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BANGUN RUANG. PRISM A. BALOK a. Rusuk b. Sisi c. Titik Sudut d . D iagonal Ruang. Bidang diagonal.
PRISMA • BALOK a. Rusuk b. Sisi c. TitikSudut d. Diagonal Ruang
Bidang diagonal
PRISM VOLUM V = base areax height 2 . A bath cuboid with lenght 1 m, CUBOID VOLUM width 8 dm V =l.w.h and height 50 cm determine the examplesvolum • A cuboid has measure ( 9 x 6 x 4 ) cm determine the volum
5 cm 8 cm 12 cm
EXAMPLES OF ITEMS • The Cuboid sketchwill be made with wire with the measure ( 25 x 15 x 10 ) cm. If thelengh of wire is 2.4 m available. Please determine the rest of wire length • A tab of wire with the length 5 m , it will be made into a cuboid sketchwith the measure ( 12 x 10 x 8 ) cm . a. How many cuboid sketch can be made? b. Determine the rest of wire length . . .
THE CUBOID AREA 4 cm 3 cm 6 cm THE CUBOID AREA = 2 { ( l x w ) + ( l x h ) + ( w x h ) }
V = L alas x T 2 . PRISMA ALAS SEGITIGA CONTOH 1 . 7 24 cm tentukan volumnya 25 cm 20 cm
2. 10 cm 10 cm Tentukan volumnya 12 cm 25 cm
3 . Tentukan luas dari 5cm 12cm 20 cm 13 cm
PRISMA ALAS SEGI EMPAT CONTOH SOAL 1. TENTUKAN VOLUM DARI jawab : 8 cm V = L alas x T 10 10 cm = 8 + 20.8 25 20 cm 2 25 cm = 2800 V = 2800 cm3
2 . Tentukan luas dari 20 cm 15 15 cm 40 cm 38 cm
2. 21 cm 14 cm Jika tinggi kerucut = tinggi tabung , hitung Volum Bangun