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New Directors’ Academy. Fall ACET October 29, 2013 Presented by: Dr. Jamie Bryson and Dr. Robert Meaux Humble Independent School District. Agenda. What A New Director Needs To Know Program/Budget Planning – budgeting process/best practices – purpose & intent (SCE & Title Programs)
New Directors’ Academy Fall ACET October 29, 2013 Presented by: Dr. Jamie Bryson and Dr. Robert Meaux Humble Independent School District
Agenda What A New Director Needs To Know • Program/Budget Planning – budgeting process/best practices – purpose & intent (SCE & Title Programs) – determining allocations – reservations – parent involvement – private non-profit school services – campus eligibility – calculating campus allocations
Agenda What A New Director Needs To Know • Program/Budget Planning (cont’d) – understanding coding – allowable/unallowable expenses – determining supplement/supplant – scientifically research-based • Campus/District Planning – Comprehensive Needs Assessment, – Program Evaluations, – Campus & District Improvement Plans
Agenda What A New Director Needs To Know • Systems to manage it all: spreadsheets, calendars, newsletters, manuals, hyperlinks, web-based system • Policies & Procedures • Time & Effort • Appendices • Reporting: what, when, where, how? • ListServes • Links to key information • TEA Divisions: Who do I contact?
Program/Budget Planning Best Practices Research shows that schools with high student academic achievement: Base decisions on needs assessment data by (a) prioritizing needs, (b) writing goals and objectives based on needs, (c) selecting strategies based on needs, and researching new programs to address students’ needs. Involve stakeholders in the decision making process by scheduling meetings with stakeholders to discuss students’ academic needs.
Program/Budget Planning Best Practices Involve stakeholders in the decision making process by surveying teachers concerning needs. Involve stakeholders in the decision making process by seeking student input to help determine needs. Involve stakeholders in the decision making process by involving stakeholders in reviewing data and selecting strategies to fund/meet needs.
Program/Budget Planning Best Practices Determine which programs support which skills. Write goals that reflect high expectations. Base decisions on program evaluations of current strategies, and eliminate ineffective strategies/programs.
7 Step - Budgeting Process Organize Planning – gather evaluative data, planning timelines, allocation data, purpose & intent, establish team Evaluate Current Programs Prioritize Needs Write Goals & Objectives Research New Activities Select & Fund Activities Monitor & Adjust (timely intervention/action) (See Handout -A)
STEP 1: Organize Planning • Establish the budget planning team • Revisit the school vision • Gather evaluative data for current activities • Gather allocation data and regulations • Did you receive an increase or decrease in your allocation(s)? • What are allowable uses of the funds? • What are the required/available reservations/set-asides? • What is the purpose/intent?
SCE: Purpose/Intent, Eligibility • Fund 199 • The goalof the SCE program is to reduce any disparity in performance on (a) state assessments and in (b) rates of high school completion between students at risk of dropping out of school and all other district students. • Expenses must directly impact students, and cannot be used for parent involvement expenses. • SCE programs/services must be accelerated, intensive, and focused on at-risk students. • Only schools with at-risk students are eligible to use SCE funds. • Follow the rules of Financial Accountability System Resource Guide (FASRG – Module 9) (See Handout - B) • http://www.tea.state.tx.us/index4.aspx?id=1222
SCE: Evaluation, CNA, D/CIP • LEAs must annually evaluate the outcomes and the plan’s implementation to determine whether: • The academic achievement of all at-risk students improved, • The goals and objectives contained in the plan were achieved, and • If the plan is still appropriate as written. • SCE must be addressed in the Comprehensive Needs Assessment and the D/CIP [Including: strategies, amount budgeted, FTEs, measurable performance objectives, timelines for monitoring strategies, and evaluation criteria].
State Compensatory Education • SCE funds are a part of your local budget [Fund 199] that must be used for supplemental expenses to address the needs of students identified as at-risk. • PIC – 24 (Accelerated Programs) for programs with less than 40% economically disadvantaged students [funds can only be used to serve at-risk students] • PIC – 30 (Schoolwide Programs) for programs with 40% or more economically disadvantaged students [funds can be used for all students, with a focus on meeting the needs of at-risk students] • PIC – 34 (Pre-School) for “supplemental” PK costs • The Direct Cost requirement is 52%. (See Handout - C) • The remaining 48% of the funds are part of the local district budget and are not required to be used to address the needs of at-risk students.
What is my allocation? (for State Comp Ed funds) • Go to:http://www.tea.state.tx.us - Click on: Funding/School Finance & Grants - Click on: Summary of Finances (bottom right corner) - Select Report (drop down) - Summary of Finances • Select School Year • Input District Name or CDN • Select the report (HTML, PDF, or Excel) - State Comp Ed Numbers - Report of free/reduced counts by month
What is my allocation? (for State Comp Ed funds) (See Handout -C) • Summary of Finances • Scroll Down to Tier I
State Compensatory Education • Unlike Title funds, there is not a prescribed allocation formula for SCE. • SCE funds must be allocated based on at-risk students’ identified needs. • To address the purpose and intent of SCE, you must use the funds to help at-risk students pass the state exams (so funds are focused on reading, writing, math, science and social studies) and keeping the students from dropping out of school. • Some districts dedicate the funding to supplemental staffing to address the needs of at-risk students, while other districts allocate funds to schools where the funding is used to address the needs of their at-risk students (supplemental staffing, instructional materials, staff development) (See handout D)
SCE Policies and Procedures • LEA policies and procedures must identify: • Students who are at-risk of dropping out of school (State criteria - 13 indicators) [Students reported as at-risk through PEIMS] (See handout – E) • Students who are at-risk under local criteria (and document compliance with the 10% cap . . . The # of students receiving services under local criteria during a school year cannot exceed 10% of the number of students who met the state criteria and received SCE services during the preceding school year. [Not reported through PEIMS](e.g., PK, dyslexia, class-size reduction, non-mandatory placements at the DAEP) • How students are entered into the SCE program • How students are exited from the SCE program • Methodologies for calculating the 110% satisfactory performance on assessment instruments.
SCE: State At-Risk Criteria State Compensatory Education (SCE) TEC § 29.081; TEC, §42.152(b); TAC §61.1027 A student at risk of dropping out of school includes each student who is under 26 years of age and who: 1. is in prekindergarten, kindergarten or grade 1, 2, or 3 and did not perform satisfactorily on a readiness test or assessment instrument administered during the current school year;
SCE: State At-Risk Criteria 2. is in grade 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, or 12 and did not maintain an average equivalent to 70 on a scale of 100 in two or more subjects in the foundation curriculum during a semester in the preceding or current school year or is not maintaining such an average in two or more subjects in the foundation curriculum in the current semester; 3. was not advanced from one grade level to the next for one or more school years;
SCE: State At-Risk Criteria 4. did not perform satisfactorily on an assessment instrument administered to the student under Subchapter B, Chapter 39, and who has not in the previous or current school year subsequently performed on that instrument at a level equal to at least 110 percent of the level of satisfactory performance on that instrument; (Did not pass TAKS/STAAR/EOC.) 5. is pregnant or is a parent; 6. has been placed in an alternative education program in accordance with Section 37.006 during the preceding or current school year;
SCE: State At-Risk Criteria 7. has been expelled in accordance with Section 37.007 during the preceding or current school year; 8. is currently on parole, probation, deferred prosecution, or other conditional release; 9. was previously reported throughPEIMS to have dropped out of school; 10. is a student of limited English proficiency, as defined by Section 29.052;
SCE: State At-Risk Criteria 11. is in the custody or care of the Department of Protective and Regulatory Services or has, during the current school year, been referred to the department by a school official, officer of the juvenile court, or law enforcement official; 12. is homeless, as defined by 42 U.S.C. Section 11302, and its subsequent amendments;
SCE: State At-Risk Criteria 13. resided in the preceding school year or resides in the current school year in a residential placement facility in the district, including a detention facility, substance abuse treatment facility, emergency shelter, psychiatric hospital, halfway house, or foster group home. (A foster home is not a foster group home.)
Purpose and Intent: Title I, Part A • Fund 211 • To ensure that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach, at a minimum, proficiency on challenging State academic achievement standards (TEKS) and state academic assessments (STAAR). • Targeted Assistance – is eligible for Title I funding, but does not meet 40% threshold or chooses not to operate a schoolwide program. [PIC 24] • Schoolwide – 40% or more students meet the poverty threshold [PIC 30]
Title I Schoolwide Program SCHOOLWIDE upgrade theentire educational program of the school in order to raise academic achievement for all the students. engage in reform strategies that increase the amount and quality of learning and help provide a high-quality curriculum for all children, according to a comprehensive plan to help children meet the state’s student performance standards
Schoolwide Consolidation There are three ways to consolidate funds on a Title I Schoolwide Program (SWP) based on USDE’s latest guidance on implementing SWPs. Full consolidation of federal, state, & local funds (8911): o Expenditures for any coston the campusare allowablefrom the SWP budget. Federal consolidation —only combining federal funds: o Expenditures foronly educational(instructional, as defined by USDE staff)costson the campus are allowable from the SWP budget. No consolidation—only Title I, Part A funds in SWP budget: Expenditures foronly educational(instructional, as defined by USDE staff)costson the campus are allowable from the SWP budget, and LEA musttrack Title I, Part A fundsto allowable Title I activity
Targeted Assistance TARGETED ASSISTANCE Title I, Part A funds may be used in targeted assistance schoolsonly for programs that provide supplemental services to eligible children identified as having the greatest needfor special assistance. Students must be identified on the basis ofmultiple, educationally related, objectivecriteria established by the LEA and supplemented by the school. The LEA’scriteria for identifying students for Title I, Part A services must be clearly definedin the LEA’s District Improvement Plan and in the Campus Improvement Plan. Any supplemental criteria established at the campus level must also be described in the Campus Improvement Plan. The LEA must have criteria for every grade that receives services underTitle I, Part A Targeted Assistance programs.
Targeted Assistance TARGETED ASSISTANCE Children frompreschool ages through Grade 2shall be selected solely on the basis of such criteria as: teacher judgment; interviews with parents; and developmentally appropriate measures.
Purpose and Intent: Title I, Part C • Fund 212 • PIC 24 • To design and support programs thathelp migrant students overcome the challenges of mobility, cultural and language barriers, social isolation, and other difficultiesassociated with a migratory lifestyle. • These efforts are aimed athelping migrant students succeed in schoolandsuccessfully transition to postsecondary educationor employment. • Is supplemental to Title I.
Purpose and Intent: Title II, Part A • Fund 255 • PIC 24 • Teacher and Principal Training and Recruiting (TPTR) Fund provides supplemental funding to improve student achievement. The funds are used to elevate teacher and principal quality through recruitment, hiring and retention strategies and to increase the number of highly qualified teachers in the classroom and highly qualified principals and assistant principals in schools. The program uses scientifically based professional development interventions and holds districts and schools accountable for improvements in student academic performance.
Purpose and Intent: Title III • Fund 263 • PIC 25 • To ensure thatEnglish language learners (ELL)and immigrant studentsattain English language proficiency and meet the same challenging State academic content and student academic achievement standards as all children are expected to meet. • The use of Title III funds must be supplemental to all other funds.
What is my allocation? (for NCLB Programs) (See Handout -F) • Go to: http://www.tea.state.tx.us - Click on: Funding/School Finance & Grants - Click on: Grants (bottom right corner) - Click on: Federal Grant Entitlements (select program)
Reservations/Set-Asides • Reservations are not savings plans . . . they are based on district-level decision-making and are spent throughout the year to address specific intended needs at the district and campus levels • There are required and allowable set-asides. • Set-asides reduce the amount of funds available to allocate to campuses. • Set-asides should be identified in your Consolidated Application (Schedule PS3101, Part 2) [kept current], budgeted, spent, and monitored. (See Handout - G)
School Improvement (was required . . . Now waived) District Improvement (was required . . . Now waived) Parent Involvement (required) Highly Qualified Teachers (required) Homeless (required) Neglected (allowable) Delinquent (allowable) Preschool (allowable) Services for Eligible Private School Children (required) Administration (allowable) Districtwide Professional Development Activities (allowable) Title I Set-Asides (District)
Districts with campuses in SIP are required to reserve an amount equal to 20% of their Title I, Part A allocation, unless a lesser amount is needed, for the provision of Public School Choice (SC) transportation and Supplemental Educational Services (SES). Special Note: You must get permission from TEA to release any unneeded reservation. Up to 1% of the 20% set-aside obligation (or 0.2% of the district’s Title I, Part A allocation) can be used for SC and SES parent outreach and assistance. (e.g., Mailing Parent Notifications) Title I Set-Asides (District) School Improvement (Required)
Districts identified in “LEA improvement,” are required to set aside 10%of their Title I, Part A, allocation. The set-aside must be used for professional development in areas directly related to factors that caused the district to be identified in district improvement. Title I Set-Asides (District) District Improvement (Required)
Districts that receive Title I, Part A, allocations greater than $500,000 are required to set aside 1%of their Title I, Part A allocation to be used for parental involvement. 95%of the 1% set-aside must be allocated to Title I schools to be used for parental involvement activities. District’s with Title I, Part A, allocations less than $500,000 are NOTrequired to reserve these funds. Title I Set-Asides (District) Parent Involvement (Required)
Parental Involvement (PI) Program requirements Financial requirements Monitoring the PI program Handouts
Parental Involvement (PI) Program Requirements • Know the rules for Parental Involvement.(Public Law 107-110, Section 1118) • Region 16 ESC works with TEA on providing guidance and documentation for Parental Involvement • Region 16 has several publications regarding Parental Involvement that will give you the specifics
Parental Involvement (PI) Program Requirements Basics: • Written Parent Involvement Policy (for district and each Title I campus) • School-Parent Compact • Annual Title I meeting • Train staff on Parental Involvement • Train parents on skills to help their children • Communicate with parents in their own language (when practical) • Involve parents in campus decision-making
Parental Involvement (PI) Financial Requirements If the LEA receives more than $500,000 in Title I funds, it must reserve at least 1% of the total Title I allocation for Parental Involvement. Example: LEA Title I funds: $2,500,000 Parental Involvement Reservation: $2,500,000 * 0.01 = $25,000
Parental Involvement (PI) Financial Requirements 95% of the LEAs 1% Parental Involvement reservation must be distributed to the Title I campuses. Example: LEA PI Reservation = $25,000 $25,000 * 0.95 = $23,750 for campuses ($23,750 for campuses, $1,250 for LEA) (Campuses decide how to spend these funds based on PI requirements and their campus plan.)
Parental Involvement (PI) Financial Requirements Campus Parental Involvement Allocation The campus portion (95%) of the LEA’s 1% Parental Involvement reservation should be distributed to campuses using the same allocation formula that was used for the regular Title funds.
Parental Involvement (PI) Financial Requirements Campus Parental Involvement Allocation In our district, we give each campus a “regular” Title I allotment, and then an additional Parental Involvement allotment. We require them to spend every penny of the additional Parental Involvement. They can add more to Parental Involvement using their regular Title I funds.
Parental Involvement (PI) Financial Requirements Campus Parental Involvement Allocation SAMPLE
LEA is meeting program and financial requirements Each Title I campus is meeting program requirements Parental Involvement (PI) Monitoring the PI Program LEA must monitor the program to ensure:
Identify at least one person from each campus to manage campus PI program & documentation) Set-up data collection system (See handout H) Provide detailed PI information (simplest format as possible) (See handout I) Meet & train campus person 3-4 times during year Perform random checks of documentation throughout the year Collect documents at end of year and store at district-level Parental Involvement (PI) Monitoring the PI Program Suggestions:
Districts that have teachers who are not highly qualified are required to set aside 5%(unless a lesser amount is needed) of their Title I, Part A, allocation to assist these teachers in meeting the HQ requirements. District’s that can demonstrate that all Title I, Part A, funded teachers and paraprofessionals meet highly qualified criteria are NOTrequired to reserve these funds. Title I Set-Asides (District) Highly Qualified Teachers (Required)
The reservation amount is unspecified. Required if the district has any non-Title I campuses. Allows districts to provide comparable services to homeless students attending non-Title I campuses. Can be used for a variety of services (e.g. tutoring, school supplies, glasses, etc.) Title I Set-Asides (District) Homeless (Required)
The reservation amount must be an amount of funds equal to the LEA’s per-pupil allocation (PPA) multiplied by the number of low-income private school students in the area. This reservation allows Part A programs to be administered to private school children. Special Note: Districts must also ensure that they provide equitable services to private school children from Title I funds reserved “off the top” for districtwide activities. Services to Eligible Private School Children (required)
Private Non-Profit Schools (PNP) • Consultation • Equitable Services • Delivery of Services • Evaluation • Documentation