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DEVINFO DJIBOUTI. Background on DevInfo. Mid-October 2004.

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  1. DEVINFO DJIBOUTI DevInfo in Djibouti

  2. Background on DevInfo • Mid-October 2004 Introduction and core demonstration of DevInfo software and use to heads and Programs Officers; Agreement on the need to advocate together at country level with govt partners for utilization of the software, not only for MDG M&E (Monitoring and Evaluation) but also for indicators follow up on the existing PRSP. DevInfo in Djibouti

  3. Mid-November 2004 Introduction and core demonstration of DevInfo software to the Prime Minister's Cabinet members, in charge of the PRSP. DevInfo in Djibouti

  4. Mid-December 2004 Introduction and core demonstration of DevInfo software to 19 Ministry Secretary Generals (Ministries #2s). Agreement on the need to hold a training on use and administration of the tool for the Ministry focal points early 2005. DevInfo in Djibouti

  5. Mid-February 2005 Organization of a four-day DevInfo training for database users and administrators. The training was organized by UNICEF, supported by a UNICEF staff from Madagascar, and paid for on UNCT coordination funds. Included about 25 participants, 5 of them from UN agencies, and the rest from key Ministry partners, included Min of Health, Education, Agriculture, Foreign Affairs, and Economy. DevInfo in Djibouti

  6. Progress Path • Opportunity with the MICS survey in process DevInfo in Djibouti

  7. Current statuts (content, use) • Annual workplan signed with by center of statistic (….) • Recruitment of two consultants in process DevInfo in Djibouti

  8. Institutional arrangements • Centre of statistic DevInfo in Djibouti

  9. Future plans • Creation a national template DjibInfo (name still under discussion) • data entry of the results of survey PAPFAM, EDAM and MISC DevInfo in Djibouti

  10. Key issues • Data collection and validation • DevInfo multi sectoral network • Creation of DevInfo/Djibinfo Central Network DevInfo in Djibouti

  11. Thank you…. DevInfo in Djibouti

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