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Classes. classes and objects from object-oriented programming point of view class declaration class class_name{ data members … methods (member functions) … }. Classes. member access specifiers private public protected information hiding

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  1. Classes • classes and objects • from object-oriented programming point of view • class declaration class class_name{ data members … methods (member functions) … }

  2. Classes • member access specifiers • private • public • protected • information hiding • private (and protected) can be used to hidethe data members and methods • public is used to expose the data members and methods to the outside

  3. information hiding class Person { public: boxer void setAge(unsigned n); unsigned getAge( ); private: unsigned age; } Person boxer, student; student boxer.setAge(27); student.setAge(18); cout << boxer.age; // Error: age is private data cout << boxer.getAge( ); // o.k. priviate: age public: setAge( ) getAge( ) 27 priviate: age public: setAge( ) getAge( ) 18

  4. Classes • class scope of private members • only can be accessed by its own class methods (functions) • define class methods • defined inside the class • inline declaration • good for small codes • defined outside the class

  5. define class methods • defined inside the class class Person { public: void setAge( unsigned n ) { age = n; } unsigned getAge( ){ return age; } private: unsigned age; };

  6. defined outside the class class Person { public: void setAge( unsigned n ); unsigned getAge( ); private: unsigned age; }; void Person::setAge( unsigned n ){ age = n; } unsigned Person::getAge( ) { return age; } define class methods

  7. #include <iostream> using namespace std; class Person { public: void setAge( unsigned n ) { age = n; } unsigned getAge( ) { return age; } private: unsigned age; }; int main() { Person p; Person stooges[ 3 ]; p.setAge( 12 ); stooges[ 0 ].setAge( 45 ); stooges[ 1 ].setAge( 46 ); stooges[ 2 ].setAge( 44 ); cout << p.getAge() << '\n'; for ( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) cout <<stooges[ i ].getAge( ) << '\n'; return 0; } using classes in a program

  8. classes • class and struct • both can be used to create classes • class • all members default to private if not specified • struct • all members default to public if not specified

  9. class and struct class C { int x; // private by default public: void setX( int X); // public } struct C { void setX( int X); // public by default private: int x; // private }

  10. application: stack class • stack • a Last In First Out (LIFO) data structure • contains: • an array for storing data, an index variable • basic operations • push: add an element to the stack • pop: extract an element from the stack • IsFull (IsEmpty): test whether the stack is full (empty) • dump: print out the contain of the stack • init: initialize the stack

  11. stack Initialize: arr[MaxStack] MaxStack – 1MaxStack top 3 2 public: 1 push( ) 0 pop( ) IsEmpty() IsFull() Dump() . . . 100 -1

  12. stack push(100); MaxStack – 1MaxStack top 3 2 1 0 (note: the sequence of pushing data ) 100 100 0

  13. stack push(100); push(30); MaxStack – 1MaxStack top 3 2 1 0 (note: the sequence of pushing data ) 30 100 100 1

  14. stack push(100); push(30); push (88); MaxStack – 1MaxStack top 3 2 1 0 (note: the sequence of pushing data ) 88 30 100 100 2

  15. stack push(100); push(30); push (88); push(307); MaxStack – 1MaxStack top 3 2 1 0 (note: the sequence of pushing data ) 307 88 30 100 100 3

  16. stack x = pop( ); MaxStack – 1MaxStack top 3 2 1 0 (note: the pop sequence, Last In First Out) 88 30 100 100 2

  17. stack x = pop( ); y = pop( ); MaxStack – 1MaxStack top 3 2 1 0 (note: the pop sequence, Last In First Out) 30 100 100 1

  18. class Stack { public: enum {MaxStack =100}; void init(){top =-1; dummy_val = -9999;} void push(int n ){ if (isFull()){ errMsg("Full stack.Can ’t push."); return; } arr [++top ]=n; } int pop(){ if (isEmpty()){ errMsg("Empty stack.Popping dummy value."); return dummy_val; } return arr [top--]; } stack class defintion

  19. bool isEmpty(){return top <0;} bool isFull(){ return top >=MaxStack -1;} void dump(){ cout <<"Stack contents,top to bottom:\n"; for (int i =top;i>=0;i--) cout <<’\t ’<<arr [i ]<<’\n ’; } private: void errMsg(const char*msg ) {cerr <<"\n***Stack operation failure:"<<msg <<’\n ’;} int top; int arr [MaxStack ]; int dummy_val; }; stack class definition

  20. create a Stack object Stack s1;// create an object s1 s1 arr[MaxStack] MaxStack – 1MaxStack top s1.init( ); dummy_val 3 public: 2 init( ) 1 push(int) 0 pop( ) dump( ) … . . . 100 -1

  21. #include <iostream> using namespace std; class Stack { // stack definition . . . } int main( ) { Stack s1; s1.init( ): s1.push(100); s1.push(30); s1.push(88); s1.push(307); s1.dump( ); // 100 30 88 307 s1.pop( ); s1.pop( ); s1.push(55); s1.dump( ); // 100 30 55 return 0; } Stack objects

  22. object reference • passing and returning objects by reference • cp. by value • save time and space • need to declare static if return by reference • const method • cannot change any values of data members of it’s object

  23. #include <iostream> using namespace std; class C { public: void set( int n ) { num = n; } int get( ) const { return num; } private: int num; }; void f( C& ); C& g( ); int main( ) { C c1, c2; f( c1 ); // pass by reference c2 = g( ); // return by reference cout << c2.get( ) << '\n'; return 0; } object reference

  24. void f( C& c ) { c.set( -999 ); cout << c.get() << '\n'; } C& g( ) { static C c3; // static, not auto c3.set( 123 ); return c3; } output: -999 123 object reference

  25. constructors and destructors • constructor • a method with the same name as it’s class • automatically executed while the object is created • may be overloaded, among them only one constructor is executed • destructor • with the same name plus a ~ sing • automatically executed while the object is destroyed

  26. class Person { public: Person( ) { name = "Unknown"; } Person( const string& n ); Person( const char* n ); void setName( const string& n ); void setName( const char* n ); const string& getName( ) const; private: string name; }; Person::Person( const string& n ) { name = n; } Person::Person( const char* n ) { name = n; } … int main( ) { Person anonymous; Person jc(“J. Coltrane”); … } constructors

  27. #include <cstdlib> // for malloc and calloc class Emp { public: elvis Emp() { /*...*/ } Emp( const char* name ) { /*...*/ } cher //... }; int main() { Emp* elvis = new Emp(); // default Emp* cher = new Emp( "Cher" ); // convert dynamic allocation of objects Emp object instance Emp object instance

  28. dynamic allocation of objects Emp* lotsOfEmps = new Emp[ 1000 ]; // default Emp* foo = malloc( sizeof( Emp ) ); // no constructor //... } Emp object array lotsOfEmps foo … Emp object

  29. #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; class C { public: // default constructor C( ) { name = "anonymous"; cout << name << " constructing.\n"; } // parameterized constructor C( const char* n ) { name = n; cout << name << " constructing.\n"; } ~C( ) { cout << name << "destructing.\n"; } private: string name; }; destructor

  30. int main() { output: C c0( "hortense" ); { C c1; C c2( "foo" ); cout << '\n'; } // c1 and c2 destructors called C* ptr = new C( ); delete ptr; return 0; // c0 destructor called } destructor hortense constructing anonymous constructing. foo constructing foo destructing. anonymous destructing. anonymous constructing. anonymous destructing. hortense destructing.

  31. class C { public: void m() { /*...*/ } }; void f( C* ); // pass a pointer int main() { C c1; c1.m(); // object f( &c1 ); // address of object //... } void f( C* p ) { p->m(); // pointer to C object } pointer to objects

  32. class C { public: void m() { /*...*/ } }; void f( C& ); // pass by reference int main() { C c1; c1.m(); // object f( c1 ); //... } void f( C& c ) { c.m(); // object reference } pointer to objects

  33. pointer constant “this” • this • default constant pointer variable points to the object itself • no need to declare • an object: note: “this” is the object itself this …

  34. this class C { public: C( ) { this->x = 0;} // same as: x=0; private: int x; }

  35. this (example: copy file) … void File::copy(File& dest) { if (this == &dest) // cannot copy file to itself return; // otherwise, copy the file to dest … }

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