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Section 3: COMPOUND NAMES AND FORMULAS. How are ionic compounds named ? What do the numerical prefixes used in naming covalent compounds tell you ? What does a compound´s empirical formula indicate ?. Key Ideas. Key Terms.
How are ioniccompoundsnamed? What do thenumericalprefixesused in namingcovalentcompoundstellyou? Whatdoes a compound´sempirical formula indicate? Key Ideas
Thenames of ioniccompoundsconsist of thenames of theionsthatmake up thecompounds Name of cationsincludetheelements of whichthey are composed Namingioniccompounds
Names of anions are alterednames of elements • NaF: ismade of sodiumions, Na+, and fluorideions, F-. Therefore, itsnameissodiumfluoride • Anioniccompoundmusthave a total charge of zero • Ifanioniccompoundismade up of ionsthathavedifferentcharges, the ratio willnotbe 1:1 • Forcalciumfluoridetohave a total charge of zero, theremustbetwofluorideionsforeverycalcium ion Namingioniccompounds
Somecationnamesmust show theircharge • Thecharge of theironcation in Fe2O3isdifferentfromthecharge of theironcation in FeO. In cases such as this, thecationnamemustbefollowedby a Roman numeral in parenthesesthat shows thecation’scharge. • Fe2O3ismade of Fe3+ions, so itisnamediron (III) oxide. FeOismade of Fe2+ions, so itisnamediron (II) oxide. Namingioniccompounds
Determine thecharge of a transition metal cation • How can youtellthattheiron ion in Fe2O3 has a charge of 3+? • Write formulas forioniccompoundusingnames • You can findthecharge of each ion in a compoundifyou are giventhecompound’s formula. You can findthe formula for a compoundifyou are giventhecompound’sname Namingioniccompounds
MathSkills: WritingIonic Formulas • Gotogo.hrw.com and enterkeywordHK8MP Namingioniccompounds
Forcovalentcompoundsortwoelements, numericalprefixestellhowmanyatoms of eachelement are in themolecule • Numericalprefixes are usedtonamecovalentcompounds of twoelements • Ifthereisonlyoneatom of thefirstelement, thenamedoesnotget a prefix • Theelementfarthertotheright in theperiodictableisnamedsecond and ends in –ide • Oneboronatom and threefluorineatomsmake up borontrifluoride, BF3 Naming COVALENT compounds
Anempirical formula tellsusthesmallestwhole-number ratio of atomsthat are in a compound Differentcompounds can havesameempirical formula Molecular formulas are determinedfromempirical formulas Masses can beusedto determine empirical formulas EMPIRICAL FORMULAS
Empirical formula: thecomposition of a compound in terms of therelativenumber and kinds of atoms in thesimplest ratio Molecular formula: a chemical formula that shows thenumber and kinds of atoms in a molecule, butnotthearrengement of atoms EMPIRICAL FORMULAS
MathSkills: FindingEmpirical Formulas • Gotogo.hrw.com and enterkeywordHK8MP EMPIRICAL FORMULAS