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Palm Tree Dental Center. New Patient Paperwork. Patient Information. Name _______________________________________________________________________ Age ________________ Birthdate _______________ Marital Status _____________________
Palm Tree Dental Center New Patient Paperwork
Patient Information Name _______________________________________________________________________ Age ________________ Birthdate _______________ Marital Status _____________________ Address ____________________________________ City __________________ State ______ Name of Spouse/Parent ___________________ Spouse employed by ____________________ Name of Dentist ____________________ Address ________________ City _______________ Name of Physician __________________ Address ________________ City _______________ Patient Referred by _______________________ Reason for Visit _______________________ Patient Social Security # ____________________ Spouses S.S.# _______________________ Employer _____________________________________________________________________ Business Address ____________________________________ Business Phone ____________ Dental Insurance _________________________ Policy # ______________________________ Group # ________________________________ Spouse’s Dental Insurance _________________ Policy # ______________________________ Group # ________________________________ DL# _________________________________________ Expiration Date ___________________
ALL SERVICES RENDERED TO ME ARE CHARGED DIRECTLY TO ME AND I AM PERSONALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR PAYMENT, IF MY INSURANCE COMPANY REFUSES TO PAY THE CLAIMS IN A TIMELY MANNER (45 days from initial Filing shall be considered a timely manner)! I understand and agree that insurance policies are an arrangement between my insurance carrier and the amount authorized by it to be paid directly to this office will be credited to my account upon receipt. Notwithstanding, I will be responsible to pay Palm Tree Dental the following: (1) Any co-payment as set by my insurance company (2) Any unsatisfied deductible (3) Any amount my insurance carrier deems my responsibility (co ins./c0-pays) (4) Any amount considered non covered by my insurance carrier (5) Termination of coverage I understand that I will be responsible for all dentist charges should the above criteria not be met. I will be responsible for all collections costs, including legal fees and court cost should this matter be referred to an attorney or collection agency. I HAVE READ THE ABOVE INFORMATION AND AGREE TO BE FINANCIALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR SERVICES RENDERED BY PALM TREE DENTAL. Current Dental Insurance Carrier:__________________________________________ Date of Activation:_________________________ Patients Name (Please print):______________________________________________ Patient’s Signature: _______________________________Date___________________ Patient Financial Responsibility Disclosure (Please Read Carefully)
Palm Tree Dental Center There are several dental procedures, which you may have heard referred to as “dental cleanings”. Some of these procedures are done to prevent periodontal disease from occurring (preventive) while others are done to either stop or reverse the effects of the periodontal disease process (therapeutic). Please remember that those, which are therapeutic, have an additional surcharge according to your schedule of benefits. ADA CODE 01110 Prophylaxis-Adult (Preventive) This is a routine cleaning of the permanent teeth of a patient whose gums are in normal condition with no periodontal disease present. A prophylaxis is a preventive treatment. It includes the removal of plaque and calculus (tartar) from the crown of the tooth above the gum line. The teeth above are also polished. Only this dental cleaning is covered at no additional cost. ADA CODE 04355Periodontal Scaling in the Presence of Gingival Inflammation (Therapeutic) The cleaning is used to treat gingivitis, a condition where the gums have become inflamed or infected. Plaque and calculus (tartar) are carefully removed from the teeth as in a prophylaxis, but because disease is present, this procedure is more time consuming, and often requires more than one appointment. This is therapeutic treatment, not preventive care, and it has an additional surcharge according to your Schedule of Benefits. ADA CODE 04341 Periodontal Scaling and Root Planning (Therapeutic) This procedure removes plaque and calculus (tartar) from both the crown and the root of the tooth. Scaling and root planning is very time consuming and often requires local anesthetic. This is a therapeutic treatment usually associated with moderate to severe periodontal disease and has an additional surcharge according to your Schedule of Benefits. ADA CODE 04910 Periodontal Maintenance (Therapeutic) Periodontal maintenance therapy is an ongoing process following treatment for periodontal disease, which prevents the progression of further disease and maintains the health of the gums. It consists of a series of appointments in which the teeth are re-examined, any new plaque and tartar are removed from the crown and roots, and the teeth are polished. The number of follow-up appointments and the interval between them vary from patient to patient. This procedure has an additional surcharge according to your Schedule of Benefits. Treatment plans are developed according to each individual’s oral conditions. The dentist and hygienist will recommend treatment based on what is best for each person. Please do not ask your doctor to provide only the “no charge” benefits and neglected treatment, which is in the best interest of your own oral health. I, _____________________________have read and understand the above, Date______________
Acknowledgement of Receipt of Notice of Privacy Practices Notice to Patient: We are required to provide you with a copy of our Notice of Privacy Practices, which states how we may use and/or disclose your health information. Please sign this form to acknowledge receipt of the notice. You may refuse to sign this acknowledgement, if you wish. ___________________________________________________ I acknowledge that I have received a copy of this office’s Notice of Privacy Practices. ___________________________________________________ Please print your name here ___________________________________________________ Signature _________________________ Date HIPPA Acknowledgement of Receipt of the Notice of Privacy Practices This form does not constitute legal advice and covers only federal, not state, law.
Consent for use / Disclosure of Health Information Patient’s Name __________________________________________________________________ Patient’s Birth Date _____________________ Patient SSN or Patient #______________________ I,______________________ have read the contents of this Consent Form and the Notice of Privacy Practices. I understand that I am giving you my consent to use and disclose my health care of information to carry out treatment, payment activities and Health care operations. ___________________________________________________ _________________ Patient’s Signature or Signature of Patient’s Representative Date ___________________________________________________ Printed Name of Patient’s Representative ___________________________________________________ Relationship to Patient Our Privacy Officer can be contacted as follows: 772-778-5773 HIPPA Consent for Use / Disclosure of Health Information. This form does not constitute legal advice and covers only federal, not state, law.
Health and History Form Part 1 Are you in good health? Yes___ No___ Do You Clench or grind your teeth? Yes___ No___ Are you under the care of a Physician? Yes ___ No___ Have you had Orthodontic treatment? Yes___ No___ Have you had excessive bleeding requiring special treatment? Yes___ No___ Have you had trench mouth? Yes___ No___ Do you have any known drug reaction? Yes___ No___ Have you had Periodontal treatment? Yes___ No___ Prior Major Surgery or Hospitalization____________________________________________________ Date of Last Medical Examination____________________________________ Are you taking any drugs or Medicine? Yes___ No___ Type__________Amt__________Frequency_______________ Are you allergic to or reacted to any of the below If so please circle name) Local Anesthetics (Novocain) Penicillin or other Antibiotics Sulfa Drugs Barbiturates, Sedatives, Sleeping Pills Aspirin, Epinephrine, Other Drugs (Please name other)_________________________________________ (continued on Next Page)
Health and History FormPart 2 If you have any of the following please Circle and Date Heart Failure Artificial Joint Thyroid Disease Hepatitis A (Infectious) Heart Disease or Attack Anemia X-ray Treatment Hepatitis B (Serum) Angina Pectoris Kidney Trouble Cancer Yellow Jaundice High Blood Pressure Ulcers Chemotherapy Blood Transfusion Low Blood Pressure Respiratory Disorders Cancer, Leukemia Drug Addiction Stroke Emphysema Arthritis Hemophilia Heart Murmur Cough Rheumatism Sexually Transmitted Disease Rheumatic Fever Tuberculosis Cortisone Medicine (Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Herpes) Congenital Heart Lesion Asthma Glaucoma Epilepsy or Seizures Scarlet Fever Hay Fever Nervousness Fainting or Dizzy Spells Artificial Heart Valve Sinus Trouble Sickle Cell Disease Liver Disease Heart Pacemaker Allergies or Hives Bruise Easily Psychiatric Therapy Heart Surgery Diabetes AIDS Do you have any disease, condition or problem not listed above?_______________________________________________________________ WOMEN: Are you pregnant? Yes___No___ Are you taking Birth Control Pills? Yes___No___ To the best of my knowledge all of the preceding answers are true and correct. If I ever have a change in my health, or if my medication change, I will inform the doctor of dentistry at the next appointment without fail. Permission is given to do the dental work agreed upon and to use local anesthetics, analgesics, sedatives and x-rays as deemed necessary by the doctor. AT LEAST 24 HOURS NOTICE MUST BE GIVEN IF CANCELATION IS ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY OTHERWISE USUAL FEE CHARGE WILL BE MADE. I acknowledge financial responsibility for all dental procedures. ____________________________________________ __________________________________________ ______________________ Patient’s or Guardian Signature Dr. Signature Date