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Grad Parent Information Meeting. October 24, 2013. Graduation Requirements. In order to graduate, students must earn a total of 20 credits. Four of these must be Language credits (including Gr. 12 English) 2 Math credits 2 Science credits 2 Social Studies credits
Grad Parent Information Meeting October 24, 2013
Graduation Requirements • In order to graduate, students must earn a total of 20 credits. • Four of these must be Language credits (including Gr. 12 English) • 2 Math credits • 2 Science credits • 2 Social Studies credits • Five of the courses must be at the Gr. 12 level (600 or 800 level courses).
Graduation Requirements Simply meeting P.E.I. graduation requirements does not mean the students meet the entrance requirements for various college/university programs. Students must check on the college/university websites to determine exactly what courses they need. For university and college programs that have limited enrolment, the minimum requirements often are not sufficient for acceptance.
Some Obstacles • Students are unsure of what they want to do • Students do not know how to finance their education. • Students lack confidence • -Grant Canvin (Holland College)
Why should you keep going to school? • “The object of education is to prepare the young to educate themselves throughout their lives.” • – Robert M. Hutchins. • “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” • –Benjamin Franklin • “… the average worker changes occupations –not jobs, but occupations – three to seven times. So don’t be afraid to take the plunge into something new.” • -Y. Hayashi, Y. (Canadian Living Magazine)
Advice You do not need to know exactly what you want to do before you start school. Focus on what you LIKE and what you are GOOD AT. You may change what you are doing along the way. You may find what you want to do along the way. The skills, knowledge, and certifications/diplomas/degrees you earn may help you way into the future.
What do you want to know? How do I choose programs? College or University? How does College/University compare to high school? How do I apply and when should I apply? What are admission requirements? What are majors, minors, etc? Should I stay on PEI or go off Island? What are the agreements between HC and UPEI? How do I determine scholarships and bursaries I should apply for? How do I borrow money? What kind of “grad” expenses can I expect this year?
Choosing Programs Determine types of jobs or careers you are interested in. Examine the type of learner you are. Think about lifestyle considerations both for while you are in school and when you are in the workforce. Determine what you are interested in. Decide how long you are willing to be in school. Research options. Visit schools. Make phone calls. Ask people that have already taken programs. Look at job trends.
College or University • College • Programs are created based on workforce needs • Awarded diploma or certificate • Have very specific programs of study • Length of programs vary • Structure is similar to high school • University • Institute of higher learning • Awarded a degree (Bachelor, Masters, Doctorial) • Programs are often broad and students specialize later • Usually 4 years • Day/week is very different from high school
Comparing High School to University High School YearUniversity Year 1st Semester: September - January September-December 2nd Semester: February - JuneJanuary -April Total: 10 months8 months • Full time students typically take 5 courses each semester. • Each course has 3 hours per week of class time (15hr/wk). • Science courses typically have a 3-4 hour lab each week. • Start studying more generally and then specialize (choose a major) • Students may go on to further studies (masters degree, PhD, etc) * Students create a personal schedule each semester.
Comparing High School to College Most college programs begin in September but there can be others that start at different time. They vary in length (nine months to three years) Summer break may vary as well, depending on the school and program. Students usually attend class all day. College programs are based on the application of theory: hands-on learning. The expectation of colleges is that students who complete their program have the skills required to enter the workforce. Students who complete skilled trades programs also have the opportunity to gain their Red Seal certification.
Applications: F.A.Q.’s • WHERE DO I GET APPLICATIONS? • -online and sometimes student services will have copies. • WHEN SHOULD I FILL OUT AND SEND FORMS? • As soon as you are ready to apply. There are some programs that fill up quickly and others that do not have caps on enrollment. • HOW DOES THE POST-SECONDARY SCHOOL GET MY HIGH SCHOOL MARKS? • You need to request that a transcript is sent to any post-secondary institutions to which you are applying. See Student Services for this. • SHOULD I APPLY TO MORE THAN ONE SCHOOL? • Yes. It is great to have options.
Early Admissions (College) • Holland College has a specific deadline for the submission of applications (usually February). • CAUTION: Some programs will be full before this date! • Other colleges including New Brunswick Community College and Nova Scotia Community College will accept students based on their Gr. 11 academic record (transcript). • Admission is based on a first-apply, first-accepted basis – students who meet the minimum entrance requirements and who have applied before the program has been filled, will be accepted. • The application and admissions process for private post- secondary institutions vary.
Early Admissions (College) Early admission to universities is based on the student’s Gr. 11 academic record (transcript). Depending on the university and/or program, early admission is only granted to students who have at least an 80% average (or even higher) in the courses required for admission. Early admission is particularly important when the program a student is applying for has limited enrollment. Some programs that are known to be affected are Nursing and Kinesiology. Currently, some universities are considering limiting enrollment in other programs. Business? Engineering? Specialized Programs?
Cautions about Admissions Procedures around applications and admissions are changing more quickly than ever before. It is IMPORTANT to check post-secondary school websites to ensure accurate information. When applying the institutions use your current and your grad 11 marks to determine acceptance. They assume that you will earn a similar grade when taking grade 12 courses (they look at the courses they require for admission).
ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS for UNIVERSITY • These will vary. Sometimes you will need to use an equivalency chart for courses. • They are dependent on the program. • Ex) UPEI website: • www.upei.ca
EXAMPLE (UPEI) Overall average of at least 70% in the following subjects: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.): English; one Social Studies or Language; any 3 other academic courses. Grade 12 math recommended. Note: Grade 12 Math is a prerequisite for some 1st year Art courses. Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA):Grade 12 Academic English, Mathematics, any two Social Studies, Languages or Sciences, and one other academic course. Bachelor of Science (BSc):Grade 12 Academic English, Grade 12 Academic Mathematics, Two Grade 12 Academic Science subjects (acceptable subjects: Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Computer Science, Oceanography, Animal Science, Environmental Science), One additional Grade 12 Academic course.Some introductory Science courses at UPEI have high school prerequisites (Biology 131 - at least academic grade 11 Biology; Chemistry 111 - at least academic grade 12 Chemistry; Physics 111 - at least grade 12 Physics) NOTES: Other Universities have DIFFERENT ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS.
ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS for College • Admission requirements depend on the college and depend on the program. • Ex) Holland College website. • http://www.hollandcollege.com/
Example: Holland College Wind Turbine Technician Admission Requirements Grade 12* or equivalent Preference will be given to applicants with Grade 11 or 12 Physics Class 5 drivers license Drivers Abstract Student must be in excellent physical condition as determined by a thorough medical examination and be able to participate in strenuous physical activity on elevated work platforms in adverse weather conditions Resumé including work and volunteer experience with applicable dates, membership in groups, associations or athletics, awards and distinctions, and any other information about yourself relevant to the program which you are applying *Applicants who do not meet the academic requirements for this program are encouraged to apply. Successful completion of TOWES (Test of Workplace Essential Skills) may be used as a consideration of acceptance.
Am I Accepted? Students should hear about the status of their application approximately two weeks after UPEI has received their application and transcript of marks. Students who have applied prior to the Holland College deadline (usually the last day of February) should hear about the status of their application by the first of April. If a student receives a letter from any post-secondary school indicating that their transcript has not been received or requesting additional information, it is helpful if the student brings the letter to me so I can investigate the situation. For Universities/Colleges, scholarship offers are usually made in March or Apriland students are expected to respond to offers by the middle of May. However, if for any reason, a student cannot meet this deadline (for example is waiting for other scholarship offers), most post-secondary institutions will, upon request, allow the student more time.
Conditional Acceptance Successful applicants are given conditional acceptance (eg. in order for acceptance to be confirmed, applicants must graduate from high school and still meet the admission requirements). If there are any other conditions, they are very clearly laid out in the acceptance letter. A few weeks after acceptance, students are required to confirm their seat by sending some $$$ (I believe this is credited towards the student’s tuition and would be refunded if acceptance is withdrawn because the student did not meet the conditions outlined in their acceptance letter).
Majors and Minors • First students select an UNDERGRADUATE program (B.A., BSc., etc) to apply to. • Bachelor Degree: ten courses/year for four years. • There will be academic advising to help with course selection. • A MAJOR is a focus or concentration in a subject (aka you take a lot of the same type of courses – ex. History) • Universities may have a different number of courses you must take to earn a major. • Usually declared at the end of 2nd year but students often change majors. • A MINOR is also a focus or concentration in a subject but it requires less courses of the same time. • A minor is in addition to a major • Some schools don’t have minors
Examples of Courses • ARTS • Anthropology, Art, Canadian Studies, Classics, Drama, Economics, English, Fine Arts, French, Geography, German, Greek, History, International Relations, Island Studies, Japanese, Latin, Music, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology, Religious Studies, Sociology, Spanish, Women’s Studies • SCIENCE • Agriculture, Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Engineering, Forestry, Health Science, Kinesiology, Math, Nursing, Nutrition, Pharmacy, Physics, Physiotherapy, Radiology • BUSINESS / COMMERCE • Accounting, Computer Information Systems, Economics, Marketing
P.E.I. or Off Island • Determine where the program of your choice is offered. • Consider finances • Where am I getting the best scholarships • George Coles bursary - $ for residents choosing island post-secondary http://www.studentloan.pe.ca/index.php3?number=1039551&lang=E • Consider your level of independence • For many students being closer to home helps them to succeed. • For some students going away can help them grow. • Either way students should BECOME MORE INDEPENDENT! • Consider Size • Do you want a bigger or a smaller school. • Do you want to live in a bigger or smaller centre • What opportunities will there be for you to get involved? • Living Accomodations • Residence • Apartments • Home
Articulation Agreements • Often known as 2 + 2 Academic Transfer Programs • These are agreements between Holland College and a number of universities (or some other colleges and UPEI). • Allows students who have completed a program at Holland College to receive up to two years of credit at a university. • Allows students to complete the degree requirements at the university in two years rather than four. • Students will receive a college diploma and a university degree in the same number of years as it would take them to complete a degree program. • The order can be different (ex. Bio-Science)
Scholarships • There are many different types / sources of scholarships: • National / Regional / Provincial Organizations • Entrance Scholarships • Renewable Scholarships • Guaranteed Scholarships • Local Scholarships • Bursary Programs
Scholarships • Check University/College sites • Hints: Scholarships for our high school students are typically listed as “entrance” or “Entering 1st year”. There are scholarships to apply for when you are already in programs as well! • Examples: • http://www.upei.ca/studentlife/scholarships-and-awards • http://www.hollandcollege.com/alumni-and-friends/student-awards/ • Counsellor’s Page on KRHS website • Working on the Scholarship booklet. • Check with where you work and companies you deal with (ex. Insurance companies) • Announcements • Email/Facebook
Applying for Scholarships • Some are automatic (part of your admissions application). Sometimes scholarship deadlines are earlier than admission deadlines. • Holland College requires an application for EACH entrance scholarship. • Some require you to apply and send the application to the post-secondary institution. • Some require you to fill in applications and submit to an organization. • Some will go through student services and others will not.
Applying for Scholarships KRHS Administered – students will fill in one standard application in March and the awards will be decided by the KRHS staff. Local Scholarships – some of these will go through student services and others will be with local businesses/organizations/families (may be online).
Applying for Scholarships - Hints • Many scholarships require more than completion of a one-page application. Allow plenty of time for completion and mailing time. • Several page application • one or two page essay • References • transcript of marks, etc. * Save copies as you may be able to reuse them! • If you plan to ask a KRHS staff member/coach/employer to write a reference for you, use the following method: • Provide a copy of the scholarship details. • Provide a written report / resume that outlines your experience and activities. • Allow at least two weeks (even up to a month) for that person to write the reference. • Be sure to thank them properly.
Applying for Scholarships - Hints • Sometimes your references will need to be in sealed envelops and other times you may be copying a letter you have on file. You may wish to have the following references: • One employer • Three school references • A reference from individuals that have supervised you in community, volunteer, athletic, or other activities.
Community Service Bursary ($$$$) • Departments of Education and Innovation & Advanced Learning. • http://www.gov.pe.ca/ial/index.php3?number=75652&lang=E • Gr. 11 & 12 students who plan to attend any post-secondary institution an earn a tuition credit based on their volunteer hours. • The bursary is calculated at a rate of $5 per hour (min 30 hrs = $150 and max 100 hrs = $500). • Volunteer Organizations are to be non-profit and must be registered in the Community Service Bursary Program. Only on-Island volunteering will qualify. • There are several forms that MUST be fillied in • Many of our graduating students have contributed volunteer work over the past 2 years within their communities and can still collect hours to submit until the end of June. • Chequesare sent directly to the post-secondary institutions in November. This bursary may be put on hold for up to one year. • Paperwork should be filled out NOW!!!
GEORGE COLES BURSARY and ISLAND STUDENTS AWARDS UPEI – all Island students automatically receive $2200 for first year (In total, UPEI students will automatically receive up to $5,200 in awards and bursaries based on a four-year undergraduate program). Holland College – all Island students automatically receive $2000 - $3000 for first year and $1000 for second year. (I am not sure) Holland College and UPEI receive the money in January and credit it to the students’ accounts. Additional information available at the Student Loans section of the PEI Department of Education website.
Other Awards (Not financial) • The criteria used for Honours at Graduation was determined by the Western School Board. It is as follows: • A minimum average of 80% using all eight courses taken in the Gr. 12 year. No final course mark may be less than 70%. • Governor General’s • Criteria issued by the Government of Canada. It is given to the student in the graduating class with the highest average in all 500, 600, 700 and 800 level courses, regardless of the grade during which the course is attempted.
Student Loans/Other Loans • If you are unable to pay the cost of tuition and living expenses out of pocket you can apply for a student loan or another type of loan through a financial institution. • Other Loans • Need to be paid while in school • Interest right away • Student Loans • You do not pay until you stop going to school. • PEI Debt Reduction Grant • More Info: (http://www.gov.pe.ca/studentloan/index.php3?number=1040575&lang=E) • I will schedule a representative from Canada Student Loans to present to both students and parents about Student Loans in early May.
Grad Expenses • K.R.H.S. Grad Fees - $50 • Diploma holders/covers • Class DVD • Graduation invitations • Postage • Programs • Transcripts • decorations (stage & bulletin boards) • sound system • Grad Photos - anywhere from $100-$500 • Yearbook - $50 (family plans available) • Rings - not popular, anywhere from $100-$400 • Grad Banquet - approximately $15 per ticket • Prom - approximately $12 per ticket • Safe Grad events - approx. $50 (+ other events throughout year) • Application fees – these vary (budget at least $50 an application) • tassels for hats • water bottles for under their seats, • Grad tree to plant (rehearsal) • engraving for awards/trophies/plaques • dry cleaning of grad gowns, • reception for special guests
Health Insurance Most post-secondary schools automatically enroll students for Health Care insurance – the cost is included in the student fee. If the student already has coverage, she/he can opt out of the program by providing proof of insurance – this should be done very early in the school year. In the past, UPEI’s deadline has been in late September. Holland College’s deadline depends on the course a student is registered in. Other post-secondary institutions have similar policies.
OTHER Baby photos and grad write-ups for the yearbook should already be passed in Parents who wish to purchase grad ads in the 2013 K.R.H.S. Yearbook should do so as soon as possible. Yearbooks can be pre-ordered for $50 Nov 5, 6, 20 and 21. Family plans are available.
Links • Every post-secondary school has a website. • www.SchoolFinder.com • http://www.gov.pe.ca/ial/index.php3?number=1027713&lang=E • There are a number of scholarship websites: • www.studentawards.com/ • www.ScholarshipsCanada.com • www.excellenceaward.com/ • Canada Student Loans information: • http://www.studentloan.pe.ca/index.php3?lang=E
Thanks and Contact Info Thank you for coming. Graduation can be a stressful time for some students and their families. I hope that you feel more informed after this session. ctdecoste@edu.pe.ca 887-2424