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The Amira Foundation is a food education charity that aims to inspire people to connect with food and equip them with the knowledge and cooking skills to help make healthier eating choices. http://www.amirafoundation.org
“Founded in 1915,Amirahasevolved intoa leading global providerof packaged Indian specialty rice,with sales in over40 countriestoday.Wegener network.We launchedourflagshipAmira brand in 2008and now sell ourbranded productsinmorethan25 countries.In emerging markets,ourcustomer channelsinclude traditional retail,which we defineas small,privately-owned independentstores,typicallyatasingle location,andmoderntrade retailers, which we define as largesupermarketstypically in a mall orona commercialstreetandusually partofa chainofstores.Wesell ourAmira branded productstoIndian retailerssuchas BhartiWal-Mart,BigBazaar,Metro Cash & Carry,Spar,Spencer'sRetail,StarBazaar (Tesco inIndia)andTotal.Wealso sellin both emerginganddeveloped marketsto globalretailerssuch asCarrefour,Costco, Jetro RestaurantDepot,Lulu'sand Smart& Final,and throughthefoodservice channel. Ourheadquartersare in Dubai,United Arab Emiratesand we also have offices inIndia, themajorityofourrevenue throughthe sale ofBasmatirice,a premiumlong-grain rice grown only in certain regionsoftheIndian sub-continent,underourflagshipAmira brand aswell ell as underotherthirdpartybrands.Ourfourth generation leadership hasleveragednearly a centuryofexperience to taketheAmira brandglobalinrecentyears.Werecently launched newlinesofAmira branded products,such asready-to-eatsnacks,to complementourpackaged rice offerings, and we also sell bulkcommodities to large internationalandregional trading firms. Wesell ourproducts,primarily in emerging markets,througha broad distribution Malaysia,Singapore,the United Kingdom,andthe United States.
“Foundedin1915,Amirahasevolvedintoa leading global provider of packaged Indian specialty rice, with sales in over 40 countriestoday.Wegeneratethemajorityof our revenue through the sale of Basmati rice, premium long-grainricegrownonlyin certain regions of theIndian sub-continent, under our flagship Amira brand as well as under other third party brands. Our fourth generationleadershiphasleveragednearly a century of experience to take the Amira brand global in recent years. We recently launched new lines of Amira branded products, such as ready-to-eat snacks, to complement our packaged rice offerings, and we also sell bulk commodities to larg amallorona commercialstreetand usually partofachainofstores.WesellourAmira branded products to Indian retailers suchasBhartiWal-Mart,BigBazaar, Metro Cash & Carry, Spar, Spencer's Retail, Star Bazaar (Tesco in India) and Total. We also sell in both emerging and developed markets to global retailers such as Carrefour, Costco, Jetro Restaurant Depot, Lulu's and Smart&Final,andthroughthefoodservice channel. Our headquarters are in Dubai, United Arab Emirates and we also have offices in India, International andregional tradingfirms. We sell primarily markets, broad our products, in emerging through a distribution network. We launched our flagship Amira brandin2008andnow sell our branded productsinmorethan25 countries. In emerging markets, our customer channels include traditional retail, which we define as small, privately-owned independent stores, typically at a single location, and modern trade retailers, which wedefineaslargesupermarketstypicallyin Malaysia, Singapore, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
completed an initial public offering.Itscommonstock trades on the New York Stock Exchange under tickersymbol“ANFI.”
Find More Information: http://www.amirafoundation.org/Email:info@amirafoundation.orgContact Us: THE AMIRA FOUNDATION UK Tel:02030210546 FloorNo.2,25 Eccleston Place London SW1W 9NF,UK THE AMIRA FOUNDATION USA One Park Plaza,Suite 600 Irvine,CA 92614 CompanyNumber5684630 THE AMIRA FOUNDATION INDIA 1stFloor, TheQutab Hotel Shaheed JeetSingh Marg New Delhi 110016 Registration Number1202