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Introducing… ING Protector Universal Life (ING Protector UL). ING Protector Universal Life, policy form series #87-100 (varies by state) is issued by ReliaStar Life Insurance Company (Minneapolis, MN), a member of the ING family of companies.
Introducing… ING Protector Universal Life(ING Protector UL) ING Protector Universal Life, policy form series #87-100 (varies by state) is issued by ReliaStar Life Insurance Company (Minneapolis, MN), a member of the ING family of companies. All guarantees are based on the claims-paying ability of ReliaStar Life Insurance Company who is solely responsible for the obligations under their own policies. This presentation is not intended to be used to avoid tax penalties, and was prepared to support the promotion or marketing of the matter addressed in this document. The taxpayer should seek advice from an independent tax advisor.
ING Protector UL – Product Highlights Current assumption death benefit oriented universal life insurance product. Target ages 40 and over. Description • Multiple bands (drop in COIs with higher bands) • Interest enhancement on the unloaned accumulation value begins in policy year 16 • Preferred loans starting in policy year 11 • Available for sale to a funded ERISA plan • Two death benefit options • Five-year minimum monthly premium no-lapse provision Key Features SPNT 18-80 PNT 18-85 SNT 0-90* PT 18-85 ST 16-90* *86-90 require Home Office special attention Issue Ages & Underwriting Classes
ING Protector UL – Product Highlights Issue Requirements Minimum Face Amount $50,000 ($25,000 for ages 0-20) Compensation Heaped Family Protection and Basic Life Insurance needs, Estate Planning, Business Planning, Some Premium Finance situations. Primary Sales Applications Minimum Guaranteed Interest Rate 3% • Additional Insured Rider • This rider provides term coverage on a family member of the base insured. Coverage continues to the earlier of attained age 100 of the additional insured or attained age 121 of the base insured. • Issue ages: 5-75* • Minimum Issue Amount: $10,000 • Maximum Issue Amount: 3 times base policy face amount • * Minimum issue ages and underwriting classes available may vary from the base coverage. Accelerated Death Benefit Accidental Death Benefit Additional Insured Children's Insured Waiver of Monthly Deduction Riders
ING Protector UL – How does it work? Client Profile Situation: Andrew, 45, and Anna, 43, are married with three children. As the family’s financial breadwinner, providing for his family is Andrew’s top priority. Andrew is also concerned with how the rate of inflation and rising expenses will impact his family. Without protection, the loss of Andrew’s income could create a huge hardship for his family. Possible Solution: Andrew and Anna felt an ING Protector UL life insurance policy on Andrew’s life with a face amount of $500,000 would sufficiently cover their family in the event of a loss. At $3,535.47* annually, the current premium is competitive and they have the protection of a universal life insurance policy. Underwriting Class: Super Preferred No Tobacco Annual Premium: $3,535.47* Death Benefit: $500,000 *Annual premiums for life for Male, age 45, Super Preferred No Tobacco underwriting class. Premiums to endow at age 121. Policy would lapse in year 19 at guaranteed costs and interest rate. GL:$8,639 TP: $4,054. ING Protector UL, policy form series #87-100 varies by state and may not be available in all states, is issued by ReliaStar Life Insurance Company (Minneapolis, MN) a member of the ING family of companies. All guarantees are based on the financial strength and claims-paying ability of ReliaStar Life Insurance Company who is solely responsible for obligations under its own policies.
ING Protector UL – How does it work? *Year 19, Month 8 In the event that the guaranteed costs were deducted since policy issue, the policy would lapse and cannot be illustrated beyond the year shown. Additional premiums would be required to continue the coverage.
ING Protector UL – Sales Promotion Materials Sales Solution #134918 Facts At A Glance #133908 Producer Guide #133909
ING Protector UL – Product Recap A product fit for: ■ Families with children ■ Families with a sole financial breadwinner ■ Families looking for an affordable universal life insurance policy ■ Families looking for permanent life insurance protection Key Advantages: ■ Multiple COI bands (drop in COIs with higher bands) ■ Five year minimum monthly premium no-lapse death benefit guarantee ■ Two death benefit options ■ Interest enhancement on the accumulation value begins in policy year 16. ■ Preferred loans available beginning in policy year 11 ■ Available for sale to a funded ERISA plan ■ Five underwriting classes
ING Protector UL – Next Steps? Right now. . . ■ Who do you know? ■ Write them down! ■ Call your office ■ Call. . . ING Life Sales Support Team! (866) ING–SELL 866-464-7355