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“Sharing ICZM experiences and suggestions for PlanCoast ”

“Sharing ICZM experiences and suggestions for PlanCoast ”. by Robbert Misdorp Advisor to the Netherlands Government & EUCC Assisting Romanian Min. Env.& Water Management for Romanian PlanCoast input,

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“Sharing ICZM experiences and suggestions for PlanCoast ”

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  1. “Sharing ICZM experiences and suggestions for PlanCoast” • by Robbert Misdorp • Advisor to the Netherlands Government & EUCC • Assisting Romanian Min. Env.& Water Management for Romanian PlanCoast input, • Former Coordinator of the International CZM-Centre, RIKZ, Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management, The Hague. • E-address: r.misdorp@chello.nl Prepared for the PlanCoast Kick-off meeting, Ancona, June, 2006

  2. ICZM program elements ICZM tools: RAMCO (Physical Planning) & CoastLearn (ICZM training) CZM – Centre’s Website: www.netcoast.nl EU - Coastal Network: EUCC : www.eucc.nl European Water Partnership: a public & private Network 1. Sharing some Integrated CZM experiences: Prepared for the PlanCoast Kick-off meeting, Ancona, June, 2006

  3. Elements of Integr.Coastal Zone Management Coastal Zone Governance Arrangements Objectives Ethics Safety Resources Development Integration Harmonization Participation Organizational structure Legal framework Tradition and social norms Coastal Zone Management Tasks lterative cyclic process Problem Recognition Planning Implementation Evaluation Data Collection Monitoring Decision Making Research Assessment Policy Development Plan Execution Operation and Maintenance Assessment and Outlook Decision Making Coastal Zone Management Instruments and Capacities Reference: CZM-Centre & Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency, 1996: “Egyptian Coast: Development and Challenges” Prepared for the PlanCoast Kick-off meeting, Ancona, June, 2006

  4. RAMCO: spatial designed Rapid integrated Assessment and analytic planning tool using interactively GIS modules supporting coastal policy makers Two different tool levels: 1) Macro-scale system: long range, large scale coastal processes, natural & socio-economic subsystems; 2) Micro-scale system: short term and micro-scale coastal processes, using cellular GIS sub-models. Reference: CZM-C/RIKZ/RIKS, 1999: “Integral Assessment Module for Coastal Zone Management, RamCo 2.0 User Guide” Prepared for the PlanCoast Kick-off meeting, Ancona, June, 2006

  5. RAMCO: an example of the analytical GIS frame component: macro-scale dynamics system diagram tourism land demand, employment, production values; The iterative, relational, analytical frame: the expert judgment in the macro level effects the micro dynamics and changes the land use map. PlanCoast Kick-off meeting, Ancona, June, 2006

  6. CoastLearn: Multimedia ICZM Distance Training Tool in 6 languages Prepared for the PlanCoast Kick-off meeting, Ancona, June, 2006

  7. CZM-Centre - Website: www.netcoast.nl, providing information on concept and tools eg RAMCO and CoastLearn Prepared for the PlanCoast Kick-off meeting, Ancona, June, 2006

  8. EUCC - The Coastal Union is www.eucc.net • An international non-profit association, founded in 1989: • Active national branches and projects in • 14 EU countries • Total about 3000 Members in 40 countries • Offices in Scotland, the Netherlands, Germany, Poland, Lithuania, Spain Prepared for the PlanCoast Kick-off meeting, Ancona, June, 2006

  9. EUCC‘s Mission Back To promote a solid coastal management: Conservation of nature, landscape and cultural heritage in combination with coastal safety and a sustainable economic development www.eucc.nl Prepared for the PlanCoast Kick-off meeting, Ancona, June, 2006

  10. The European Water Partnership is a joint private and public sector organisation created to coordinate European water activities It is an independent body Website: www.ewp.org European Water Partnership: A coordinated approach to water in Europe : Prepared for the PlanCoast Kick-off meeting, Ancona, June, 2006

  11. European Water Partnership: Global water crisis, brought about by climate change, population growth and water usage: In Europe, an estimated 85 million people lack sanitation facilities and 41 million do not have access to safe drinking water; Worldwide, 1.1 billion people do not have water and 2.6 billion lack sanitation facilities; Water strongly influences: poverty, migration, Aids, sustainability, and climate change. Why?

  12. Mixing concepts of ICZM program elements with Physical Planning An example of Sea Use Planning: The Netherlands Continental Shelf 2. Some suggestions for PlanCoast: Prepared for the PlanCoast Kick-off meeting, Ancona, June, 2006

  13. Suggestions to mix ICZM program elements • with Physical Planning: • Characteristics of ICZM ; • Characteristics of Physical Planning; • Suggested mix. Prepared for the PlanCoast Kick-off meeting, Ancona, June, 2006

  14. Complex problem oriented; Area/district/region oriented; Multiple faceted: comprising several disciplines & departments, local stakeholders and NGO’s (are problem owners); Integrated management for development through institutional strengthening: policy preparation, decision making simultaneously at different levels; Long term iterative and cyclic process ( +/-10 years) including monitoring & ecologic & economic evaluation; Main characteristics of an ICZM program: Prepared for the PlanCoast Kick-off meeting, Ancona, June, 2006

  15. Main characteristics of an ICZM program - cont’d: • Consisting of a planning and an implementation phase; • Awareness raising among stakeholders increases • acceptance of implementation; • Implementation is directed at sustainable solutions: • Increasing resilience of the coastal system, • No-regret measures in case of large uncertainties, • Flexible, soft solutions preferred above hard • flood protecting measures • 4. Zoning of functional uses in terrestrial and marine parts • of coastal zone • Implementing an ICZM program needs • i) a practical leader • ii) a process leading to measures through a consultative • and participatory approach. Prepared for the PlanCoast Kick-off meeting, Ancona, June, 2006

  16. Some characteristics of a Spatial Development Plan: • Area oriented; • Time planning horizon: five years to some decades; • National policy dominant over district and community plans; • Strict alignment according to main components of ‘hard’ Infrastructure: • Water ways, Electric, Sewage, Roads, Airways, Pipelines; • Generally no alignment provisions for: • participatory approaches, long term sustainability, • decreasing pollution, increasing biodiversity, decreasing the • vulnerability to Climate Change impacts and no eco&eco evaluation; Prepared for the PlanCoast Kick-off meeting, Ancona, June, 2006

  17. How to mix existing Spatial Development Plan practices with ICZM principles? • Some suggestions: 1. Applying the EU-WFD and EU-ICZM Recommendations to the PlanCoast integrated Land and Sea Use Planning; • 2. Including the main elements of the ICZM programs: sustainability, long term, and ecological & economical accountabilities, participatory approaches; • 3. Implementing a pilot Spatial Development Plan at district/communal level, including an integrated feasibility study for implementation. • Win-Win potentials creating Spatial Development Plans in an ICZM frame: • Spatial Development Decrees/Laws are legally binding documents, • which could be a solid base for the subsequent • ICZM implementation phase. Prepared for the PlanCoast Kick-off meeting, Ancona, June, 2006

  18. “Netherlands Integrated Management Plan for the North Sea 2015” The full-report is available on the PlanCoast Website, as 11 MB PDF document. PlanCoast Kick-off meeting, Ancona, June, 2006

  19. “Netherlands Integrated Management Plan for the North Sea 2015” This Governmental Document is produced in close cooperation by four Dutch Ministries. This Integrated Management Plan for the North Sea 2015 was adopted by the Council of Netherlands Ministers in July 2005, for approval of the Netherlands Parliament. Prepared for the PlanCoast Kick-off meeting, Ancona, June, 2006

  20. This list of Contents Illustrates that not only different maps were produced, but also: 1) VISIONS on North Sea use: Healthy, Safe and Profitable Sea, 2) PRINCIPLES of Management, 3) INSTRUMENTS for management, 4) INTEGRATED frame for permitting, were addressed. Prepared for the PlanCoast Kick-off meeting, Ancona, June, 2006

  21. Some Concluding Remarks: 1) Interaction between Spatial Development/ Physical Planning and ICZM can be beneficially both ways; 2) PlanCoast can illustrate these benefits in the Baltic, Adriatic and Black Sea, through producing: visions, maps and analyses based on GIS data bases; 3) ICZM concepts, tools and networks are ready to be shared for use. Prepared for the PlanCoast Kick-off meeting, Ancona, June, 2006

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