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Mandatory Biometric Enrollment. Subjugation through Identification. We are being enrolled into a Single Global Biometric Identification System that Links A Person’s Body to their Ability to Buy Sell and Travel. . Mom, wife, Christian Full time liberty activist
Mandatory Biometric Enrollment • Subjugation through Identification We are being enrolled into a Single Global Biometric Identification System that Links A Person’s Body to their Ability to Buy Sell and Travel.
Mom, wife, Christian • Full time liberty activist • Member of the Board of Directors of the Constitutional Alliance • Mission Stop Mandatory Biometric Enrollment http://AxXiomForLiberty.com The Constitutional Alliance Co-Founded by Mark Lerner, nationally recognized expert on biometrics, whistleblower and on the forefront of the fight against Real ID www.constitutionalalliance.com
The Balance of Power Individual Opacity privacy Information is POWER Personal Freedom High Liberty & Justice • Independence • Economic Prosperity • Innovation • Political and social participation Transparency Government Control Low
5 Levels of Surveillance- • Notice • the Role of Government • Attitude of the PublicIs Policy driven by Principle or Practice? • Amount of personal information held by government and degree of database linking.
Level 1 RESTRICTED SURVEILLANCE level 2 CONDITIONAL SURVEILLANCE Least intrusive zone of surveillance, Rare, An Ideal • Government is small • Private enterprise respectful of individual privacy • Law, policy based on principle (Constitution) focused on protection of rights • Boundaries respected-sovereignty, jurisdictions and separation of powers • Minimal collection of personal information. Large databases uncommon. • Society understands and respects rights of individuals. Civically aware and exerts a positive influence on policy The government has an unobtrusive role in society Considered the norm for western democratic societies • Surveillance generally regarded as an undesirable practice, only exercised by govt. after examination of principle, adequate public debate and only then with proper safeguards in place. • Records are maintained within individual departments,general linkage between agencies is not permitted. Access based on right to know. • Attitude of Good Faith is maintained between the government and the public. The role of government agencies is essentially one of serving the public
Level 4 MASS SURVEILLANCE Level 3 ROUTINE SURVEILLANCE Mass surveillance established 1.Law enforcement 2.Taxation 3.Government Benefits • Linkage between these 3 sectors occurs on a case by case basis when there is suspicion or evidence of wrongdoing • Public mostly accepts the idea that a certain amount of monitoring is a reasonable trade-off in exchange for a desired end. • General public support for some surveillance, public still retains awareness of individual rights • Govt. relationship with the community still retains a basis of trust Enforced, interactive and punitive surveillance. • Numerous systems and infrastructure developed for monitoring most aspects of people's movement, transactions, interactions and associations. • Most computer systems are interlinked. • Records and files of citizens are routinely and automatically matched against each other to detect inconsistencies. • Interests of Revenue, Security and Law Enforcementprovide powerful arguments for surveillance. • There is mass obedience with little or no resistance Government agencies have the role of controllers and enforcers of public policy Governmental bodies have assumed the role of agents of public interest
(LEVEL FIVE) TOTAL SURVEILLANCE Rarely attained state of total surveillance • Crucial element - Meek willingness of the public to support government control. • Public voluntarily aids in surveillance. Surrenders their own liberty and privacy and will force the surrender of their neighbor's information or liberty • All movements and activities monitored or controlled by authorities • There is still physical freedom of movement and freedom of association, just no right to keep anything secret. The interests of the government become internalized by the public. Individual rights and identity subsumed by government interests. (Think Stockholm Syndrome) Level of surveillance of a population is always predicated on 4 things; Money, Man power or Technology, political will, public acceptance
Post 9 11 Era • Characterized by fear and Government assumption of extraordinary powers • Cultural changes-Political will, public acceptance • Diversion of resources to military, national security, and corresponding industry • Technological advancement • More Government secrecy • Suspicion-less surveillance of ordinary citizens • Policy by Practice, not Principle. (Utilitarian) US PATRIOT ACT NSA spying US citizens Department of Homeland Security Fusion Centers NSL’s FBI Guidelines Total Information Awareness State Secrets
Source-THE NEW PARADIGM—MERGING LAW ENFORCEMENT AND COUNTERTERRORISM STRATEGIES Secure Cities 2006 http://www.scribd.com/doc/21970726/IACP-Intelligence-Led-Policing-2006-New-Paradigm What does this mean? Global political integration, merging military and civilian operations, loss of natural and constitutional rights and protections traditionally afforded us citizens, perpetual emergency state, all are viewed equally as a potential threat
Wall between intelligence and policing erased (PATRIOT ACT) • National Security focusing inward • State and local police utilized as an element of national security, nationalized, militarized. • State Fusion Centers –Data fusion centers propagated by DHS (Data collecting, aggregating, sharing, Linkingdatabases, no regard for jurisdiction) • EVERYTHING falls under the rubric of national security. Intelligence Led Policing • Tech. and Data Driven • Preemptive • Preventative • Predictive • Utilitarian the ends justifies the means • Social controlSeeks to influence the behavior of the public to desired ends Intelligence-led policing is future focus in Rochester, 2010 "You're less likely to do something (wrong) if you think somebody's watching," McAleer said. "This is the direction of policing in this country,"
Re-Balancing of Power Government Control High Opacity Transparencyof the Individual Personal Freedom Low
Total Information Awareness “TIA would give government the power to generate a comprehensive data profile on anyone” • 2002 Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Project • 2003 TIA was supposedly defunded by Congress • 2013 TIA lives. Change the name, shift the programs, quietly continue funding. • Ex; New NSA data center, Utah, Fusion Centers, F.A.S.T., All Digital Data collected, collated and analyzed- Transaction, finances, education, medical history, travel, public records, Emails, personal communications and more Total Information Awareness Goal: All Encompassing Knowledge of the facts and circumstances of people places and things and events . .without any requirement for a search warrant. link
ScientiaEstPotentia “Knowledge is Power” Motto of Admiral Poindexter’s Information Awareness Office “A . . .crucial component [of TIA] was the development of biometric technology to enable the identification and tracking of individuals.” EPIC BIOMETRIC ID IS THE LYNCHPIN OF THE MODERN SURVEILLANCE SOCIETY. EVERYONE MUST BE ENROLLED
Biometrics is used to establish a perfect connection between the body and personal data associated with an individual. travel transactions Health employment Financial Location Habits Medical education associations
National ID schemes have always been rejected in the US. After 911, the new climate of fear produced a rare opportunity for both government and industry. Technology's Role to Grow in a New World of Security NY Times September 18, 2001 . . .Security experts say technology has presented almost limitless possibilities, including national electronic identification cards. "Each American could be given a `smart card,' so, as they go into an airport or anywhere, we know exactly who they are," . . . Such cards, with computer chips, would have detailed information about those they were issued to and would identify them when read by a computer. The cards could be coordinated with fingerprints or, in a few years, facial characteristics, and be programmed to permit or limit access. . . They could track someone's location, financial transactions, criminal history and even driving speed on a particular highway on a given night. • Biometric ID/RFID • Identification/Investigation • Tracking/Monitoring (location, travel, transactions) • Access control • Data collection, aggregation, integration http://www.nytimes.com/2001/09/18/national/18RULE.html Biometric ID is offered as the remedy for Terrorism, Identity theft, Illegal Immigration, Fraud of all sorts.
2005-The Real ID Act passed with no debate as a rider on a ‘must pass’ military spending bill REAL ID • The Real ID Act imposed federal guidelines that use INTERNATIONALstandards for state driver's licenses and ID documents • REAL ID licenses must be • -machine readable (RFID, Barcode, Mag. stripe) • -contain biometric data (facial biometrics) • -Databases must be linked • Information shared • -nationally • -internationally **The inclusion of these two technologies on the DL/ID enable tracking/surveillance capabilities** “REAL ID is. . .the current face of a far larger, international government and private economic effort to collect, store, and distribute the sensitive biometric data of citizens to use for the twin purposes of government tracking and economic control.” -PA Rep. Sam Rohr
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Technology used to identify, track and monitor any object RFID systems have three main components: RFID tag, or transponder, contains data (minimum unique ID number, keys database to PII) affixed to or embedded in any object to be identified and tracked RFID reader, or transceiver, which reads the data from a distance (at least 30 ft) 3.The Database/system which uses the data Position Paper on the Use of RFID in Schools Recommended Reading: “Spy Chips” by Liz McIntyre and Katherine Albrecht http://www.spychips.com/what-is-rfid.html Enhanced driver’s License Real ID compliant Driver’s License and Border Crossing Card “it’s kind of a Real ID with an additional feature ... a chip.” 2007, Sec, Chertoff on EDL’s link
2D Bar code – -Every state has a 2D Barcode on their DL AAMVA http://www.aamva.org/ID-Security-Technologies/ Not encrypted 2D barcode stores data along two dimensions, 2,000 bytes of data-much more data than 1D barcode or the magnetic stripe. Includes all info on the license-driver's name, address, date of birth, physical attributes, medical impairments and donor information. And sometimes the image file of the driver's photo and signature. Some states include Social Security number, face recognition template or digital fingerprint. Read- ‘Best Buy’s Worst Policy-Swiping ID’s and Destiny Management’
Facial recognition Government issued photo ID High resolution digital cameras are being used to capture, map, digitize and database our facial features for use with facial recognition technology. Facial biometrics is used for “at-a-distance identification and tracking” through networked CCTV camera systems or handheld biometric devices connected to databases of our personal information. It is the Government’s biometric of choice because it can used to identify us without our knowledge or consent.
FBI Facial Recognition and Identification Initiatives https://www.eff.org/sites/default/files/vorder_bruegge-Facial-Recognition-and-Identification-Initiatives.pdf
Anonymity-the ability to conceal one's identity while communicating “Anonymity is a shield from the tyranny of the majority ... It thus exemplifies the purpose behind the Bill of Rights, and of the First Amendment in particular: to protect unpopular individuals from retaliation--and their ideas from suppression--at the hand of an intolerant society.“ McIntyre v. Ohio Elections Comm’n, 514 U.S. 334 ?
REAL ID-A National ID? • Real ID is a FEDERAL Law • It institutes national uniformity of state driver’s licenses by imposing federal guidelines • Real ID creates a distributed network of databases that link all states and is accessible by the FEDERAL Government • Real ID is Required for 4 federal official purposes • accessing federal facility, Boarding Federally-regulated commercial aircraft, or entering a nuclear power plants • And • “Any other purpose that the Secretary shall determine.” (source Real ID Final Rules)
Without REAL ID we will not be permitted to; • Access federal facilities • Board a federally regulated commercial aircraft • Enter nuclear power plants • and • Any other purpose that the Secretary shall determine. • (Source Final Rules of the Real ID Act of 2005) The federal deadline -January 15, 2013. The REAL ID Act of 2005 prohibits federal agencies from accepting non-compliant driver's licenses "for identification purposes" after the deadline. (Individual compliance 2014 and 2017 depending on age)
One key feature of a National IDis that it must be produced upon demand • They can’t demand them until they we have them (Real ID Deadline for state compliance is Jan 15, 2013) • Public statements by US government officials, policy documents and vendor plans reveal that REAL ID will be required for a wide variety of purposes. “embracing REAL ID” would mean it would be used to “cash a check, hire a baby sitter, board a plane or engage in countless other activities.” 2008, Sec. DHS Chertoff http://www.biometrics.org/bc2006/presentations/Tues_Sep_19/Session_I/19_LaPenta_keynote.pdf
REAL ID - INTERNATIONAL ID International Standards exist for one purpose: “interoperability . . is the main goal of the AAMVA standard.” “The main ideology for defining the design of the DL/ID is the minimum acceptable set of requirements to guarantee global interoperability” Source: Personal Identification – AAMVA North American Standard – DL/ID Card Design, 2012 to enable the global exchange of information The standard for the digital image on our government issued DL and ID cards is the adopted international standard of the ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) an agency of the United Nations
Real ID – The Historic Rebellion. . .and the sad reality DHS to States: The REAL ID Deadline Is Next January, Period. The new deadline for states to meet the standards of the REAL ID Act is January 15, 2013 16 states passed an actual law prohibitingReal ID. Now - only 7 states still have the law prohibiting compliance in place – Louisiana, Montana, Washington State, Minnesota, Oklahoma, Arizona and Alaska “By the deadline of January 13, 2013, most states will be substantially or materially or fully compliant with REAL ID” --Janice Kephart, Feb. 2012
2008 - LA Prohibits REAL ID HB 715“The Legislature of Louisiana does hereby direct the Department of Public Safety and Corrections, including the office of motor vehicles, not to implement the provisions of the REAL ID Act . . .” "We were very concerned about identity theft, the privacy, who was going to be capturing the data and who would have their hands on that information that would be very personal." -- Representative Brett Geymann, co-sponsor HB 715 link
Nov. 26, 2012, TheAdvocate.com La. IDs not in line with U.S. (Headlines never tell the whole story) . . . the state has refused to bring its driver’s licenses into compliance with federal law.(Not exactly true) Stephen F. Campbell, commissioner of the Louisiana Office of Motor Vehicles, said the office will meet most of new federal standards by October. . .But a law passed by legislators in 2008 precludes Louisiana from including a symbol that shows the state’s official identification complies with the federal Real ID Act of 2005. (So LA’s anti Real ID law was simply intended to prohibit placing an official symbol on the DL indicating Real ID compliance but not the actual compliance?) . . . “Since we already comply with 37 of 39, why don’t we just go ahead and become a Real ID state? That’s the question,” said Brett F. Geymann, R-Lake Charles, who co-sponsored Louisiana’s legislation. (37 of 39 What?!!) http://theadvocate.com/home/4515582-125/la-ids-not-in-line
BENCHMARKS - Real ID is comprised of a total of 39 Benchmarks MATERIAL COMPLIANCE - the first 18 of these benchmarksThe Jan 15, 2013 deadline is for material compliance States with laws prohibiting REAL ID, have chosen to read that law as only prohibiting the aspects of compliance that require a formal request for of DHS’ seal of approval. 3 of the 18 initial benchmarks are merely formalizations of the Real ID compliance The Dept. of Homeland Security has already indicated that it will waive these benchmarks for states with an anti-Real ID law on the books. DHS Secure Identification State Progress (Real ID)Fiscal Year 2012 Report to Congress Benchmark #1 Mandatory facial image capture and retention A GOLD STAR -The last step in achieving ‘material compliance’ The state must request DHS to approve placing a gold star on their state licensewhich signifies Real ID compliance and that the card is acceptable for “federal identification purposes” “. . .state law prevents the OMV from completely implementing the Real ID requirements”
AAMVA-The American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators Named by DHS as the “hub and backbone” of Real ID. “DHS has worked with the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators (AAMVA) to coordinate state implementation of the standards of the REAL ID regulation. In particular, DHS participated . . .in the drafting of the Personal Identification – AAMVA North American Standard – DL/ID Card Design. . . the design must meet or exceed REAL ID requirements.” DHS, Aug. 2012 Secure Identification State Progress Fiscal Year 2012 Report to Congress “The AAMVA standard is consistent with the requirements identified in the DHS [Real ID] regulation.” “Best Practices” ‘The Oklahoma Department of Public Safety rolled out a new look to state driver's licenses, but the changes have one group up in arms. The changes to the driver's license are the result of "best practices" according to DPS. . .’
BIOMETRIC ID IS THE LYNCHPIN OF THE MODERN SURVEILLANCE SOCIETY. The Biometric ID system is a global one EVERYONEMUST BE ENROLLED Around the globe, people are being are being enrolled by deception, coercion and stealth into a Single Global Biometric Identification System that Links A Person’s Body to their Ability to Buy Sell and Travel
A Single Global Biometric Identification System requires nations and states to do 3things 2.Adopt international Standards 1.Enroll citizens (DL/ID cards, passports, national ID, school ID, etc.) The standard for the digital image on our ID cards is the adopted international standard of the ICAO 3.Link databases for global information sharing, global ID-tracking and surveillance
International Biometric Identification schemes run afoul of The US Constitution/Bill of Rights in more ways that we have time to list. That is the power a global biometric identification system will enable for all governments, over all of us living now and those who will come in the future. This is not a question of whether or not you trust your government. A better question is do you trust all governments and do you trust them all both now and into the future to never abuse this ability to separate you or your loved ones from their ability to secure for ourselves the basic necessities of life?
Free exercise of religion vigilant Christians see many parallels between biometric ID and Mark of the Beast as foretold in the book of Revelation • BIOMETRIC ID IS INTERNATIONAL ID, APPLYING TO “ALL” (Rev 13:16) • BIOMETRIC ID IS A “NUMBER OF MAN” (Rev 13:18) • BIOMETRICS –TIES THE BODY TO GLOBAL FINANCIAL CONTROL (Rev 13:16-17) Once it is clear that biometric ID does not live up to the hype, databases and ID documents are compromised (and they will be) the justification will exist to move the identification process from the identification document to directly "on" the person. Religious Objections to Biometric ID - Constitutional Alliance
Bottom line “. . . physical objects like ID cards or birth certificates. . . cannot be depended upon as an infallible mechanism of identification.”
REAL ID The Real ID Act 2005 mandates the creation of new databases and the linking of the new databases with existing databases The Problem ‘As we learn to link biometrics to biographic, geospatial, social networks and other forms of data, we can develop patterns of activities for both individuals and organizations. . .’ “Biometric Enabled Intelligence” 2009 Biometrics Consortium WHAT WHO YOU! WHERE Anonymity is a shield from the tyranny of the majority ... It thus exemplifies the purpose behind the Bill of Rights, and of the First Amendment in particular: to protect unpopular individuals from retaliation--and their ideas from suppression--at the hand of an intolerant society." McIntyre v. Ohio Elections Comm’n, 514 U.S. 334 HOW WHEN
Authorization Required SUBJUGATE-to bring under control and governance as a subject
Government Surveillance is a Liberty Killer It threatens to upset the balance of power necessary to preserve freedom. Control HIGH Liberty LOW Biometric ID is the foundation for truly pervasive surveillance and control We cannot reconcile a surveillance society with a free society
An Oklahoma woman has sparked a federal controversy after she refused to renew her driver’s license 2 Causes of Action
2 Options • Accept • Resist
Talk to your state and national legislators • Share this information with others • Support my lawsuit and the Constitutional Alliance. Be vigilant. Don’t Confuse Lifestyle with Freedom QUESTIONS - For more information or to have questions answered click on "contact us" on the left hand side of the Constitutional Alliance homepage www.constitutionalalliance.org Constitutionalalliance.org
A personal Message Kaye Beach, Norman, OK Dec, 9, 2012 My name is Kaye Beach. I am a Christian wife, mother and full time liberty activist from central Oklahoma. For the past five years I have been tirelessly sounding the alarm about the dangers posed to our most fundamental freedoms by our government’s unrestrained use of high tech. surveillance. Biometric ID is the lynchpin of the modern surveillance society In 2009 I became a member of the Board of Directors of the Constitutional Alliance. The Constitutional Alliance was co-founded by Mark Lerner, a nationally recognized expert on biometric technology and former biometric industry insider. We have been on the forefront of the battle against biometric identification providing Americans with accurate and specific information on issues regarding biometrics and legislation like the REAL ID Act. Very few people realize that when they get a state driver’s license, a state identification card or any other form of government issued photo ID, they are having their facial biometrics captured by the high resolution photos. High resolution digital cameras capture, map, digitize and database our facial features for the purpose of use by facial recognition technology. Facial recognition technology enables at a distance identification and tracking through networked camera systems without our knowledge or consent. (CCTV, handheld biometric devices and even drones utilize facial recognition technology for identification and investigation purposes) In truth, we are being enrolled into a global system of identification and control that links our bodies to our ability to buy sell and travel. And it is being done through deception, coercion and stealth.
The Real ID Act of 2005 was the first federal law to require the use of facial biometrics. It is also the closest thing to a true national ID that the US has ever seen. As bad as that is, there’s an even bigger picture here. What the Real ID Act did was to impose federal guidelines that use INTERNATIONAL standards for state driver's licenses and ID documents. There is only one purpose for international standards and that is to facilitate the global sharing of information. Historic Opposition and the Sad Reality The level of opposition to the Real ID Act by was historic in many ways. For one thing, the opposition was truly bipartisan. Right, left and everyone in between found something to hate about REAL ID and they worked together long and hard to resist it. At least 25 states passed either a law or resolution opposing or prohibiting implementation of REAL ID. Sadly, even though roughly half the states in the US passed a law or resolution prohibiting the implementation of the REAL ID, your state DMV is still capturing and keeping your biometrics and REAL ID still marches on. The final deadline is Jan 25, 2012 and most states are expected to be in compliance or substantially in compliance with REAL ID by then. My Real ID Reckoning In 2011, after years of work and research, I realized that was no way that I could renew my soon to be expired driver’s license if it meant the surrender of my biometrics. I asked the state for a non-biometric license to accommodate me based on my sincerely held religious beliefs and was flatly refused. This left me little choice but to forgo renewing my license. Read more
My legal situation garnered the attention of the respected Rutherford Institute, one of the nation's leading advocates of civil liberties and human rights founded by constitutional attorney John W. Whitehead. Mr. Whitehead signed on to my case along with Mr. Sisney and they filed a lawsuit on my behalf against the Oklahoma Department of Public Safety. We have discussed my case with a variety of well-respected legal minds and each one of them has registered the opinion that this case is a winner! Here is some wonderful news! The Rutherford Institute made a gracious pledge to fund cases going forward around the country once I prevail in my case in Oklahoma. But first I have to win In order to move my case forward, I need support. My legal representation is not free and my case will only go forward if people are willing to support it. I need your help. You may make a donation online through Paypal.com To do so, all you need is my email, which is axxiomforliberty@gmail.com By mail, you can send a check or money order to;Kaye Beach P.O. Box 722381 Norman, Oklahoma, 73070 (Please make the check out to “Kaye Beach”. You may write “legal defense fund” in the memo section of your check or money order)
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or if I can be of assistance to you in some way. Thank you and God Bless Kaye Beach Phone: 405-818-3224 email: axxiomforliberty@gmail.com Personal blog site: www.AxXiomForLiberty.com Organization; The Constitutional Alliance www.constitutionalalliance.org