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Trillium Learning Global 21st Century Schools Project. 云南地理. Geography of Yunnan. 时空飞越. Flying-over the Time-space. Pan Long Primary School Kunming, Yunnan Province, China Grade 6 English Class Teacher: Zhou, Mingli 周明理.
Trillium Learning Global 21st Century Schools Project 云南地理 Geography of Yunnan 时空飞越 Flying-over the Time-space Pan Long Primary School Kunming, Yunnan Province, China Grade 6 English Class Teacher: Zhou, Mingli 周明理
云南省地处中国西南边陲,北回归线横贯云南省南部,东部与贵州省、广西壮族自治区为邻,北部同四川省相连,西北隅紧倚西藏自治区,西部同缅甸接壤,南部和老挝、越南毗连。从整个位置看,云南北依广袤的亚洲大陆,南临辽阔的印度洋及太平洋; 位于北纬21°8′32″-29°15′8″和东经97°31′39″-在季风和西南季风控制之下,又受西藏高原区的影响,从而形成了复杂多样的自然地理环境。 Yunnan Province is situated at the border region of southwest China. The Tropic of Cancer crosses south of Yunnan. The east Yunnan is next to Guizhou Province and Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. The north is connected with Sichuan Province. The northwest corner tightly relies on the Tibet Autonomous Region. The west borders on with Burma, and the south connected with Laos, Vietnam. Talking about the entire position, the mainland of Asia is behind north Yunnan, and the south Yunnan is facing Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean. Yunnan is located between 21°8 ' 32 " to 29°15 ' 8 " north latitude and 97°31 ' 39 " east longitude. The region is under monsoon and southwest monsoon’s control, and also receives the influence of Tibet plateau, thus has formed the complex diverse environment. 云南在这!
云南全境东西最大横距864.9公里,南北最大纵距990公里,总面积39.4万平方公里,占全国陆地总面积的4.1%,居全国第8位。 云南全境东西最大横距864.9公里,南北最大纵距990公里,总面积39.4万平方公里,占全国陆地总面积的4.1%,居全国第8位。 云南是一个高原山区省份,属青藏高原南延部分。全省整个地势从西北向东南倾斜,江河顺着地势,成扇形分别向东、向东南、向南流去。全省海拔相差很大,最高点为滇藏交界的德钦县怒山山脉梅里雪山主峰卡格博峰,海拔6740米;最低点在与越南交界的河口县境内南溪河与元江汇合处,海拔公76.4米。两地直线距离约900公里,高低相差达6000多米。云南是一个多山的省份,全省土地面积,按地形看,山地占84%,高原、丘陵约占10%,坝子(盆地、河谷)仅占6%。 Yunnan Province - the widest length from east to west is 864.9 kilometers. The longest length from north to south is 990 kilometers. The total area of Yunnan is 394,000 square kilometers. It is 4.1% of the total national land area, and is the 8th largest province in China. Yunnan is a plateau mountainous area, and is the south extended part of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Yunnan is a mountainous province. The entire province land area, according to the terrain, the mountainous region accounts for 84%, the plateau, the hill approximately composes 10%, and the dam (basin, river valley) only accounts for 6%.
云南名字的来由 The Name origin of Yunnan • 云南简称“滇”,战国时期,这里是滇族部落的生息之地。云南,意即“彩云之南”,另一说法是因位于“云岭之南”而得名。古语云“一日长一丈,云南在天上”,她确实离天很近。300万年前一次强烈的地壳运动,使地处海洋深处的谷地突兀而起,造出了一片峰谷纵横、川流回旋的奇异高原。 Yunnan is also called “Dian” from ancient till now. The name of Yunnan means the area in the south of colorful clouds; another meaning is the southern of Yun Hill.
云南地理环境 Yunnan Geographic Environment “岭峦涌作千倾海,峰簇栽成万仞葱”。从海拔仅76米的镇南河口溯向高达6,740米的德钦梅里雪山卡格博峰,云贵高原以平均每公里6米的节律抬升着,恰是一座绿葱葱的九百里天梯。闻名于世的金沙江、怒江、澜沧江几乎并排地经这里流向远方,险峰峡谷纵横交错,江河溪流源远流长,湖泊温泉星罗棋布,造就了这块神奇美丽的乐土。独特的地理环境形成了云南独特的气候条件。“一山分四季,十里不同天”,一省兼有寒、温、热三带气候,实为世间罕见。得天独厚的地理环境和气候条件,使得云南动、植物种类异常丰富,有高等植物 15,000多种,动物 250多种类,鸟类总数达 766种,“植物王国”、“动物王国”的美名成了云南的代称。 在这块神奇、美丽的红土地的怀抱中,聚居着 26个民族,各族人民勤劳勇敢、自强不息、能歌善舞、朴实热情。各民族因所处的自然环境和历史发展的不同而呈现不同的社会文化形态,创造出无数特色鲜明、丰富多彩的民族文化,并以其独特、奇异的生活习俗和传统流下了形态各异、灿烂丰富的民族文化遗产。 There are many magical and amazing mountains in Yunnan. There are 15,000 different plants, 250 different animals and 766 kinds of birds are live here. There are 26 out of 56 China nationalities in Yunnan.
西山 West Mountain 西山又名碧鸡山,位于昆明城西15千米处,濒临滇池西岸,由华亭山、太华山、罗汉山、桂榜山诸山组成,绵亘40千多千米,最高峰太华山高出滇池水面470米,是著名的森林公园。这里峰恋叠嶂、云雾飘渺。远眺群峰,好似卧于云端的庞大睡佛;又如一位仰卧滇池湖畔,青丝垂散的少女,故又称睡佛山或美人山,整个风景区和华亭寺、太华寺、三清阁、龙门、聂耳墓五大景点组成。 Xishan (West Mountain) is located 15 km west of Kunming along the west bank of Dianchi Lake. It is a famous forest park. Overlooking it, it looks like a giant sleeping Buddha lying on the clouds. In that scenery area, HuaTing Temple, TaiHua Temple, Sanqing Cabinet, Dragon Gate, Nie-Er Grave composed of five attraction site scenes .
滇池 Dianchi Lake 滇池坐落在昆明市南的西山脚下,又名昆明湖,距昆明市有20千米。从形成上说,它原是高原上的一个断层陷落湖。面积约有370平方千米,南北长32千米,东西平均宽8千米,湖岸线全长150千米,平均水深为5米,是中国第六大淡水湖。景区内,奇峰、苍山、怪石、流泉、碧水、花木交相辉映、风光秀丽。另外,景区内还保存着风格各异的佛寺道观,具有突出的民族和地方特色;此处传统的民族习俗风情更是独具特色。 明代时,著名学者杨慎曾写诗赞道:“苹香波暖泛云津,渔世樵歌曲水滨。天气常如二三月,花枝不断四时春。” Dianchi Lake is located in the southern-foot of the West Mountain, and it’s also called Kunming Lake. Its area is about 370 square kilometers; from north to south is about 32 kilometers long, and from east to west is about 8 km width in average. It has 150 km length of shore line with an average of 5 meters deep of water. It is the sixth largest freshwater lake in China. There are peaks, hills, rocks, natural streams, clear water and landscaped pavilions in the area. In addition, the area is preserved within the Buddhist and Taoist Temples with various styles, and full of prominent national and local characteristics, where the traditional style is unique ethnic customs.
洱海 Erhai Lake 洱海古称叶榆泽,又称昆明湖,因形似人耳而得名。它面积为253平方千米,平均水深10.5米,是仅次于滇池的云南第二大湖。洱海湖岸曲折,湖水碧绿,波光粼粼,倒映西岸苍山雄姿,构成大理著名的“下关风,上关花,苍山雪,洱海月”的奇丽风光。其中雪与月的“银苍玉洱”更能引人入胜。 Because of the shape of this lake is similar to people’s ear, so that it is named as Erhai Lake. Its water is about 10.5 meters in depth. It is the second largest lake in Yunnan.
鸡足山 Jizu Hills 鸡足山又名九曲岩,位于大理北约80千米。传说释迦牟尼大弟子迦叶曾来到云南传播佛教,住在鸡足山。至清代光绪年间,这里已建有108所寺庙,为著名佛教名山之一,在西南与四川峨眉山齐名。因山势背西北,面向东南,前伸三支,后出一趾,形似鸡足而得名。全山南北7.5千米,东西15千米。 Jizu Hills are situated 80,000 meters north of Dali. Shakyamuni’s disciple Jiaye was living in here when he came to Yunnan spreading Buddhism. There were 108 temples around the area during the Qing Dynasty. It was the famous area for Buddhism practice.
石林 Stone Forest 石林地处路南彝族自治县境内,在明朝(1368—1644年)就已成为胜地。这个号称“天下第一奇观”的石林,是由岩石组成的“森林”,石林区域面积达2.6万多公顷。包括大石林、小石林、外石林、石林湖、紫云洞地下石林、狮子山、剑峰池、莲花池、大叠大瀑布等。 石林是石灰岩地层被溶融而成的奇岩怪石,在地理学上称为“喀斯特地貌”。 During the Ming dynasty (1368-1644), here became famous place. So it is called “No.1 Wonder In The World”. It is composed of "forest” by rocks, where includes Large Stone Forest, Small Stone Forest, Stone Forest Lake, Purple Cloud Hole, Leo Hill, Blade Pool, Lotus Pool, Big Water Falls, etc. The Stone Forest is limestone formations. In the Geography, it’s called "karst landform".
溶洞 Jiuxiang Cave 滇九乡溶洞昆明市宜良县境内,距石林景区22千米,是一处以溶洞景观为主体,融自然风光、文化景观、民族风情为一体的综合性风景名胜区。这里峰恋绵延、峡谷幽深、溶洞众多、溪流清澈、林木苍翠、美不胜收。 Jiuxiang Cave is located in Yiliang County, Yunnan. It is 22 km away from the Stone Forest scenic spot. It is a karst landscape cave. There are lovely stretches where peaks, deep gorges, numerous caves, clear streams, green trees. It is a beautiful site.
玉龙雪山 Yulong Mountain 玉龙雪山主峰扇子陡海拔5596米,是世界上北半球纬度最低、海拔最高的山峰。它位于中国云南省丽江西北,呈南北走向,东西宽约13公里,南北长约35公里,与哈巴雪山对峙,汹涌澎湃的金沙江奔腾其间。玉龙雪山在纳西族被称为“波石欧鲁”,意为白沙的银色山岩。整座雪山由十三峰组成,由北向南呈纵向排列,延绵近50公里,东西宽约13公里。玉龙雪山不仅气势磅礴,而且秀丽挺拔,造型玲珑,皎洁如晶莹的玉石,灿烂如十三把利剑,在碧蓝天幕的映衬下,像一条银色的玉龙在作永恒的飞舞,故名玉龙山。又因玉龙雪山的岩性主要为石灰岩与玄武岩,黑白分明,故又称为“黑白雪山”。 Yulong Mountain is situated in Li Jiang, Yunnan. The peak’s height is 5,596 meters above sea level. It’s the tallest one in the world. Yulong Mountain is composed by 13 peaks and total about 50 km long.
腾冲地热火山 Volcano 腾冲地热火山风景名胜区,位于云南省西部国陲,与缅甸接壤,面积129.9平方公里。地势属横断山南段偏西部分。东部高黎贡山和西北部姐妹山形成天然屏障,向西南急骤降低,呈长马蹄状盆地。腾冲县,西汉称滇越,1913年(民国二年)称腾冲县至今。境内分布着气泉、热泉、温泉80多处,以及90多座火山锥,为我国第二大热气田。温泉,最著名的是硫磺塘大滚锅、黄瓜箐热气沟和澡塘河高温沸泉。 It is situated in the west of Yunnan. There is 129.9 square km of area. It is a natural protective screen. There are 80 hot springs and 90 volcanic cones distributed in the mountain. This area is the second largest steam field in China.