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Seminar on Evaluation of Twinning Proposals / Baku 17-18 January 2008. Session de formation sur l’évaluation des projets de jumelage Sélection des propositions de jumelage. Baku 17 et 18 janvier 2008. Mme Nawele BEN ROMDHANE DHRIF Directeur de l’UGP3A. Funded by the
Seminar on Evaluation of Twinning Proposals / Baku 17-18 January 2008 Session de formation sur l’évaluation des projets de jumelage Sélection des propositions de jumelage Baku 17 et 18 janvier 2008 Mme Nawele BEN ROMDHANE DHRIF Directeur de l’UGP3A Funded by the European Union Implementation of Twinning and TAIEX operations in Azerbaijan Implemented by ECO
Points focaux Fiche jumelage Points de contact nationaux Administrations organismes mandatés UGP Administrations organismes mandatés Sces de la CE Propositions de jumelage Seminar on Evaluation of Twinning Proposals / Baku 17-18 January 2008 Procédure du jumelage Funded by the European Union Implementation of Twinning and TAIEX operations in Azerbaijan Implemented by ECO
Seminar on Evaluation of Twinning Proposals / Baku 17-18 January 2008 Processus d’évaluation: base juridique et acteurs • Le manuel de jumelage: • Un document précieux de référence qui contient l’ensemble des instructions en matière: • De préparation de fiche de jumelage; • D’organisation et de conduite de la sélection (conformité administrative, réunion de sélection, réunion d’évaluation….); • Grille d’évaluation; • Notification. • L’UGP: • Assure le secrétariat du comité; • Organise les réunions; • Prépare le rapport d’évaluation. • Le comité d’évaluation: • Apprécie la qualité des propositions et note les propositions sur la base de la grille d’évaluation (annexe C5); • Doit comprendre le chef de projet de l’administration bénéficiaire(le chef de projet exécutif le cas échéant) et l’homologue du CRJ. • La commission Européenne: • Assiste en tant que membre observateur mais participe activement à tout le processus; • Approuve la décision de sélection. Funded by the European Union Implementation of Twinning and TAIEX operations in Azerbaijan Implemented by ECO
Seminar on Evaluation of Twinning Proposals / Baku 17-18 January 2008 • Réunion de la conformité administrative: • Une semaine au maximum après la date limite de remise des proposition • Occasion pour expliquer au comité d’évaluation le processus d’évaluation et le contenu de la grille • Examen des critères administratifs et d’éligibilité (CRJ et CP) • Statuer sur la conformité ou non de la proposition avec possibilité de demander à l’EM via le point de contact de compléter son offre (point de contact, liste des experts CT, durée du projet,organismes mandatés…) • Réunion de sélection: • 10à 15 jours au maximum après la réunion de conformité administrative en fonction du nombre de soumissions reçues • Accorder la même durée de présentation pour toutes les administrations ayant soumissionné en suivant l’ordre chronologique de réception des soumissions L’évaluation : un processus bien organisé qui doit être limité dans le temps Funded by the European Union Implementation of Twinning and TAIEX operations in Azerbaijan Implemented by ECO
Seminar on Evaluation of Twinning Proposals / Baku 17-18 January 2008 L’évaluation : un processus bien organisé qui doit être limité dans le temps Réunion d’évaluation: le même jour que la présentation Commence par une évaluation globale de la proposition, suivie de l’attribution des notes prévues à la grille d’évaluation Le président organise les débats et intervient quand il y a un écart important entre les notes attribuées par les différents évaluateurs Funded by the European Union Implementation of Twinning and TAIEX operations in Azerbaijan Implemented by ECO
Seminar on Evaluation of Twinning Proposals / Baku 17-18 January 2008 L’évaluation: un processus déterminant en plusieurs étapes 1- Examen des propositions: Qualité et sérieux de l’offre Valeur ajoutée de l’administration de l’EM Degré de similitude entre les systèmes juridiques ou administratifs Expérience en matière de jumelage Expertise technique de l’équipe de gestion Institution homologue et capacité de back stopping Perspectives de coopération après le jumelage 2- Réunion de sélection Occasion pour améliorer sensiblement la proposition Bien préparer les questions à poser Évaluer le degré de complémentarité et de complicité entre le CRJ et le chef de projet Vérifier les compétences de l’équipe de gestion Examiner la possibilité de constituer des consortia Funded by the European Union Implementation of Twinning and TAIEX operations in Azerbaijan Implemented by ECO
Seminar on Evaluation of Twinning Proposals / Baku 17-18 January 2008 Funded by the European Union Implementation of Twinning and TAIEX operations in Azerbaijan Implemented by ECO
Seminar on Evaluation of Twinning Proposals / Baku 17-18 January 2008 Merci de votre attention Funded by the European Union Implementation of Twinning and TAIEX operations in Azerbaijan Implemented by ECO
MOIS Seminar on Evaluation of Twinning Proposals / Baku 17-18 January 2008 Preparation et lancement d’un projet de jumelage - Calendrier Funded by the European Union Implementation of Twinning and TAIEX operations in Azerbaijan Implemented by ECO
Seminar on Evaluation of Twinning Proposals / Baku 17-18 January 2008 II) Détails sur les procédures Funded by the European Union Implementation of Twinning and TAIEX operations in Azerbaijan Implemented by ECO
Seminar on Evaluation of Twinning Proposals / Baku 17-18 January 2008 Funded by the European Union Implementation of Twinning and TAIEX operations in Azerbaijan Implemented by ECO
Seminar on Evaluation of Twinning Proposals / Baku 17-18 January 2008 Funded by the European Union Implementation of Twinning and TAIEX operations in Azerbaijan Implemented by ECO
Seminar on Evaluation of Twinning Proposals / Baku 17-18 January 2008 Funded by the European Union Implementation of Twinning and TAIEX operations in Azerbaijan Implemented by ECO
Seminar on Evaluation of Twinning Proposals / Baku 17-18 January 2008 Pause café Funded by the European Union Implementation of Twinning and TAIEX operations in Azerbaijan Implemented by ECO
Seminar on Evaluation of Twinning Proposals / Baku 17-18 January 2008 Funded by the European Union Implementation of Twinning and TAIEX operations in Azerbaijan Implemented by ECO
Seminar on Evaluation of Twinning Proposals / Baku 17-18 January 2008 Funded by the European Union Implementation of Twinning and TAIEX operations in Azerbaijan Implemented by ECO
Seminar on Evaluation of Twinning Proposals / Baku 17-18 January 2008 Funded by the European Union Implementation of Twinning and TAIEX operations in Azerbaijan Implemented by ECO
Seminar on Evaluation of Twinning Proposals / Baku 17-18 January 2008 Funded by the European Union Implementation of Twinning and TAIEX operations in Azerbaijan Implemented by ECO
Seminar on Evaluation of Twinning Proposals / Baku 17-18 January 2008 Funded by the European Union Implementation of Twinning and TAIEX operations in Azerbaijan Implemented by ECO
Seminar on Evaluation of Twinning Proposals / Baku 17-18 January 2008 Funded by the European Union Implementation of Twinning and TAIEX operations in Azerbaijan Implemented by ECO
Seminar on Evaluation of Twinning Proposals / Baku 17-18 January 2008 Funded by the European Union Implementation of Twinning and TAIEX operations in Azerbaijan Implemented by ECO
Seminar on Evaluation of Twinning Proposals / Baku 17-18 January 2008 Funded by the European Union Implementation of Twinning and TAIEX operations in Azerbaijan Implemented by ECO
Seminar on Evaluation of Twinning Proposals / Baku 17-18 January 2008 Funded by the European Union Implementation of Twinning and TAIEX operations in Azerbaijan Implemented by ECO
Seminar on Evaluation of Twinning Proposals / Baku 17-18 January 2008 Funded by the European Union Implementation of Twinning and TAIEX operations in Azerbaijan Implemented by ECO
Seminar on Evaluation of Twinning Proposals / Baku 17-18 January 2008 Funded by the European Union Implementation of Twinning and TAIEX operations in Azerbaijan Implemented by ECO
Seminar on Evaluation of Twinning Proposals / Baku 17-18 January 2008 Funded by the European Union Implementation of Twinning and TAIEX operations in Azerbaijan Implemented by ECO
Seminar on Evaluation of Twinning Proposals / Baku 17-18 January 2008 Funded by the European Union Implementation of Twinning and TAIEX operations in Azerbaijan Implemented by ECO
Seminar on Evaluation of Twinning Proposals / Baku 17-18 January 2008 III) Partage d’expérience Funded by the European Union Implementation of Twinning and TAIEX operations in Azerbaijan Implemented by ECO
Seminar on Evaluation of Twinning Proposals / Baku 17-18 January 2008 Funded by the European Union Implementation of Twinning and TAIEX operations in Azerbaijan Implemented by ECO
Seminar on Evaluation of Twinning Proposals / Baku 17-18 January 2008 Funded by the European Union Implementation of Twinning and TAIEX operations in Azerbaijan Implemented by ECO
Seminar on Evaluation of Twinning Proposals / Baku 17-18 January 2008 Funded by the European Union Implementation of Twinning and TAIEX operations in Azerbaijan Implemented by ECO
Seminar on Evaluation of Twinning Proposals / Baku 17-18 January 2008 Funded by the European Union Implementation of Twinning and TAIEX operations in Azerbaijan Implemented by ECO
Seminar on Evaluation of Twinning Proposals / Baku 17-18 January 2008 Funded by the European Union Implementation of Twinning and TAIEX operations in Azerbaijan Implemented by ECO
Seminar on Evaluation of Twinning Proposals / Baku 17-18 January 2008 Funded by the European Union Implementation of Twinning and TAIEX operations in Azerbaijan Implemented by ECO
Seminar on Evaluation of Twinning Proposals / Baku 17-18 January 2008 Des questions? Merci! Presentation prepared by P.Mousnier-Lompré patrickml@free.fr; tel: +331 43 66 08 68 Funded by the European Union Implementation of Twinning and TAIEX operations in Azerbaijan Implemented by ECO