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DHS/FEMA UPDATE. 15 th Annual REP Conference April 12, 2005 Craig Conklin Department of Homeland Security. Overview. National Response Plan Nuclear/Radiological Incident Annex Potassium Iodide RDD Cleanup Guidance Comprehensive Review of Nuclear Reactors.
DHS/FEMA UPDATE 15th Annual REP Conference April 12, 2005 Craig Conklin Department of Homeland Security
Overview • National Response Plan • Nuclear/Radiological Incident Annex • Potassium Iodide • RDD Cleanup Guidance • Comprehensive Review of Nuclear Reactors
Comprehensive all-discipline, all-hazards plan All levels of government and private sector work together Integrate crisis and consequence management DHS Secretary designated Principal Federal Official National Incident Management System (NIMS) Core set of concepts, principles and terminology for incident command and multi-agency coordination HSPD-5: Management of Domestic Incidents
Provides the national standard for incident management Based on the National Interagency Incident Management System (NIIMS) Incident Command System (ICS) Major components: Incident Command and Management Preparedness Resource Management Communications and Information Management Supporting Technologies Ongoing Management and Maintenance National Incident Management System NATIONAL INCIDENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM March 1, 2004 Homeland Security
Incident Command System (ICS): Management system designed to integrate resources from numerous organizations into a single response structure using common terminology and processes Incident management activities organized under five functions: Unified Command incorporates Federal, State, Tribal, Local and non-governmental entities with overlapping jurisdiction and incident management responsibilities Command & Management Command Operations Planning Logistics Finance
Supercedes FRP CONPLAN FRERP INRP Integrates NCP Other national-level contingency plans National Response Plan (NRP) National Response Plan Guiding Policy: Homeland Security Act & HSPD-5 Incorporates key concepts • NIMS • HSOC • IIMG • PFO • JFO • ESFs
NIMS & NRP Relationship National Incident Management System (NIMS) Standardized process and procedures for incident management NIMS aligns command & control, organization structure, terminology, communication protocols, resources and resource typing to enable synchronization of efforts in response to an incident at all echelons of government Incident DHS integrates and applies Federal resources both pre and post incident Local Support or Response Resources, knowledge, and abilities from independent Federal Depts & Agencies State Support or Response Federal Support or Response NRP is activated forIncidents of National Significance National Response Plan (NRP) Activation and proactive application of integrated Federal resources
Organization of the NRP Base Plan Concept of Operations, Coordinating Structures, Roles and Responsibilities, Definitions, etc. Groups capabilities & resources into functions that are most likely needed during an incident (e.g., Transportation, Firefighting, Mass Care) Emergency Support Function Annexes Describes common processes and specific administrative requirements (e.g., Public Affairs, Private Sector Coordination, Worker Safety & Health) Support Annexes Outlines procedures, roles and responsibilities for specific contingencies (e.g., Terrorism, Nuclear/Radiological) Incident Annexes Glossary, Acronyms, and Compendium of National Interagency Plans Appendices
Provides the national framework for domestic incident management Broadly applies to all incident categories Establishes incident/potential incident monitoring and reporting protocols DHS role in Incidents of National Significance: Operational coordination; and/or Resource coordination Applicability/Scope
Incidents which require DHS operational coordination and/or resource coordination. Includes: Credible threats, indications or acts of terrorism within the United States Major disasters or emergencies (as defined by the Stafford Act) Catastrophic incidents Unique situations that may require DHS to aid in coordination of incident management… Incidents of National Significance
When a Federal department of agency acting under its own authority has requested the assistance of the Secretary When the Secretary has been directed to assume responsibility for managing the domestic incident by the President Events that exceed the purview of other established Federal plans Events of regional or national importance involving one or more Federal agencies (at the discretion of the Secretary of DHS) National Special Security Events UniqueSituations
Single national framework for various Federal roles: Direct implementation of Federal authorities Federal to State support Federal to Federal support Pro-active response to catastrophic incidents Incidents handled at lowest possible organizational level DHS receives notification of incidents and potential incidents, assesses regional or national implications and determines need for DHS coordination DHS operational and/or resource coordination for Incidents of National Significance Concept of Operations
Layered Response Strategy Capabilities and Resources Federal Response State Response Regional / Mutual Response Systems Local Response, Municipal and County Minimal Low Medium High Catastrophic Increasing magnitude and severity
Emphasis on Prevention, Preparedness and Mitigation HSOC receives reports of terrorist threats and potential incidents Conducts assessment and coordinates with Departments and Agencies to deter, prevent, mitigate and respond Potential Incident of National Significance: Activates NRP components to provide Federal operational/resource assistance to prevent/minimize impact Concept of Operations – Pre-event
Preparedness Pre-deployment of response assets Pre-establishment of ICPs, JFO, staging areas and other facilities Evacuation and protective sheltering Implementation of structural and non-structural mitigation measures Phases of Incident Management Activities Notification Response Preparedness Recovery Prevention Examples Recovery • Repair/replacement of damaged public facilities • Debris cleanup/removal • Temporary housing • Restoration of public services • Crisis counseling • Programs for long-term economic stabilization and community recovery Prevention • Implement countermeasures such as security and infrastructure protection • Conduct tactical ops to interdict or disrupt illegal activity • Conduct public health surveillance, testing immunizations and quarantine for biological threats Response • Emergency shelter, housing, food & water • Search and rescue • Evacuation • Emergency medical services • Decontamination following a WMD attack • Emergency restoration of critical services
Emphasis on Response and Recovery On-scene operations managed by ICS/Unified Command State, Tribal, local and other Federal agencies may request assistance IIMG, NRCC and HSOC provide national level policy, information, resource and operational coordination Joint Field Office (JFO) established Integrates Federal operational and resource coordination with State and locals Fully replaces the DFO, and incorporates the JOC during terrorist events JFO Coordination Group: Principal Federal Official (PFO), Senior Federal Law Enforcement Official (SFLEO), Senior Federal Officials (SFOs), and State, Local & Tribal Reps Concept of Operations – Post-event
NRP Coordination - Terrorism NationalLevel Regional Level Field Level NIMS Role Interagency Incident Management Group (IIMG) JFO Coordination Group • Multiagency Coordination Entity • Incident prioritization and resource allocation • Focal point for issue resolution Regional Response Coordination Center (RRCC) • Support and Coordination • Identifying resource shortages & issues • Gathering and providing information • Implementing MAC Entity decisions Joint Field Office (JFO) HSOC/NRCC Local Emergency Ops Center State Emergency Ops Center SIOC Joint Ops Center (JOC) The FBI Joint Operations Center (JOC) coordinates criminal investigation and law enforcement activities. When the JFO is established, the JOC becomes a section of the JFO. • Incident Command • Directing on-scene emergency management Incident Command Post (ICP)
Phase I – Transitional Period (0 - 60 days) Modify training Designate staffing of new NRP organizational elements Become familiar with NRP structures, processes and protocols Phase II – Plan Modification (60 – 12- days) Federal Departments/Agencies modify existing interagency plans Conduct necessary training Phase III – Initial Implementation and Testing (120 – 365 days) INRP, FRP, FRERP, and CONPLAN are superseded Systematic assessment of NRP structures, processes and protocols Conduct 1-year review to assess success of implementation Implementation Guidance
FEMA Website: www.fema.gov IS 100 – Introduction to the Incident Command System IS 200 – Basic Incident Command System for Federal Disaster Workers IS 700 – National Incident Management System IS 800 – National Response Plan Suggested Training
Incorporates planning basis and response methodology contained in current Federal Radiological Emergency Preparedness Plan Maintains roles of the Federal Radiological Preparedness Coordinating Committee and Regional Assistance Committees Important Revisions Annex applies to terrorist events HHS lead role in population monitoring and decontamination Nuclear/Radiological Incident Annex
“ … applies to nuclear/radiological incidents, including sabotage and terrorist incidents, involving the release, or potential release, of radioactive material that poses an actual or perceived hazard to public health, safety, national security, and/or the environment.” Scope of Nuc/Rad Incident Annex
Federal Radiological Preparedness Coordinating Committee (FRPCC) National-level forum for development and coordination of radiological prevention and preparedness policies and procedures Regional Assistance Committees (RACs) Coordinating structure at the Federal regional level Planning Structures
Department of Homeland Security Overall incident manager for Incidents of National Significance Coordinating Agencies Facilitate the nuclear/radiological aspects of a response in support of DHS Lead the Federal response to nuclear/radiological incidents of lesser severity Cooperating Agencies Provide technical and resource support to DHS and Coordinating Agencies Operational Responsibilities
Determined by: Type of incident Ownership of material/facility Regulatory authority Potential Coordinating Agency Nuclear Regulatory Agency Department of Energy Department of Defense Environmental Protection Agency Coordinating Agency
TOPOFF 2 Highlighted Lack of Consensus on Clean-up Levels RDD/IND Preparedness Working Group Takes Lead to Resolve Clean-up Issue Efforts Coordinated With Office of Science and Technology Policy Homeland Security Council Background
Department of Homeland Security Environmental Protection Agency Nuclear Regulatory Commission Department of Energy Department of Defense Occupational Safety and Health Administration Centers for Disease Control Consequence Management Subgroup
National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements International Commission on Radiological Protection International Atomic Energy Agency American Nuclear Society Health Physics Society State Programs Academia Sources of Guidance
Due to Extreme Range of Potential Impacts Workgroup Determined That a Strict Numerical Approach Was Not Useful Site-specific Remediation and Recovery Strategies Should Be Developed Using Principals of Optimization Must Include Appropriate Stakeholders in Decision Making Process Clean-up/Recovery Strategy
Flexible Process for Determining Societal Objectives Developing and Evaluating Options Selecting the Most Acceptable Option Optimization • Public Health and Welfare • Public Acceptability • Costs and Resource Availability • Technical Feasibility • Long-term Effectiveness • Projected Land Usage • Size of Impacted Area • Type of Contamination
Goals Transparency Inclusiveness Effectiveness Key Characteristics Flexibility Scalability Iterative Process Overview
Takes Place At/Near Incident Location Utilizes Following Teams/Work Groups Decision Making Team (DMT) Recovery Management Team (RMT) Stakeholder Working Group (SWG) Technical Working Group (TWG) Federal, State and Local Representation Process Implementation
Membership Secretary of Department of Homeland Security Governor of Affected State Local Mayor, County Executive, Etc. Responsibilities Make Final Clean-up Decision(s) Commit Funding and Resources Resolve Difficult Issues or Elevate Them to the President Decision Making Team
Membership Selected by the Decision Making Team DHS Representative State and Local Officials Federal/state Lead Technical Agency Co-chaired by State and DHS Official Responsibilities Provide Oversight and Guidance Ensure Effective Wok Group Interaction Ensure Effective Community Involvement Prioritize Options for the Decision Making Team Recovery Management Team
Membership Selected by Recovery Management Team Federal, State, Local and Tribal Representatives Non-government Organizations Exact Selection and Balance Is Incident Specific Co-chaired by State or Local and DHS Official Responsibilities Represent Local Needs and Desires Provide Input on Site Restoration and Proposed Clean-up Options Stakeholder Working Group (SWG)
Membership Selected by Recovery Management Team Federal, State, Local, and Tribal Subject Matter Experts Co-chaired by State and Federal Lead Technical Agencies Responsibilities Provide Expert Input on Economic and Technical Issues Consider Input From Stakeholder Working Group Review Analyses Performed by Lead Technical Agencies Provide Reports to Recovery Management Team Technical Working Group (TWG)
TWG Develops Options Based on SWG Input TWG Briefs RMT and SWG on Options’ Feasibility, Costs, Strengths and Weaknesses TWG Forwards Sound, Reasonable and Balanced Recommendation(s) to RMT RMT Transmits Recommendation(s) to the Decision Making Team for Final Action Recovery Process
Section 127 of Bioterrorism Act of 2002 requires that KI be made available out to 20 miles around commercial nuclear power plants HHS will provide KI through the Strategic National Stockpile HHS must develop guidance for KI distribution September 2004 HHS met with DHS/FEMA, NRC, OMB and HSC to discuss plan of action October 2004 HHS, FEMA and NRC developed draft guidance November 2004, HHS sought comment from 46 organizations on draft guidance Potassium Iodide (KI)
Proposed Guidance Requests for KI would be submitted to FEMA for review and approval (State/local plans must be developed before approval) If HHS approves request, KI is supplied FEMA evaluates State/local capability in accordance with existing exercise evaluation methodology Section 127 requirements do not result in changes to current emergency planning basis Received comments from 33 organizations (20 states) Most states did not believe that KI was needed, especially out to 20 miles Only 4 of 20 states stated they would participate in the program HHS, FEMA and NRC currently evaluating comments and revising proposed guidance Potassium Iodide (Cont.)
Integrated review of security and emergency preparedness Vulnerability assessments Tactical and non-tactical response plans Site-specific and industry-wide analysis Applies to: Operating commercial nuclear reactors Decommissioned reactors Spent fuel storage Other fuel cycle facilities Comprehensive Review of Nuclear Reactors and Associated Facilities
Homeland Security Presidential Directive 7 – Critical Infrastructure Identification, Prioritization, and Protection National Infrastructure Protection Plan Public Law 108-293 – Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation Act of 2004 Public Law 107-295 – Maritime Transportation Act of 2002 Authorities
Department of Homeland Security Information Analysis and Infrastructure Protection United States Coast Guard Federal Emergency Management Agency Nuclear Regulatory Commission Federal Bureau of Investigation Department of Energy Nuclear Energy Institute Inter-agency/Industry Partnership
Identify opportunities for enhancing the level of protection for the Nation’s critical infrastructure Permit comparisons of risks and level of preparedness Within each sector Across all sectors Provide information that can be used to allocate limited Federal resources according to level of risk and consequences Comprehensive Review Objectives