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Z + Jet Calibration Studies

This meeting outline discusses the missing PT projection fraction method and its use in calculating jet response. It also covers cuts and selection criteria, as well as results on hadronic response, EM calibration, and gamma + jets.

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Z + Jet Calibration Studies

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Z + Jet Calibration Studies Michele Petteni Imperial College MichelePetteniDØHiT Meeting

  2. Outline • The missing PT projectionfraction method and its use in calculating the jet response. • Outline of cuts and selection. • Results: • Hadronic response. • EM calibration. •  + jets. MichelePetteniDØHiT Meeting

  3. MPF (1) • Method used in Run I to calibrate jets using  + jets sample. • Based on momentum conservation in the transverse plane. • Z and jet produced back to back in r- plane. MichelePetteniDØHiT Meeting

  4. MPF (2) • For perfect response: PT(Z) + PT(recoil) = 0 • Real life: PTmeas(Z) + PTmeas(recoil) = - MPTmeas • Define: PTmeas(recoil) = Rhad· PT(recoil) • Re-arrange and assume EM corrected: MichelePetteniDØHiT Meeting

  5. Sample • Using 50 K Zee events from rootuples in SAM • Generated using pythia with <mb> =2.5, reconstructed with psim 01.02.00 and p05.00.04 • Includes Drell-Yan and , /Z interference. MichelePetteniDØHiT Meeting

  6. Cuts and Selection • Cuts: • Select 2 highest E reco em objects • ||leptons < 2.5, • Construct Z from 2 em objects • PT(Z) > 10 GeV • 61.0 < M(Z) < 121.0 • 2.942 < j - Z < 3.342. • Select events with only 1 jet in  window. MichelePetteniDØHiT Meeting

  7. R Fit • R defined as before. • Define E' = PT(Z) · cosh(j) • Fit response plots using functional form: a + b ln E + c (ln E)2 MichelePetteniDØHiT Meeting

  8. E vs. E’ MichelePetteniDØHiT Meeting

  9. R vs. E’ MichelePetteniDØHiT Meeting

  10. R vs. E’ (2) MichelePetteniDØHiT Meeting

  11. Fit for Central  Region MichelePetteniDØHiT Meeting

  12. R from  + jets MichelePetteniDØHiT Meeting

  13. EM Calibration (1) MichelePetteniDØHiT Meeting

  14. EM Calibration (2) MichelePetteniDØHiT Meeting

  15. Photon Response MichelePetteniDØHiT Meeting

  16. R from  + jets (2) MichelePetteniDØHiT Meeting

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