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Disease Outbreak Investigation and Response

Disease Outbreak Investigation and Response. What are the leading causes of death among children under 5?. Leading Causes of Childhood Deaths. Source: WHO estimates of the causes of death in children, 2000-03 Bryce, Lancet, 26 March 2005. Where do 10 million children die each year?.

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Disease Outbreak Investigation and Response

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  1. Disease Outbreak Investigation and Response

  2. What are the leading causes of death among children under 5?

  3. Leading Causes of Childhood Deaths Source: WHO estimates of the causes of death in children, 2000-03 Bryce, Lancet, 26 March 2005

  4. Where do 10 million children die each year? WHO estimates of the causes of death in children, Lancet, 2005

  5. What are the major causes of under 5 deaths in emergency settings?

  6. Major Causes of Death in Emergencies for <5 Years Somalia: Gedo Region 7 Camps, January, 1980 Sudan: Wad Kowli Camp February, 1985 Measles ARI Malaria Diarrhea Other Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Famine-Affected, Refugee, and Displaced Populations: Recommendations for Public Health Issues. MMWR, 1992;41(No. RR-13):8.

  7. Examples of Recent Outbreaks • Cholera – Kenya, South Sudan • Measles – Aceh, South Sudan, Kenya • Yellow fever – South Sudan • Meningitis – Darfur • Hepatitis E – Darfur • Dysentery – Liberia • Malaria – Ethiopia, Uganda

  8. Outbreak Investigations • Why investigate an outbreak? • When to investigate? • How to investigate?

  9. Why investigate an outbreak ? • Public Health rational • To design control and preventive measures • To reduce morbidity • To reduce or prevent mortality • Delayed or improper interventions = DEATHS

  10. Investigation allows us to (1): • Identify the causative agent • New pathogen causing new disease, e.g. HIV 1984.. • Old pathogen causing this outbreak (e.g. Hep E, salmonella) • Toxic substances (e.g. insecticides, heavy metals, etc.) • Identify modes of transmission • Design effective and efficient interventions • Identify who is at risk • Geographic location • Age or sex group • Occupation • Other

  11. Investigation allows to (2): • Evaluate health services (e.g., vaccine efficacy) • Evaluate public health interventions • Evaluate the surveillance system • Sensitivity, specificity etc. • Contribute to medical knowledge • Communicate and advocate TAKE ACTION: disease control and prevention

  12. Investigation requires: • Basic medical & public health knowledge • Basic concepts of epidemiology • Sources of specialized information (e.g. reference books & specialists) • Knowledge of the environment • Laboratory testing (but not always) • COMMON SENSE !

  13. But before investigating an outbreak… PREPARE for an outbreak if it is likely!!

  14. Steps in Investigating an Outbreak • What are the steps in investigating an outbreak?

  15. Steps in Investigating an Outbreak (1) • Establish the existence of an outbreak • Confirm the diagnosis • Define a case and count cases • Perform descriptive epidemiology (person, place and time) • Determine who is at risk • Develop hypotheses explaining exposure & disease

  16. Steps in Investigating an Outbreak (2) • Evaluate hypotheses • As necessary, reconsider/refine hypotheses and execute additional studies • additional epidemiologic studies • other types of studies – laboratory, environmental • Communicate findings • written report • presentations • Implement control and prevention measures

  17. Confirm the Existence of an Outbreak Definition of outbreak • One case – for diseases of epidemic potential (e.g., measles, cholera) • More than the expected number of cases – for endemic diseases • Sometimes is quantitative threshold (e.g.meningococcal meningitis) Importance of a good surveillance system for early warning

  18. Monthly malaria admissions and rainfall, Wajir,1996-98 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 J96 F M A M J J A S O N D J97 F M A M J J A S O N D J98 F M A Substantial Rise in Malaria Cases Malaria admissions Rainfall

  19. Weekly incidence of meningitis, MSF/MOH/Epicentre, Mali, 1997 25 20 # cases/10,000/day 15 10 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

  20. Confirm the Diagnosis • Talk with health workers • Examine cases yourself ! • Laboratory testing (e.g., malaria, cholera, hemorrhagic fevers, etc.) Exaggeration of reported outbreaks is common

  21. Develop a Case Definition • Must be easily applied by health workers • Preferably does not require laboratory results • Short time with each patient • Must be standardized • Should be relatively sensitive • Detect most cases • May pick up false positives

  22. Develop a Case Definition Measles: 3 possible case definitions • Fever and runny nose? • Fever and rash and Koplik’s spots and conjunctivitis? • CDC case definition: generalized maculopapular rash > 3 days and fever and at least one of the following: cough, coryza or conjunctivitis?

  23. Develop a Case Definition Measles: 3 definitions • Fever and runny nose • Too sensitive • Too many other illnesses produce same symptoms • Call many illnesses “measles” • Fever and rash and Koplik’s spots and conjunctivitis • Too specific • Many cases of measles do not have all these signs • Miss many real cases of measles • CDC case definition: generalized maculopapular rash > 3 days and fever and at least one of the following: cough, coryza or conjunctivitis

  24. Develop a Case Definition Sometimes define levels of certainty regarding diagnosis; for example, meningitis or Ebola • Confirmed case: laboratory confirmed • Probable case: fits all components of clinical case definition • Possible case: suggestive clinical signs but not fit case definition

  25. Once Case Definition is Established Count cases ! • Reinforce passive surveillance • Active case finding • You do not have to count all cases, but • What proportion should be detected? • Depends on what you do with data

  26. Descriptive Epidemiology • TIME, PLACE, PERSON • May be possible to answer: • Who is at risk? • What is source of infection? • What is mode of transmission?

  27. Descriptive Epidemiology - Time • Distribution of cases by date of onset • X axis: time Y axis: number of cases • Shows: • Time limits / duration of the outbreak • Peak / incubation period • Form of curve: evolution of outbreak • Formulate hypothesis regarding source

  28. Epidemiologic Curve

  29. Epidemiologic Curve

  30. Epidemiologic Curve

  31. Descriptive Epidemiology - Person • Numerators • Describe cases in terms of • age, sex, • other parameters : refugee / displaced / residents • immunized , not immunized • Denominators • Distribution in the overall population (age, sex,...) • Compare rates to identify high risk groups

  32. Descriptive Epidemiology - Place • Map cases: identify geographic places at risk • Determine where disease acquired: Home, work, travel, etc..

  33. John Snow’s Map of Cholera Cases

  34. Yasoku 0.2 Ebola epidemic, Yambuku, Zaire 1976 Yambala 0.1 Yambala 0.7 Yapiki 0.7 Yambuku4.5 Yamolembia 2.6 Yamisole 2.7 Yaeto-Liku 1.3 Yalosemba 1.0 Badjoki 1.8 Bongola 1.6 Modjambole 0.8 Kokoko 0.8

  35. Information to Collect on Cases Personal information • Age • Sex • Place of residence (address) • Other relevant “exposures” • Refugees vs locals • Food source • Water source • Ethnicity, religion, etc.

  36. Information to Collect on Cases Disease data • Date of onset of symptoms • Clinical symptoms and signs • Immunized or not (measles, meningitis) • Laboratory results (if any) • Duration of disease, outcome (death, cured,..) • Treatment received

  37. Develop Hypotheses • Often obvious from descriptive epidemiology • Formulate idea about source of outbreak and mode of transmission

  38. Test Hypotheses • Cross – sectional study? • Cohort study • Case – control study • Identify cases • Select control group • Possibly matched on age or sex or location • Community control, clinic control etc. • Compare exposures among cases and controls • Calculate odds for various exposures

  39. Write a Report • Clarifies your own ideas / synthesis • Presents data and conclusions to anyone interested • Often epidemiologist don’t implement interventions • Must communicate to those who will intervene • Advocacy: MOH, UN, other NGOs, donors • Basis for future reference

  40. Implement - Take ACTION Interventions include • Prevention of further cases • Control of transmission and source of infection • Improve case management, lower case-fatality rate

  41. What would SAVE’s role be in responding to an outbreak? • Outbreak of acute watery diarrhea confirmed as cholera? • Large cluster of measles cases in displaced persons camp? • Sharp increase in measles cases in which SAVE is supporting clinical services ?

  42. What preventive measures can be taken to reduce likelihood of an outbreak? • Measles? • Cholera? • Dysentery? • Meningitis? • Malaria?

  43. Exercise • SAVE supports clinical services in a large IDP camp with 75,000 persons. A large number of cases of acute jaundice syndrome is detected and local physicians suspect hepatitis. Your clinicians report several deaths among adult women. • What would you do to investigate or confirm this?

  44. Exercise – part 2 Laboratory confirms agent is Hepatitis E. Over 1000 cases have been reported at your clinics. You suspect there are more cases in the camp that have not come to the clinic. • What other epidemiologic information would you like to see? What environmental information? • What would you do about those not coming to the clinics?

  45. Exercise part 3 An active case search is conducted and more than 3500 cases are detected. Water sources include water from distribution system (sometimes chlorinated), hand pumps. Some persons collect water from streambeds. There are approximately 100 latrines in the camp. What do you recommend on the prevention side?

  46. Steps Taken Chlorination of all water sources (week 32) Latrine construction Hygiene promotion and soap distribution Active surveillance Example part 4

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