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DUKE OF EDINBURGH’S AWARD - UPDATE. OC 2403 DF Fg Off Mark Trevena. Introduction. Why organise it? Award Overview Award 2000 Best Practice Award Administration Working together. Why Organise It?. Enpowered & motivated Cadets Gives goal’s to older Cadets Useful for recruitment

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Presentation Transcript

  1. DUKE OF EDINBURGH’S AWARD - UPDATE OC 2403 DF Fg Off Mark Trevena

  2. Introduction • Why organise it? • Award Overview • Award 2000 • Best Practice • Award Administration • Working together

  3. Why Organise It? • Enpowered & motivated Cadets • Gives goal’s to older Cadets • Useful for recruitment • Can involve external organisations • Good qualification for Cadets • Worthwhile results for the effort • Good Fun for Cadets & Staff!

  4. Award Overview

  5. Award Principles • Available to all • Voluntary • Flexible • Balanced • Progressive • Marathon - not a sprint • Enjoyable

  6. Award Basics • 3 Levels • Bronze, Silver & Gold • 4 Sections - Skill, Service, Expedition and Physical Recreation • Residential Project at Gold

  7. Ages & Timescales • Bronze starts age 14 • Age dispensations • At Bronze, 3 of the Sections require 3 month’s work each • Other Section requires 6 months

  8. Award 2000

  9. Award 2000 • All new entrants join this scheme • Is easier to understand & administer • Achievement based on agreed & set targets • New activity ideas……..

  10. Service Idea’s

  11. Air Training Corps • Bronze - Training & assisting new Cadet Recruits on the unit • Silver - Corporal helping others to compete Bronze or teaching Cadets • Gold - Sergeant helping others with Bronze or Silver Awards or as a Staff Cadet at an AEF or VGS

  12. Other Service Idea’s • Fire Service • Police Service • First Aid • Fund-Raising • People in Need • Environment • Sports Leadership

  13. Skill’s Ideas

  14. Aeronautics • Based on ATC Syllabus Training • Bronze - Leading Cadet • Silver - Senior Cadet • Gold - Staff Cadet

  15. Other Skill’s Ideas • Aircraft Recce • Flying • Gliding • Ceremonial Drill • Marksmanship • Music

  16. Physical Recreation Ideas

  17. Physical Achievement Tests • 7 Activities • Base Line Assessment • Regular testing to check improvements • Can use own points system - not compulsory

  18. Other Phys Rec Ideas • Football • Rugby • Hockey • Netball • Orienteering • Canoeing • Athletics

  19. Expedition Section

  20. Expedition Section • Training - First-Class Training • Wing Practice & Expedition Weekends • Squadron Training & Expeditions • Modes: foot, cycling, horse, canoeing, rowing or sailing • Season - End of March to the end of Oct

  21. What Do Other Cadets Do?

  22. Case Study 1 - 1315 Sqn • Led by DEAS Officer - monitors progress • Skills - Aeronautics • Service - ATC or First Aid Courses • Phys Rec - Achievement Tests • Expedition - Wing Weekend in 2000 • Bronze & Silver aligned where possible to Leading & Senior to give a natural progression

  23. Case Study 2 - 2403 DF • Induction into Award each Spring • Participants agree activities/targets • Skills - Aeronautics • Service - First Aid in future • Expedition - Wing Weekend in 2000 • Phys Rec - Achievement Tests

  24. Case Study 3 - 150 Sqn • Very successful in throughput • Phys Rec - Achievement Tests • Service - Youth Organisation • Skill - Marksmanship • Exped - Squadron Expedition

  25. The Next Step……….

  26. Entrance Pack • Entrance Pack • Level inserts • Contains CD-ROM

  27. Entrance Pack • Level inserts • Contains CD-ROM • Fill out name, address, DoB, Date of Entry. Operating Authority & Unit before issue

  28. Useful Resources • ACP 20a ACTI 74 • DEAS ACP awaited • Award Handbook - 4th Edition • Programme File/www.theaward.org • Old Expedition Guide still OK • Free literature from DEAS • TVW issued Leaflets & programmes

  29. Useful Contacts • Record Books - WHQ • Admin - SWSO • Award details - www.theaward.org • Section details - www.theaward.org • Wing Expedition Training - OC 2403 DF

  30. Wing Expedition Training

  31. Wing Expedition Training • Training/Practice Weekend • Expedition Weekend • First year was last year • Some teething problems • 25 Cadets from 2403, 1315, 2477, 155 • Fun, enjoyable, successful

  32. Requirements • Have a DEAS Log Book • Be a First Class Class • Units to nominate “tent” groups • Ideally supply own equipment • Attend both weekends • Units to ideally supply staff (1:5) • Supply report within 1 month

  33. 2001 Dates • To be confirmed • Bronze Training/Practice Planned • Bronze Assessment Planned • Silver Practice Planned • Silver Assessment a possibility • Hopefully other dates later in the year from another centre?

  34. Summary • Fun, worthwhile activity • Easy routes to success • Talk to your CO or Award Officer for more details • Get Involved!

  35. Any Questions?

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