones

  5. Surface Tension • Surface Tension - is an effect within the surface layer of water that causes that layer to behave as an elastic sheet. • Hydrogen Bonds between surface water molecules creates surface tension

  6. Capillary Action • Capillary Action - is the ability of water to be drawn upwards against the force of gravity. • Capillary action is how plants are able to move water against the force of gravity • Capillary action uses both adhesive and cohesive properties of water

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