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醫療安全暨品質討論會 手術過程中病人皮膚完整性 台北醫學大學附設醫院 一般及消化外科 實證醫學中心 譚家偉 主任. Case 1. 個案進行臉部及腹部電波拉皮,過程採靜脈麻醉 (IVG) ,清醒後發現腹部燙傷產生水泡 。. Case 2. 病人因 進行 L5/S1 discectomy , L3/4 laminectomy and Internal fixation 術式需要手術姿勢為俯臥。病人臉部、胸腹部、雙手、雙膝及小腿下皆有保護措施,但術後仍發現病人產生壓瘡:前胸兩邊肋骨處約 2x5cm 左右的水泡、手肘內側 ( 約 3x4cm) 及臉部破皮。. Case 3.
醫療安全暨品質討論會 手術過程中病人皮膚完整性 台北醫學大學附設醫院 一般及消化外科 實證醫學中心 譚家偉 主任
Case 1 • 個案進行臉部及腹部電波拉皮,過程採靜脈麻醉(IVG),清醒後發現腹部燙傷產生水泡。
Case 2 • 病人因進行 L5/S1 discectomy,L3/4laminectomy and Internal fixation術式需要手術姿勢為俯臥。病人臉部、胸腹部、雙手、雙膝及小腿下皆有保護措施,但術後仍發現病人產生壓瘡:前胸兩邊肋骨處約2x5cm左右的水泡、手肘內側(約3x4cm)及臉部破皮。
Case 3 • 病人因tonsillar tumor入手術室行Bilateral tonsillectomy ,術中刷手護理人員未與巡迴人員相互確認,將稀釋後的雙氧水當成局部麻醉藥給醫生使用,醫生使用後發現有組織燒灼傷現象,約2x2x0.1公分化學灼傷,向刷手與巡迴人員確認,巡迴人員表示無給予刷手人員局部麻醉藥物,才發現此異常。
台灣病人安全通報系統(TPR) 自2005年~2010年8月間通報事件中,與皮膚完整性受損相關事件共985件,其中燙傷事件共287件(約佔29%)。
Tri-Service General Hospital Injury 1998 Jun;29(5):345-7 1 December 1996 - 28 February 1997 19 cases of skin injury from a total of 3657 operations (0.52%)
皮膚完整性受損 • 燙傷(化學性灼傷) • 電燒 • 雷射 • 手術壓瘡 • Other
Surgical Fires • 100 fires each year in USA • 10-20 are serious Med Safety Alert. 2001;6(11):1
Element of Fires • Heat or an ignition source • Fuel • An oxidizier
The response of green towel and polyprolene drape to the fiberoptic cable and electrosurgical unit Green towel (cotton) Polypropylene drape No oxygen Oxygen No oxygen Oxygen • Fiberoptic cableResting - - - -Buried Yellow (2 min) Yellow (2 min) Hole (15 s) Hole (15 s) • Electrosurgical unit1 W - -10 W - -30 W - Skin burn American Journal of Otolaryngology 2008, 29(3):171-176
Fire incidents involving fiberoptic light cables and electrosurgical devices reported to the FDA between 1998 and 2006 Fiberoptic Electrosurgical cable unit • Flash fire(head and neck procedure, O2 in use) 0 23 • Flash fire with drape fire 0 12 • Primary drape fire 2 18 • Fire under drape (accumulation of flammable gases) 0 7 • Primary device fire (spontaneous ignition of device) 0 1 • Preparatory solution related fire (alcohol-based preparatory solution) 0 4 • Staff gown fire 0 1 • Tracheostomy procedure fire (drapes involved) 0 6 • Total reported fire incidents 2 71 American Journal of Otolaryngology 2008, 29(3):171-176
Burn incidents involving fiberoptic light cables and electrosurgical devices reported to the FDA between 1998 and 2006 Fiberoptic Electrosurgical cable unit • Drape burn without patient injury 4 – • Drape burn with patient injury 3 – • Direct patient burn 12 – • Direct staff burn 3 – • Equipment (camera damaged by fiberoptic cable) 1 – • Total reported burn incidents 23 – American Journal of Otolaryngology 2008, 29(3):171-176
Fire/burn risk with electrosurgical devices and endoscopy fiberoptic cables • Fiberoptic cables and electrosurgical generators represent a serious burn risk for surgical patients, with operating room drapes and towels affording only limited protection. Large hole in a polypropylene drape after exposure to a fiberoptic light cable connected to a 300-W xenon light source American Journal of Otolaryngology 2008, 29(3):171-176
Fire safety in the operating room Current Opinion in Anaesthesiology 2008, 21:790-795
Operation Room Fires: Optimizing Safety Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 120: 1701, 2007
Surgical fires, a clear and present danger The surgeon 2010(8);87-92
Incidence of pressure ulcers due to surgery (I) Journal of Clinical Nursing 2006; 15: 413-421
Incidence of pressure ulcers due to surgery (I) Journal of Clinical Nursing 2006; 15: 413-421
Incidence of pressure ulcers due to surgery (II) Journal of Clinical Nursing 2002; 11: 479-487
Incidence of pressure ulcers due to surgery (II) • 44 patients (21.2%) developed 70 pressure ulcers in the first 2 post-op day • 52.9% on heels • 15.7% in sacral area • 12% were impaired by the lesions they developed Journal of Clinical Nursing 2002; 11: 479-487
Intraoperative Pressure Sore Prevention: An Analysis of Bedding Materials Research in Nursing & Health 1994, 17, 333-339
Fig. 5. 97% of the surgeons see a need for ergonomic improvement within the operating room. This improvement is not only important in a single area, but affects all aspects of the OR.
Preoperative Briefing in the Operating Room Chest (2010) 137(2):443-449
Conclusion • Recognition • Alert • Improve equipment • Education and Training • Patient Safety Protocol • Full implementation