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WrapAround Nipissing. WrapAround Service Delivery Enhancement in Nipissing District. Lets look at the FACTS:.
WrapAround Nipissing WrapAround Service Delivery Enhancement in Nipissing District
Lets look at the FACTS: • In Nipissing the social assistance caseload is twice the provincial average at 7.9% (2005) and the percentage of social assistance recipients with children is alarmingly high at 12.2 % (2005)1 • 70% of the families served by WrapAround in 2009 were social assistance recipients with dependant children2 • 80% of these families are led by single mothers 2 • Of these lone parent mother households the average number of children per household was 2.52 • 1. Plumstead, David (2006) A Socioeconomic Profile and Report. DNSSAB • 2WrapAround Nipissing- STATS, 2009
How does WrapAround FIT: • WrapAround serves a population of individuals, families and children who are experiencing the most need • WrapAround works with families based on a community, strength based approach that looks at families as a holistic unit • WrapAround builds support networks around families for long term success • This parallel’s DNSSAB’s mandate in the 2010-2011 OCB funding which seeks to help prevent or reduce the depth of child poverty
Benefits to Enhancing Service Delivery in WrapAround: • Enhances service delivery to those who need it most • 70% of WrapAround caseload is OW/ODSP dependant • Decreased wait times • Increased staffing working directly with referred families – less chance of crisis • Duplication of service is minimized • Team based approach ensures no duplication of service • Cost Responsible and Cost Effective • WrapAround research in Ontario shows that WrapAround costs less than traditional service interventions3 3 Brown, R.A and Loughlin, J. (2004) . A cost and Satisfaction Study of the WrapAround Process, Hamilton. The Ministry of Community Family and Children's Services.
ACTION: HOW DO WE MAKE THIS HAPPEN?: WrapAround Nipissing recommends enhanced service delivery capacity as outlined in the 2010-2011OCB funding proposal • A .6 FTE Outreach Facilitator to work directly with families • A .4 FTE to increase Coordinator to 1.0 FTE to increase training opportunities, community awareness and education, partnerships and long term sustainability planning (funding) Enhancing these services within WrapAround will allow increased service delivery capacity of more than 66%
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