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Learn about game-based learning in sex education using "Making Smart Choices" interactive game targeting teenagers. Participatory design and usability studies ensure educational benefits for players.
Part 2: Game-based learning in education • What is game-based learning? • Applying game-based learning in sex education • Findings of the Project – Chu, S. K. W., Kwan, A., Reynolds, R., Mellecker, R. R., Tam, F., Lee, G., Hong, A., & Leung, C. Y. (2015). Promoting Sex Education Among Teenagers Through an Interactive Game: Reasons for Success and Implications. Games for Health Journal, 4(3): 168-174. doi:10.1089/g4h.2014.0059. 1
What is game-based learning? “To progress in a game is to learn; when we are actively engaged with a game, our minds are experiencing the pleasure of grappling with (and coming to understand) a new system.” (Trybus, 2009, para. 2) When compared to traditional form of learning like lectures and tutorials, game-based learning has the following advantages: • “Learning pace tailored to individual student” • “Student can easily transfer learning to real-world environment” • “Learner is actively engaged” • “Immediate feedback in response to student mistakes” • (Trybus, 2009, para. 11)
“Making Smart Choices” / MSC is an online interactive game co-developed by HKU & the Family Planning Association which aims to disseminate correct knowledge and positive attitudes towards sex to teenagers in Hong Kong Funded by: Supported by: Food and Health Bureau: Health Care and Promotion Fund
An Urgent Need of Sex Education in Hong Kong • 7 percent of teenage girls and 10 percent of teenage boys have experienced sexual intercourse • Underage sexual intercourse (Girls: 15.3 yrs old; Boys 14.6 yrs old) (FPAHK, 2011) • Among the adolescents reporting sexual intercourse experiences, 22.5 % had not used contraceptive measures
Participatory design • Participatory design to enhance acceptability, usability and utility of the Making Smart Choices (MSC) game. • Involves stakeholders to design, develop, and refine the targeted product (Bergold & Thomas, 2012). Source: http://www.hceye.org/UsabilityInsights/?p=88
Application of Usability Studies • 17 end-users (2 project team members and 15 secondary school students ) completed the usability test (Budiu 2014; Chu 2007; Neilson 2012) • 6 experienced web evaluators conducted the heuristic evaluation (Nielsen, 1994 & 2012) • These studies and evaluations resulted in improvements to the design, user friendliness and effectiveness of the game interface.
Making Smart Choices Best played on Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox FB Version: https://apps.facebook.com/fpasmartchoices International Version: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/jue-xing-shi-ke-guo-ji-ban/id774628862?mt=8 (Login ID and password are not required) *Web Version: http://smartchoices.proj.hkedcity.net *iPad Version: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/jue-xing-shi-ke/id673857604?mt=8 * login ID and password are required for the Web and iPad Versions * Accounts for guest users: User: zp1-s5e023 Password: hcpfsx23 User: zp1-s5e024 Password: hcpfsx24 User: zp1-s5e025 Password: hcpfsx25
Key Screen Shots of the Mini Games- Selecting a character Choosing your role in the game You will choose a character who will face five scenarios related to love and sexual behaviour. You have to make wise decisions on different situations.
Choose a character to represent you in the game Age: 16 Choose your sex:
Choose a character to represent you in the game Age: 18 Choose your sex:
Choose a character to represent you in the game Age: 18 Choose your sex:
Choose a character to represent you in the game Age: 16 Choose your sex:
Making Smart Choices:5 Indices Values and Beliefs Assistance Seeking Critical Thinking Communication skills Decision Making The game was developed with target learning outcomes adopted from the International Technical Guidance on Sexuality Education
Set your goal for the game. Choose an index that you want to achieve the highest mark. Values and Beliefs Values and Beliefs Understand your own belief and attitude. Also, respect other’s people’s beliefs and values.
Set your goal for the game. Choose an index that you want to achieve the highest mark. Thinking Skills Deal with peer pressure and influences from the social atmosphere in a rational manner. Critical Thinking
Set your goal for the game. Choose an index that you want to achieve the highest mark. Decision Making Skills Before making a decision, think about how your choice will affect yourself and the others. Decision Making Skills
Set your goal for the game. Choose an index that you want to achieve the highest mark. Communication Skills Be a good listener. Have good interpersonal relationship and be willing to express your decision. Communication Skills
Set your goal for the game. Choose an index that you want to achieve the highest mark. Seeking Assistance Be willing to seek help if necessary and able to judge which channel can really help you. Seeking Assistance
Mini-game 1 Goal of the game Gain a better self-understanding for establishing a healthy love relationship Listen to your friends’ story. Then, imagine 4 scenarios where you are dating with your partner.
Love Q&A Gain a better self-understanding for establishing a healthy love relationship Respond to the 4 scenarios in order to increase your indices.
the one whom you have a crush on “Why would you like this kind of things! You are so childish!”
Tell your girlfriend that she is also very childish. She doesn’t have the right to criticize you as a “childish” person. Do a self-reflection, then decide whether you should accept your girlfriend’s comments. Try to dress up and make yourself look more mature You think that your girlfriend doesn’t understand you at all. You break up with her at once. Question If your girlfriend thinks you are too childish. You will… Question form: http://goo.gl/bGN6E0
illustration • We always equal falling in love to being in a state of happiness, but this is not always the case. To be a truly happy person, one gets well-prepared before starting a romantic relationship. • They consider their own characters and find out which type of partner is most suitable to them. • They know how to express themselves in the right way and also care about others’ feelings. • They know how to balance their time for different aspects of life and don’t let a single aspect occupy their whole life. • Only those who are well-prepared will get the chance. Let’s equip ourselves and work hard for your own blissful life.
Be willing to seek help if necessary and able to judge which channel can really help you.
Total mark Name of player
Mini-game 4 Sorting out Safer Sex Knowledge Goal of the game: To acquire safer sex knowledge and to develop a sense of self protection. You will be asked 6 sex-related questions. Other web users will provide you with their answers.
Question form: http://goo.gl/bGN6E0 What should I do if my boyfriend doesn’t want to use any contraceptive measures? Song of Spring: Both of you will worry a lot if contraceptive measures are not in place. Pedestrian: Take contraception pills before having sex. AKBB: Try outside ejaculation. Can: What if you get pregnant by accident? You need to respect the feeling of others!
Illustration Taking contraceptive measures is aimed at protecting both parties, but not for getting others’ love. One should not easily give up their stand for protection.
Game Evaluation • 1481 students in 8 secondary schools • Briefing session • Pre-test, Game, Post-test • Debriefing • Survey • Interviews
Reference Information • Students were allowed to play as many times as they liked in the game session. • Pre-test and post-test were embedded at the beginning and at the end of the game. • Each test consisted of six identical multiple choice questions drawn from a pool of 12 questions related to safer sex knowledge that are covered in the mini-game, “Sorting out Safe Sex Knowledge”. • The pre-test was accessible only once for each student account. • The post-test appeared once the player completed all five mini-games. • Once the tests were complete, the test scores were automatically recorded into the database. • For students who played the game more than once, their highest post-test scores were used for analysis.
Data Analysis and Results • 970 students’ game scores are recorded. The mean scores of the pre-test and post-tests are 3.03 and 3.79, improvement was significant, p<0.001. • 84 students played more than once. The mean scores of the pre-test and post-tests are 3.38 and 4.71, improvement was significant, p<0.001
Data Analysis and Results • Positive feedback received through survey (n = 1123) and 10 student focus group interviews (n =57) • Most students like the game app and describe the content as “interesting”, “fun to play”, “interactive”, “informative”, “real-to-life” and “applicable”. • Students report having a greater awareness of safe sex and self protection • They have also learned to consider consequences of their actions and increased their awareness of making smart choices.
Remarks: 1 = Strongly disagree 6 = Strongly agree(mid-point = 3.5)
Student Feedback • I would recommend this game to others because many people lack sexual knowledge and this game is very interesting(MF—G—S3—G5—1.8) • I have learned how to protect myself and how to practice safe sex in order to lower the risk of getting sexually transmitted diseases(MF—B—S1—G2—1.6) • I have learned how to set boundary with the opposite sex and how to make smart choices. (MG—G—S1—G2—1.4) • This game has helped me understand where I can turn for help if problems arise (e.g. unwanted pregnancy) (MF—G—S2—G3—1.7)
Student Feedback • This game helps us obtain correct knowledge. It also helps correct some of my misconceptions and attitudes towards sex. ( TWG—B—S2—G2—2.2) • I have learned how to control my sexual impulse and what I should consider before making a decision of having sex. ( MF—B—S3—G7—2.4) • It helps you better understand and consider what kinds of consequences would follow after having sex and how it may affect your future.(TWG—G—S2—G3—2.5) • I have learned how to protect myself and say “No” to others。(MF—G—S1—G1—2.6)
Making Smart Choices:Findings Students generally agree that “Making Smart Choices” can help them enhance the followings: • Value and Beliefs towards sex 性价值观 • Critical Thinking Skills 思辨能力 • Decision Making Skills 决策能力 • Communication Skills 沟通技巧 • Ability to Seek Assistance 寻求援助
Student feedback • I’ve learned that I shouldn't be affected by others easily, like I have to think whether I should have sex carefully before taking any actions, even though friends around share that they have had sex before.(MF—B—S3—G5—3.2) • I find out that there are a lot to be considered before having a decision on having sex, for example, my family…and many other factors.(MF—G—S3—G5—3.3) • Through this game, I have learned how to response/reject others’ (sexual) requests. We can solve problems or reject others through better communication.(TWG—G—S2—G3—3.4)
Overall feedback from students • Lots of fun and it can enhance my knowledge of protected sex(MF—B—S1—G2) • The content of the game is very rich and it covers many aspects of sexual knowledge(MF—G—S2—G3) • If we attend talks, we can only obtain knowledge through “passive listening”. It is better to gain [safe sex] knowledge as we go through different stages of the game (TWG—G—S2—G3) • It is good to learn by going through different scenarios in the game so that we know what we should do if we encounter similar situations in the future. (MF—B—S3—G7)
Reasons for Success • Game-based approach • Participatory design to enhance the acceptability, usability and utility of the MSC game. • Support from teachers
Conclusion • Pioneer game on sex education. • Well received among Hong Kong adolescents • Filled the gap of limited resources available on sex education • Disseminated correct knowledge and positive attitudes towards sex using popular platforms • Great potential in promoting sex education for Chinese speaking teenagers worldwide
Source: http://inservice.ascd.org/the-difference-between-gamification-and-game-based-learning/
Plato • “Do not train a child to learn by force or harshness(武力或嚴苛); but direct(引導)them to it by what amuses their minds(刺激他們的思考), so that you may be better able to discover with accuracy (準確地發掘)the peculiar bent of the genius of each(每個人天賦的可塑性).” – Plato Wikimedia Common: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Plato_Pio-Clementino_Inv305_n2.jpg
References • Chu, S. K. W., Kwan A., Reynolds, R., Mellecker, R. R., Tam, F., Lee, G., Hong, A., & Leung, C. Y. (2015). Promoting Sex Education Among Teenagers Through an Interactive Game: Reasons for Success and Implications. Games for Health Journal, 4(3): 168-174. doi:10.1089/g4h.2014.0059. • Trybus, J. (2009). Game-Based Learning: What it is, Why it Works, and Where it's Going [Web log post]. Retrieved from http://www.newmedia.org/game-based-learning--what-it-is-why-it-works-and-where-its-going.html • FPAHK. Report of Youth Sexuality Study 2011. Hong Kong: FPAHK; 2011. • Sanchez, E. Key criteria for Game Design: A framework. MEET Project. European Commission ; 2011.