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F ew words about Korean Buddhism. Basic Buddhism. Buddha: Gotama Sittharta He was born in a aristocratical republic in the north part of India ~in the VIth century B.C. He enlightened when he was ~35 years old He became of the teacher of every living being.
Basic Buddhism • Buddha: GotamaSitthartaHe wasborn in a aristocratical republic in the north part of India ~in the VIth century B.C. • He enlightened when he was ~35 years old • He became of the teacher of every living being. • Northern Buddhism: ~MahayanaBuddhismWho became enlightened can’t go to the Nirvana, has to teach the humanity.These teachers are the Bodhisatvas.MaitreiaAvalokiteshvara • Today Buddhism has 500 million fallows and several schools.Buddha Head
Main teachings of Buddhism • The Four Nobel Trouths:-suffering (dukkha): szenvedés-theorigin [of suffering] (szamudaja): a szenvedés eredete-thecessation [of suffering] (niródha): a szenvedés megszűnése-theway [leadingtothecessation of suffering] (magga): a szenvedés megszűnéséhez vezető út • The Nobel EightfoldPath • Notself (éntelenség) • There’s no a creatorgod, everyonecreatesthewordbythependentorigination. ( függő keletkezés)
Maitreya GeumdongMireukBosalBangasangMaitreyastatues of Korea (금동 미륵보살 반가상) National Treasure of Korea Gilte bronze statue 83.2 cm tall Date : back to middle or end of VI century Its origin is uncertain.
Avalokiteshvara 1000 armedAvalokiteshvaraKoryoperiod, 10th-11thcentury Cast-ironH: 58 cm; L.: 63 cm Seated in the oriental posture, the 43-handed entity (each hand with a different attribute) appears to be gently bowing at the feet of a small Amitabha Buddha held over his head by two of his upper arms.
Early years :The shamanism • Ancient religion of animanism and nature-spirit worship. • The origin of Korea shamanism is unknown. • Based on the respect of nature spirits and unknown superior powers. • There are three spirits with special importance:-Mountain Spirit, Sanshin (who is usually depicted as an old man with a tiger at his feet)-Toksong, or the Recluse-Ch’ilsong (the spirit of the seven stars, the Big Dipper). • Buddhism absolved the shamanism. • The spirits has special places in the temples. Buddhist shaman in trans
The beginning of Korean Buddhism • Buddhism was first introduce in 372AD.-That is the time of the Three Kingdom:Koguryo, Paekje and Shilla • It comes from China. • ! Remember: At this time in Korea the general religion was the shamanism! • But: Buddhism is a very nature based, tolerant religion- it could easily assimilate the cardinal points of shamanism. • This kind of original mixture of the two religions makes the Korean Buddhism so interesting. Ancient(?) stone Buddha statue from South Korea
The ThreeKingdoms • Koguryo: In 372 AD.: A monk from China was invited to Koguryo.He brought Chinese texts and the philosophy became much liked by the royalty.(That could help the fluently and quick spreading.) • Paekje:In 384AD.: The Budhism carried to south western areas to the kingdom of Paekje.It was very successful here as well.Korean monks travelled to Japan to teach the Buddhism There as well. • Shilla:In527 AD.: ! In Shilla the common people were first attracted to Buddhism.After Ich’adon martyrdom Shilla became the strongest basis of Buddhism. Execution of Ichadon,Heungnyeungsa Temple
The story of Won-hyo and Ui-sang • Won –hyo: • Great scholar. • His works based on the unity and the interrelatedness of whole think. • Ui-sang • Great philosopher. • His famous work: Avatamasaka Sutra(A very complexand unique explanation of the universe.)UisangDaeSa(625-702) WonhyoDaeSa (617-686)nbsp;(617~686)
The Unified Shilla period(668-935 AD) • Buddhism became the central religion of this period. • Chaotic times-danger of foreign invasion. • Buddhism became a chance of union.Various rituals were developed and performed as spiritual requests for protection . • Buddhism continued to grow and became highly organized academically and culturally. • Korean Art:-Pagodas-Statues-Buddhist Heritage-Tempels ( Bulgoksa, Seokguram)-The famous rock statue of Buddha in Seokguram Grotto. • Son was introduce. • Added new dimensions to Korean Buddhism. The great Buddha statue in Seokguram Grotto. Photo under GFDL.
불국사BulguksaTemple Head temple of the Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism in the Gyeongsang Province in South Korea. It was built in 528 In 1995 with SeokguramGotto, it was North added to the Unesco Word Heritage list.
Koryo(935-1392 A.D.) • Buddhism still the national religion at this time. • !But: The process of ritual became more important than the spiritual action. • Some of the monks revolted against the new system. • Master Ui-chon (1055-1101 A.D.)Translate the Tripitaka. • Union of the Son-, Avatamasaka tradition under the Chinese school. • Reformation of the Korean Buddhism. • Nine school of Son (ZenorCh’an) were unified • Art:Songgwang-sa temple on Mt. Chogye Temple of Mt. Chogye
Water-MoonAvalokiteshvara • 양류관음도, Avalokiteshvara (관세음보살 觀世音菩薩) • Hanging scroll, ink and colors on silk H: 203 in. x W: 119 3/4 in. Drawn in Koryo period of Korea. Stored at KagamiJinjya Temple • Date: 1310, Koryo dynasty of Korea
Choson and today(1392-1910) • The time of Neo-Konfucionism. • The Buddhism was slowly declined by the governing authority. • Many of the monks became politically irrelevant. • Common people continued to go toBuddhist temples. • 1910 :Japan annexation • The Buddhism was steal cardinal religion but the chief monks were appointed by Japan. • Many Buddhist art treasure were took into Japan. • 1945: After the liberation, the great revival of the Korean Buddhism • New temples and centers opens today
Hungarian Buddhism • XV. Century:First mention of Buddhism in Hungary -Geleottybelived Buda = Buddha • XIX. Century:KőrösiCsomaSándor • 1932:Dr KovácsGyörgy , librarian of the HoppFerenc Museum helped to establish the first Hungarian community. • 1937:Letters from China:A Hungarian Buddhist monk did want to establish a Hungarian Buddhist Order.
Buddhism in Hungary • 1951 :First Buddhist mission in Hungary- Founded by Lama AnagarikaGovinda • The chief of the mission was HetényiErnőHe get the lama title. • After 1990:Time of different Buddhist orders, schools and communities.-Buddhist Mission-KőrösiCsomaSándor Buddhist University-Tan Kapuja Buddhist College (1991) • 2006: Lama Kalsang Tibetan monk moved to Budapest. • Art: Hungarian stupas (7): Budapest 2, Budakeszi, Bükkmogyorósd (Csernely), Zalaszántó, Tar közösség, Becske 1-1 Stupain Zalaszántó
Kőrösi Csoma Sándor(1784,Erdély-1842, Darjeeling) • The funder of Tibetology. • He was born in Erdély, 1784 • He was studying in the University of Gottingen • He wanted to find the Hungarian country of origin. • The Karakorum was „closed” becouse of the cold winter, and he had to stay Ladach. • He spent 7 years in Ladach and he made the first Tibetan :-Dictionary-Grammar-Buddhist Terminology • When he tried to travel to Lhasa he got sick, and he died in Darjeeling,1842 • His Tomb is front of the Chomolungma • http://www.archivum.kcst.hu/
Summary HungarianBuddhism KoreanBuddhism Unity: Buddhism had the power in the past to collect the people in one unity.Whon-yo trusted the idea of „One Mind” Openness: The Korean Buddhism absolved the local traditions such as Shamanism , Confucianism.Even today there are Buddhist songs, and singer groups. The original thoughts of Buddhism are transferred into films, television serials. • Western Buddhism:Hungarian Buddhism fallows the Western Buddhism way.Being a Buddhist in Hungary usually means= fallowing the basic teaches of Buddha.-practice without order-? ! Individualism-Notselfness
References: • http://www.worldgallery.co.uk/poster/Buddha---Face-73632.htmlhttp://higashishinbun.blogspot.com/2009/11/importance-of-carved-gesture.htmlhttp://www.guimet.fr/1000-armed-Avalokiteshvara-chonsuhttp://www.flickr.com/photos/schlotti/4459745236/http://www.tomcoyner.com/mountain_spirits_still_watching.htmhttp://www.canstockphoto.com/stone-buddha-statue-0743740.htmlhttp://www.sherwinvjones.com/gyeongjublog/2010/03/martyrdom-of-i-cha-don/http://www.international-zen-temple.de/en/zen/transmission.htmhttp://postcard.pics-sydney.com.au/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=1420http://www.sacred-destinations.com/south-korea/seokguram-grottohttp://www.flickr.com/photos/mojohealy/412530715/http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Goryeo-Avalokiteshvara-1310-kagami_Jinjya_Temple.jpghttp://norococo.blogspot.com/2009/04/understanding-symbols-of-buddha.htmlhttp://www.buddhapest.hu/2010/02/magyar-buddhistak.htmlhttp://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zalasz%C3%A1nt%C3%B3i_szt%C3%BApahttp://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/K%C5%91r%C3%B6si_Csoma_S%C3%A1ndorhttp://www.archivum.kcst.hu/http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Korean_Buddhismhttp://www.asiarecipe.com/korbuddhism.htmlhttp://www.hvk.org/articles/0107/123.htmlBuddha Beszédei: Vekerdi féle fordításhttp://www.buddhismtoday.com/english/world/country/019-korea.htmhttp://www.gerlo.hu/hvall/enci/magyarbuddha.html