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8 millennium developmental goals. Guyana and Suriname Ifan Bien and Gentry Evans. Goal #1 -Suriname Eradicate Extreme Poverty and Hunger. Explanation of Goal #1-Suriname.
8 millennium developmental goals Guyana and Suriname Ifan Bien and Gentry Evans
Explanation of Goal #1-Suriname The target of reducing extreme poverty rates by half was met five years ahead of the 2015 deadline. The global poverty rate at $1.25 a day fell in 2010 to less than half the 1990 rate. However, projections indicate that in 2015 almost one billion people will still be living on less than $1.25 per day. Suriname is faced with a number of challenges to improve the poverty situation affecting the country and society. Since 2000, the poverty situation has changed significantly, I strongly believe that Suriname will continue to improve.
Goal #1-GuyanaEradicate Extreme Poverty and Hunger • The proportion of the population living in extreme poverty has declined from 28.7% in 1993 to 18.6 in 2006 • The overall unemployment rate fell from 11.7% in 1992 to 10.7% in 2006 • Malnutrition among children was 11.8% in 1997, and in 2008, data showed that 6% of under-five children in 2008 experienced mild to moderate malnutrition, and less than 1% suffered severe malnutrition
Explanation of Goal #1-Guyana • Guyana is doing really well in goal #1. They have reduced the proportion of people living in poverty by half and are well on their way to reaching their ultimate target in this goal. I believe that as long as they are keeping focus on what they need and do all that they can with the resources that they have been given then they will be able to achieve their goal by 2015.
Goal #2-Suriname Achieve universal primary education Total number of schools 2002/2003 and school enrollment
Explanation of Goal #2-Suriname The primary school enrollment is the largest, with about 75%. This shows that many children have access to a primary school, and enrollment has been able to improve tremendously. Getting enrolled, isn’t the main problem, it’s the children staying in school and improving every year, and going up in levels. Around 7%-8% drop out every year, and 25% have to repeat the first school year, and about 18% have to repeat the 6th grade year. Overall, I think another important factor that needs to take place is the Increasing of the budget for primary education in Suriname, and do to that they would be able to guarantee or improve the quality of primary education.
Goal #2-GuyanaAchieve universal primary education • The net primary school enrollment rate has consistently been above 95% since 2000 • The survival rate, or proportion of students entering grade 1 who reach grade 6 of primary schooling, has consistently been above 90% from 2006-2009
Explanation of Goal #2-Guyana • Guyana is doing very well in this goal and is well on its way of achieving it’s target goal. Through the psychological perspective, if they just put their mind to it that they can provide a good, solid education to every child then they will be able too. Even if it is hard at times, they will be able to do it if they have a positive attitude towards the situation.
Goal #3-Suriname Promote Gender Equality and Empower WomanGross Enrollment Ratios for Selected Education Levels
Explanation of Goal #3-suriname In Suriname boys lag behind girls as far as secondary education is concerned. For education, I think women do have the rights, on the other hand employment and women having positions in executive spots could use improvement before the year 2015. The women’s employment is almost 100% higher than that of men. Although women are still under-represented in decision-making and executive positions, there has been a slight improvement in the number of women in, among other things, parliamentary positions. I feel like there are many strong and smart women who should have the same rights as men in this country, and it will continue to grow.
Goal #3-GuyanaPromote Gender Equality and Empower Woman • The proportion of women employed in the non-agricultural sector has increased from 29% in 1991 to 33% in 2006 • Female representation in Parliament has increased from twelve members (18.5%) in 1992 to twenty members (30.7%) in 2009
Explanation of Goal #3-Guyana • Guyana has done really well in promoting woman power and getting them in higher positions of authority and being seen equal as the men. Guyana has helped teenage mothers through education and life skills that have helped them make better lives for themselves and their children. Society can have a huge influence on people and if the women know that they have that support system behind them then it makes it much easier to get ahead.
Explanation of Goal #4-Suriname The under-five mortality rate for children indicates the probability that a child will die before reaching the age of five. The infant mortality rate indicates the chance that a child will die before even reaching the age of one. I believe that poverty shouldn’t be an issue here, and every child should have adequate food and health. There will be steps to improve this problem.
Goal #4-GuyanaReduce Child Mortality • The under-five mortality rate in Guyana has declined from 120 per 1000 live births in 1991 to 17 per 1000 live births in 2008 • HIV/AIDS deaths among children declined from 7.1% in 2001 to 1.9% in 2008
Explanation of Goal #4-Guyana • Guyana has already met the target for this particular goal so they did/are doing excellent at reducing the child mortality rate. I think it’s incredible that they were already able to reach their goal in this area because it means that anything is possible and it gives them more hope to reach the rest of their goals.
Explanation of Goal #5-suriname In this country, maternal and baby health has been something that is considered a traditional duty in the culture. Most pre-natal and post-natal care use to be free, but now due to economic problems, a contribution is now required from the customers. That could be a problem on the maternal mortality rates there. I think that there could be more done to improve the rates that were researched. If more health care was provided for them, then the numbers would go down.
Goal #5-GuyanaImprove Maternal Health • The maternal mortality ratio declined from an adjusted baseline of 320 deaths per 100,000 live births in 1991 to 86 deaths per 100,000 live births in 2008 • The proportion of mothers to receive at least one session of antenatal care has increased from 92% in 2000 to 97.2% in 2009 • Over 96% of births are now attended by skilled health personnel.
Explanation of Goal #5-Guyana • Guyana has high potential of reaching their target goal in improving maternal health. Their priority is the care that is provided by the health care team. If they were able to gain more knowledge about women during their pregnancy then it would stop health problems and diseases in their children and the future generations.
Explanation of Goal #6-Suriname According to the Medical Mission, the most prevailing health problems in the hinterland are malaria, anemia, pregnancy-related problems, sexually communicable diseases, and also hygiene problems. In the year 2012, Suriname had 3,700 people living with HIV/AIDS, compared to Guyana which had 5,900 people living with HIV/AIDS. Suriname’s numbers have increased, and I believe will continue to decrease by the rate it is going from the years 2009 and 2010.
Goal #6-GuyanaCombat HIV/AIDS Malaria and other Diseases • The prevalence of HIV/AIDS in the population has decreased from 7.1% in 1995 to 1.1% in 2009 • Access to antiretroviral drugs has more than quadrupled in five years, representing and increase from 18.4% in 2004 to 83.5% in 2009 • The prevalence of malaria has decreased from 5,084 per 100,000 persons in 2005 to 1,541 per 100,000 persons in 2008
Explanation of Goal #6 -Guyana • Guyana is progressing in this goal. Their priority is to get better at detecting these diseases in order to prevent them to further have to be treated which in the long run will slowly rid the country of such diseases. Your personal health is so important and without it, it is very difficult to function in life at all so improving in just this one area would improve many other aspects of their country.
Explanation of Goal #7-Suriname Within the country, there are many problems concerning the environment, and I believe that everyone should be able to live in a clean environment. Issues include deforestation as timber is cut for export; pollution of inland waterways by small-scale mining activities. 10% of the land was designated to CSNR (Central Suriname Nature Reserve), which is a huge step towards conservation and reserving the environment!
Goal #7-GuyanaSustain Environmental Sustainability • The percentages and years in which households had access to safe drinking water in Guyana: • In 1991 – approx. 50% • In 2000 – 83% • In 2002 – approx. 88.8% • In 2006 – 91% • Government has distributed approximately 82,000 house lots between 1993 and 2009, and continues to prioritize the expansion of access to housing to the lowest income groups
Explanation of Goal #7 • Guyana is working hard at this goal and the government is playing a big role in ensuring that every one has shelter. Looking at it from a Celestial perspective, we really need to make sure that every single one of God’s children are being taken care of and that we are not unequally distributing anything between people. We need to care and love for all those around us. Those who are in higher authority have more of the ability to make that change so if the government is doing all that they can, then it will give more hope for them to succeed in this goal.
Goal #8-suriname Develop a Global Partnership for Development
Explanation of Goal #8-Suriname This goal recognizes the interrelated nature of individual and official actions and their consequences throughout the world. In this country through its foreign affairs ministry, has been involved in the United Nations System. United Nations System deals with payments, and world trading arrangements, and has helped Suriname out. Modern technology here is something that some parts of Suriname do lack. I believe that Suriname can achieve these goals, due to the progress they have made.
Goal #8- GuyanaDevelop a Global Partnership for Development • Approximately 86% of households had access to a landline telephone service in 2009 • Total foreign assistance to Guyana at the end of 2009 was (US)$173 million, which represents an increase of 19% from the 2004 level of (US)$145 million. • Guyana’s debt profile has improved from having a stock of external debt worth approximately (US) $2.1 million in 1992 to half that amount, at (US)$0.9 million at the end of 2009.
Explanation of Goal #8 • New technologies have become more widespread throughout Guyana which is really helping them progress and grow as a country. Guyana has done really well in the years- they have come from being a heavily poor country to a country that can decently sustain itself. Guyana is doing really well but they still need a higher level of commitment from everyone because this is a goal that is definitely more of a “team effort”.
Conclusion • In comparison Guyana and Suriname do have some similarities and differences. In contrast, some goals, are more accomplished than the other country, for example the battle of HIV/AIDS, or the sustaining the environment. Similarly Suriname and Guyana are very close in the enrollment numbers for primary education, and many of the other goals that are listed. Overall, we have came to conclusion that they both have made tremendous progress, yet they both have a long way to goto reach their goals by the year of 2015.
References • http://www.transparencygy.org/blog/ • http://www.guyana.org/MDG_Full_Report.pdf • http://www.undp.org.gy/web/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=68&Itemid=70 • http://www.un.org/millenniumgoals/pdf/mdgs_glance_factsheet.pdf • https://www.google.com/search?q=guyana+eradicate+world+hunger+and+proverty&bav=on.2,or.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.47008514,d.cGE&biw=1366&bih=643&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=en&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=yKeeUf25Kef1igKey4DADg#facrc=_&imgrc=3E-5p5vJJT3aHM%3A%3BPu3jWqUemF7h9M%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.un.org%252FNews%252Fdh%252Fphotos%252Flarge%252F2012%252FOctober%252F10-17-hunger.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.un.org%252Fapps%252Fnews%252Fstory.asp%253FNewsID%253D43317%3B620%3B320 • http://www.undg.org/archive_docs/6945-Suriname_MDG_Baseline_Report.pdf • http://sr.one.un.org/mdgs/ • http://www.indexmundi.com/suriname/children-under-five-mortality-rate-per-1,000-live-births.html