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Introducing the issues in the health systems stream from an IPASC perspective. AMUDA BABA Dieu-Merci IPASC DR Congo. IPASC Introduction . IPASC is a FBO, in the north eastern DR Congo ( Aru and Bunia). Founded by late Rev.Dr . Patricia NICKSON

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  1. Introducing the issues in the health systems stream from an IPASC perspective AMUDA BABA Dieu-Merci IPASC DR Congo

  2. IPASC Introduction • IPASC is a FBO, in the northeastern DR Congo (Aru and Bunia). Foundedby lateRev.Dr. Patricia NICKSON • Vision: A healthycommunitywithits full participation • Mission: “to improve population health through a holistic and participatory approaches”.

  3. Human Resource issues in the context of rural DRC • Humanresources in health: concentratedin urban areas (about 70%) • Excacerbatedduringwar and conflicts • Challenges include: drugshortages; difficultworking conditions; limited options for capacity building; not being able to transfer patients; poorlyequippedhealthfacility; poorroad infrastructure; limited supervision and working in a context of extremepoverty • HRH attrition in rural areas high • Rural populations often self medicateusingtraditionalmedicines and unprescribedmedicinefrom pharmacies in rural areas

  4. Why are CHWs and CTC providers important in rural DR Congo? • Very few health personnel accept to work in the rural settings. If theyaccept, they are just at the healthfacilitylevel, and are not interested in close-to-community interventions • CHWs/CTC providers are available and committedto help theircommunity • Theylive in and with the community • Theyare ready to takeresponsibility in caring for theircommunitymembers if they are empowered and supportedto do so – need for furthercapacity building

  5. Capacity building in health systems research Limited resourcesand skills for healthsystemsresearch Need to builddemand and respondappropriately

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