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Aggregating museum content: The use of LIDO in ATHENA and Linked Heritage

Aggregating museum content: The use of LIDO in ATHENA and Linked Heritage. Regine Stein EVA Moscow 29 November 2011. Deutsches Dokumentationszentrum für Kunstgeschichte Bildarchiv Foto Marburg. http://www.slideserve.com/presentation/17239/URL.

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Aggregating museum content: The use of LIDO in ATHENA and Linked Heritage

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  1. Aggregating museum content: The use of LIDO in ATHENA and Linked Heritage Regine Stein EVA Moscow 29 November 2011 Deutsches Dokumentationszentrum für Kunstgeschichte Bildarchiv Foto Marburg

  2. http://www.slideserve.com/presentation/17239/URL

  3. Europeana so farprovidesrelatively simple searchfunctionality.

  4. Europeana will replaceitscurrentlyuseddata model ESE EuropeanaSemantic ElementsbyEDM Europeana Data Model • Can representrichersemantics

  5. Several projects of the Europeana group are already using specific aggregation models appropriate for the material they are aggregating. • ATHENA, according to its best practice report on metadata models for museum objects, contributed to the development of LIDO – Lightweight Informations Describing Objects • The LIDO model is subsequently used by a number of projects of the Europeana group: • ATHENA • MIMO – Musical Instruments Museums Online • JudaicaEuropeana – Jewish cultural contribution to Europe • Linked Heritage

  6. The LIDO model - Background -

  7. LIDO Background Zoological Museums Archaeological Museums BotanicalGardens Computer Collections Geological andMineralogical Museums… Medical and Pharmaceutical CollectionsMuseums of Cultural History Museums of Fire Fighting Theatre History Collections Art Museums …

  8. LIDO Background Why a standardformatforcontributingcontent? • It’s all about • creating a consistent information base • making your information understandable outside of your collection database / your home context! • Need for convenient instruments to provide cultural heritage information • from different collections / object classes • from different data structures • from different software systems

  9. LIDO Background Lightweight Information Describing Objects Is the result of a collaborative effort of international stakeholders in the museum sector to create a common solution for contributing cultural heritage content to web applications. Provides an explicit format to deliver (museum’s) object information in a standardized way.

  10. LIDO Background 2006 The harvestingformat CDWA Liteispublished 2007 Generalizationintomuseumdattobeapplicablefor all kindsofobjects 2008 CDWA Lite / museumdat Working Group: Aimsatestablishingonecommon, singleschema 2009 ATHENA Project: SPECTRUM communityjoinsCIDOC Working Group established 2010 Release during ICOM-CIDOC Conference LIDO v1.0

  11. www.lido-schema.org

  12. LIDO Background Reference: CIDOC-CRM / ISO 21127 • CIDOC-CRM / ISO 21127 in less than a nutshell… • Developed within CIDOC, the Documentation Committee of the International Council of Museums (ICOM) • Is a formal domain ontology for cultural heritage information: • Describes the things that the cultural heritage sector deals with and how these things relate to each other • Expressed as an “object-oriented” schema

  13. LIDO Background Reference: CIDOC-CRM / ISO 21127 • CIDOC-CRM / ISO 21127 in less than a nutshell… • Establishs a conceptual basis for integration and access to cultural heritage information: „semantic glue“ LIDO EAD CRM MODS

  14. Role of CRM

  15. Role of CRM

  16. LIDO Background Reference: CIDOC-CRM / ISO 21127 When Where What Who Events

  17. FRBR/CIDOC CRM-Harmonisierung Excursion Museum and library conceptualisation The combined model CRM – FRBROO: • Is a coherent model of museum and library conceptualization • On one side enriches the CIDOC CRM with notions of the stages of intellections creation and refines its model of identifiers and the associated discourse. • On the other side, it makes available to FRBR the general model of historical events of the CRM. • clarifies and makes explicit many notions more vaguely specified in FRBR CRM: Lacks: a model of intellectual work FRBR: Lacks: any explicit notion of the processes behind

  18. The LIDO model - Schema Design -

  19. LIDO Schema Design Whatitis • XML Schema for Contributing Content to Cultural Heritage Repositories • For delivering metadata, for use in a variety of online services, from an organization’s online collections database to portals of aggregated resources – as well as exposing, sharing and connecting data on the web. • Intended to represent the full range of descriptive information about museum objects, e.g. art, cultural, technology and natural science. • It supports multilingual environments.

  20. LIDO Schema Design Whatitis NOT • LIDO is NOT • A fully developed data exchange format. • A format designed for proper cataloging – it is not intended to be used as a basis for a collection management system or to support loan and acquisition activities.

  21. LIDO Schema Design ConstructionPrinciples Provide a specificationandrelated XML schemathatdescribesculturalmaterialsappropiately Individual dataproviderscandecide on howlight – orhowrich – theywanttheircontributedmetadatarecordstobe Allowfordeliveringdataandresources / digital surrogatesrelatingtoyourobjects Include links fromcontributedmetadata back torecords in their 'home' context Allowforidentificationofeachreferencedentity-> referencestocontrolledvocabularyandauthorityfiles.

  22. Descriptive and administrative information groups in LIDO LIDO Schema Design Groups of Information • Events – • Event Set • Relations – • Subject Set • Related Works • Administrative Metadata – • Rights • Record • Resource - Object Classifications – Object / Work Type Classification • Object Identifications – Title / Name Inscriptions Repository / Location State / Edition Object Description Measurements

  23. LIDO Schema Design Mandatoryelements • Events – • Event Set • Relations – • Subject Set • Related Works • Administrative Metadata – • Rights • Record (mandatory) • Resource LIDO Record Identifier - Object Classifications – Object / Work Type (mandatory) Classification • Object Identifications – Title / Name (mandatory) Inscriptions Repository / Location State / Edition Object Description Measurements

  24. LIDO Structure Event <> Subject Noartist? Nocreationdate? Nofindingplace? Objects mayrelatetoanyactor, date, orplace in twoways: The object was presentat an event (such ascreation, find, use, …)- havingparticipants / carried out bysomeactors- atsome time - in someplace The objectrefersto such entityby- depictingit- „beingabout“

  25. LIDO Structure Event • Events – • Event Set • Relations – • Subject Set • Related Works • Administrative Metadata – • Rights • Record (mandatory) • Resource - Object Classifications – Object / Work Type (mandatory) Classification • Object Identifications – Title / Name (mandatory) Inscriptions Repository / Location State / Edition Object Description Measurements

  26. LIDO Structure Event • Event Identifier • Event Type • Role in Event • Event Name • Event Actor • Culture • Event Date • Period • Event Place • Event Method • Materials / Technique • Thing Present • Event Related • Event Description 27

  27. title: La primavera / Der Frühling event eventType Herstellung / Production eventActor actor nameActorBotticellli, Sandro roleActorMaler eventDate earliestDate1482 latestDate1482 eventMaterialsTech termMaterialsTechTempera termMaterialsTechPappelholz event eventType Herkunft / Provenance eventPlace place namePlaceFlorenz, Palazzo Medici Riccardi, Via Cavour partOfPlace namePlaceFlorenz partOfPlace namePlaceFirenze, Provincia partOfPlace namePlaceItalien eventDate earliestDate1498 latestDate1498 event eventType Restaurierung / Restoration eventDate earliestDate1982 latestDate1982 LIDO Structure Event Event • Event Identifier • Event Type • Role in Event • Event Name • Event Actor • Culture • Event Date • Period • Event Place • Event Method • Materials / Technique • Thing Present • Event Related • Event Description 28

  28. LIDO Structure Event objectWorkType: Kragenflasche event eventType Production culture Trichterbecherkultur eventDate earliestDate -4000 latestDate -2800 periodName NeolithikumeventMaterialsTech materialsTech termMaterialsTech Ton

  29. LIDO Structure Event objectWorkType: Kragenflasche event eventType Find eventPlace place namePlace HH-Ohlsdorf partOfPlace namePlace Hamburg

  30. LIDO Structure Subject / Content • Events – • Event Set • Relations – • Subject Set • Related Works • Administrative Metadata – • Rights • Record (mandatory) • Resource - Object Classifications – Object / Work Type (mandatory) Classification • Object Identifications – Title / Name (mandatory) Inscriptions Repository / Location State / Edition Object Description Measurements

  31. LIDO Structure Subject / Content • Extent Subject • Subject Concept • Subject Actor • Subject Date • Subject Place • Subject Event • Subject Object

  32. LIDO Structure Subject / Content Holzschnitt/Woodcut:Bildnis des Johann Aventinus creator: Hans Sebald Lautensack -> Event depicted Person: Johann Aventius -> Subject Actor

  33. LIDO Structure Subject / Content objectWorkType: Druck subject subjectActor displayActor Johannes Aventinus actor actorID type URL source GND http://d-nb.info/gnd/11850522X nameActor pref preferred Aventinus, Johannes nameActor pref alternate Thurmair, Johannes nameActor pref alternate … vitalDatesActor 1477-1534 • Extent Subject • Subject Concept • Subject Actor • Subject Date • Subject Place • Subject Event • Subject Object 34

  34. LIDO Structure Subject / Content objectWorkType: Druck subject subjectActor displayActor Johannes Aventinus actor actorID type URL source GND http://d-nb.info/gnd/11850522X nameActor pref preferred Aventinus, Johannes nameActor pref alternate Thurmair, Johannes nameActor pref alternate … vitalDatesActor 1477-1534 Subject • Extent Subject • Subject Concept • Subject Actor • Subject Date • Subject Place • Subject Event • Subject Object 35

  35. LIDO Structure Administrative Metadata • Events – • Event Set • Relations – • Subject Set • Related Works • Administrative Metadata – • Rights • Record (mandatory) • Resource - Object Classifications – Object / Work Type (mandatory) Classification • Object Identifications – Title / Name (mandatory) Inscriptions Repository / Location State / Edition Object Description Measurements

  36. LIDO Structure Administrative Metadata Record Information • Recordtypes: • singleobject • collection • series • group • volume • …

  37. LIDO Structure Administrative Metadata Resource Information

  38. LIDO as aggregation model in Linked Heritage

  39. LIDO as aggregation model in Linked Heritage

  40. LIDO as aggregation model in Linked Heritage

  41. LIDO as aggregation model in Linked Heritage Linked Heritage includes content providers not only from the museum sector, but also from the library, archive, and publisher sector. Experiences from the ATHENA project proved that LIDO copes as well with library data for the purpose of aggregation. Mappings are already carried out successfully for several variants of the MARC format. Deeper analysis for archive’s and publisher’s material is currently underway.

  42. www.lido-schema.org www.linkedheritage.org Regine Stein Philipps-Universität MarburgDeutsches Dokumentationszentrum für Kunstgeschichte –Bildarchiv Foto Marburg E-Mail r.stein@fotomarburg.de

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