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Introduction to Psychology Resources. Prof. Dan Chaney Humanities/Social Sciences Division. Welcome to the OSU Library!. My name is Dan Chaney. I buy library books in the following areas: Psychology School Psychology Educational Psychology Counseling Psychology.
Introduction to Psychology Resources Prof. Dan Chaney Humanities/Social Sciences Division
Welcome to the OSU Library! My name is Dan Chaney. I buy library books in the following areas: • Psychology • School Psychology • Educational Psychology • Counseling Psychology
“I’ve Used To the OSU Library Before…” • Glad to hear it. But you know, we make all kinds if changes over the summer! • My plan is to review some of the services and collection things we have, and highlight some of the new “toys” we have for you all to play with.
Library Basics • The OSU Library is a member of the prestigious Association of Research Libraries and is ranked as one of the top 108 research libraries in the US (out of over 3,000 research libraries nationally.) • The Library collection numbers some 2.1 million books and over 10,000 periodical titles. If you include every item in the collection, the Library contains over 7.7 million “things.” • The Library has six floors of materials. • 40 full-time librarians, 60 support staff, and over 100 students work in the library.
OSU Branch Libraries You need to be aware of the three branch libraries at OSU because, depending on your research topic, materials you need may be in a branch library: • Veterinary Medicine Library (College of Veterinary Medicine) – materials dealing with animal medicine, health, etc. • Architecture Library (Architecture Building) – materials dealing with architecture, architectural engineering, building design, etc. • Curriculum Materials Library (Willard Hall) – a teacher education library, with an extensive collection of children’s books, textbooks, etc.
Reference Assistance • There are two reference desks in the Edmon Low Library: • Reference Desk (second floor): The main reference desk for the Library can help you access library resources, databases and collections. If you need assistance, start here. • Documents Reference Desk (fifth floor): A reference desk to assist people is accessing the expansive world of government documents.
A Word About Reference Assistance… • Several words, actually. • Don’t hesitate to visit us with questions. • If you have a detailed research question, feel free to contact me directly, via email or phone. • Email: dwcosu@okstate.edu • Phone: 405.744.9772 • Office: 306 Edmon Low Library • My “specialties” are tests and measurements, test reviews, etc., and PsycINFO. You can ask the other librarians, but odds are, they’re going to call me.
Circulation Desk • The Circulation Desk is on the first floor, in the center of the floor. • You can check out books with your OSU ID card. • Graduate student loan period is 120 days • If you are a teaching assistant, you can check books out in your professor’s name (Note: you need to fill out a signed authorization form at Circulation.) Faculty loan periods are twice per year.
Photocopiers • The Library has photocopiers on every floor. • Some copiers accept coins and cost .10 cents per page. • Some copiers use copy cards and cost .07 cents per page. • Copy cards are like debit cards. You pay for the copies in advance, in amounts that range from $1 to $20. There is a .50 start up charge for copy cards and cards are reusable. Don’t throw away used up copy cards! • To buy a copy card, there are VendaCard dispensers on the first floor, outside Room 105 (Microforms.) • If you need change to make copies, you can get change at the Stillwater CopyCenter, located next to Room 105 (Microforms.)
Interlibrary Services (ILS) • ILS can supply a book or photocopy of an article that is not available in the OSU Library. • ILS is a FREE service. • We have online forms available to request ILS. • Some databases are offering point and click ILS requests from the citation (PsycINFO). • Books take about a week, articles average 2-3 days.
Accessing Information and Collections • Information is accessed via public access terminals throughout the library. • Computers are located primarily on the first, second and fifth floors, with library catalog workstations on the third and fourth floors and the basement. • Much of the information you need is available online and you likely won’t need to come to the Library unless you need some assistance.
Finding Books • To find books, use the OSU Library Catalog. • The Library Catalog will also tell you if we own a journal, or if that journal is available full-text. • You can search for books by keyword, if you just have a topic in mind. • If you have a specific author or title, you can do a basic search. • If you want to see if the Library owns a periodical, do a basic search by journal title. • You can access the Library Catalog at http://osucatalog.library.okstate.edu/
Library Call Numbers & Book Locations • The Library uses the Dewey Decimal call number system, which is different than the call number system of nearly all academic libraries in the U.S. (DDC is used by public and school libraries) • When you have a call number, grab a call slip to see the floor your book/journal is located on. • You can find call slips near all the public computers, or at the reference desks. • If you have trouble locating a book on the shelves, please ask us at the Reference Desk – we can run to the shelves and help you.
PsycINFO • 1.9 million records, over 39k added in 2003. • Updated weekly • 1,800 journals covered • 98% peer-reviewed • Also covers books, book chapters, dissertations, conference proceedings, university and government reports, etc. • All APA journals are available full-text from 1988 to the present, as well as many other psychology journals. • Access via EBSCO (A-Z Database List)
Other Databases • ERIC: indexes and abstracts education journals, many of which are full-text. • Sociological Abstracts: indexes and abstracts sociology journals, many of which are available full-text. • Medline: indexes to medical literature. Our versions of Medline are not full-text, but some of the journals indexed in the database are. Consult the library catalog to see if a title is available full-text.
Digital Dissertations • The electronic version of Dissertation Abstracts International. • Note: Full-text OSU dissertations are available, free of charge, in Digital Dissertations, starting as early as 1961.You may also find full-text dissertations from other Big 12 universities, such as Texas A & M, Kansas State, and Baylor University. • If a dissertation isn’t available full-text in Digital Abstracts, we offer Interlibrary Loans service.
PsycArticles • PsycArticles is a database of full-text articles from journals published by the American Psychological Association, the APA Educational Publishing Foundation, the Canadian Psychological Association, and Hogrefe & Huber. • Over 50 titles, 1988 to the present • You’ll be able to access PsycArticles via PsycINFO.
ScienceDirect Psychology Backfile • More than 43 full-text journals published by Elsevier, ranging from as early as 1936 through present. • You’ll be able to access them via PsycINFO.
To Contact Me Prof. Dan Chaney Humanities and Social Sciences Divison Edmon Low Library Oklahoma State University Stillwater, Oklahoma 74078 405.744.9772 dwcosu@okstate.edu