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國家理論中心近況與展望 (National Center For Theoretical Sciences). Reported by: Chung-Yu Mou 牟中瑜. 中心簡史 國科會所設置、目前為國科會一個計劃. 中心目標. Maintain Close Contact with Expt.!. 中心 運作結構. 指導委員會. 中心主任. 物理組 組主任. 數學組 組主任. 物理組運作模式 (2009-2014) (modified KITP operation in Taiwan). 學術指導委員. 執行委員. 子計畫一 主持人.
國家理論中心近況與展望 (National Center For Theoretical Sciences) Reported by: Chung-Yu Mou 牟中瑜
中心目標 Maintain Close Contact with Expt.!
中心運作結構 指導委員會 中心主任 物理組 組主任 數學組 組主任
物理組運作模式 (2009-2014) (modified KITP operation in Taiwan) 學術指導委員 執行委員 子計畫一 主持人 子計畫二 主持人 組主任 績效評審委員 學術規劃委員 行政秘書 行政秘書 全國性重點學術活動 行政秘書 中心研究人員
經費與其使用:總經費約4-5千萬 管理費8% 國外差旅 6% 設備費2% 學術活動40% Long-term visitors postdocs Staff scientists Focus Groups/working groups Ref. 0.87 per theoretical project, ~ 150 theoretical PIs
物理組學術活動 Academic Activity Center Seminars According to their needs, focus groups support seminars, journal club, workshops, schools, conferences. Short-term visitors ~ 140 per year (phase 1 50-60) Domestic visitors ~10 per year Long-term visitors ~ 15 per year Eminent visitors such as Walter Kohn, Leroy Hood, Naoto Nagaosa, Harry Suhl, David Vanderbilt, P. G. de Gennes, Harry L. Swinney , Anthony Zee, A.J.Leggett, Gerard ‘t Hooft
Activities not preferred Ordinary conferences and workshops, where speakers come to give talks and then leave. Big-scale Conferences (> 1M). Visitors who tour around Taiwan …. To hold the above conferences, please go to PRPC or 國合處. NCTS is not a funding agent
Activities Preferred Intensive interaction among FG members and visitors, which aims to stimulate research products (mini-workshop, summer institute,…). On-site collaboration between visitors and FG members. Lectures for students in order to learn something from new fields (schools,…). Travel support for active participants. …. any activity which helps growth of a FG.
Impact on the Research of Theoretical Physics in Taiwan Updated: July 2003
Publication of the Center Updated: September 9, 2008
Snapshots on outstanding research Initiated by Advanced School on PQCD, B Physics and CP Violation (Feb. 1998) *Perturbative QCD approach to B meson decays 442 times after published in 2001 * "CTEQ" models for parton distribution functions Collaboration of Theoretical and Experimental QCD
Recruiting and Human Resource Development 21 Total number of researchers from NCTS finds positions in universities ~ Medium size of physics department in Taiwan Academic Sinica, Universities in Taiwan, Peking University, Nanjing University
Outlook Opportunities theorists (young) + Stimulation + Guide prosper Resources, Flexibility + Stability Center
For available programs at NCTS http://phys.cts.nthu.edu.tw Your participation is encouraged. Thanks!
Scientific Personnel, Recruitment Effort, and Human resource development Center Scientists Staff Scientists Research Scholars (research fellows) Center Postdocs Long-term visitors Short-term visitors Domestic visitors Outreach Programs Summer Schools International Partnership Programs Outstanding Young Theorist Award
中心科學家(Center Scientists) 由學者提供教職名額予NCTS以增進與NCTS之互動 清華 10, 交大 10, 成大 4,中央 10,…. Appointment in terms of their scientific works and their ability or potential to provide a leadership role in their chosen fields of research interest. Reduced teaching and administration load at home institute Extra research support from NCTS to coordinate scientific activities at NCTS including space for postdocs they bring in May have extra compensation for salary
Academic Activity Units (2004-2008) Focus Group
Academic Activity Units Focus Group
Academic Activity Units Working Group Topic Program
Administrative Staffs 彭秀慧----徐嘉儀----張春雲----施玫如 人 事----會 計----凝態FG----一般FG 主計畫
子計畫二 子計畫一 劉家綺 林宜貞
Space in NTHU 5th floor, 3rd General Building
Center Staff Scientist Position Available The Physics Division of National Center for Theoretical Sciences (NCTS) in Hsinchu, Taiwan is soliciting applications for a non-tenured "staff scientist" position. The appointment is expected to begin in the Spring of 2009. The initial offer is for three years and renewable for a second term of two years. Applications from all fields of theoretical physics are welcome. Some amount of starting fund and travel money will be granted with the offer. A staff scientist with a satisfactory performance will be entitled to hire a postdoctoral fellow to work with him/her starting from the third year. An interested applicant should submit his/her CV and a list of publications to Ms. Sherry Pang at shpang@phys.cts.nthu.edu.tw. In addition, the applicant should arrange to have three letters of recommendation sent to the same email address. The deadline for applications and letters of recommendation is Dec 31, 2008. For more information about NCTS and the position, please visit http://phys.cts.nthu.edu.tw or contact Prof. Chung-Yu Mou at "mou@phys.nthu.edu.tw".
Postdoctoral and Non-tenure Junior Scientist Position Available Applications are invited for postdoctoral and non-tenure junior scientist positions at the Physics Division of National Center for Theoretical Sciences (NCTS) in Hsinchu, Taiwan. The scientific activities at NCTS are carried out by a number of focus groups. Details about the focus groups and their research interests and activities are posted on our web-site at “http://phys.cts.nthu.edu.tw”. The applicants in all areas of theoretical physics are urged to contact first the coordinator or members of the focus group to find out if his/her research interests match the research focus of the group. The successful candidate is expected to work closely with one or more focus groups. The initial appointment may last for one or two years depending upon the qualification of the candidate and renewable up to a total of three years. Candidates should send his/her curriculum vitae, a research statement, a list of publications, and three letters of reference to Ms. Sherry Pang at shpang@phys.cts.nthu.edu.tw or NCTS, P. O. Box 2-131, Hsinchu 30099, TAIWAN, ROC.
年輕理論學者獎遴選作業要點 一、為鼓勵年輕學者投入理論科學研究,培育優秀理論科學人材,特訂定本要點。 二、候選人資格: 候選人須具備國科會專題研究計畫主持人資格,從事數學或理論物理研究,並符合下列條件: (一)年齡在四十歲以下。 (二)副教授、副研究員或相當職級以下。 (三)未曾獲得國科會傑出研究獎、吳大猷先生紀念獎、中研院年輕學者著作獎。 三、審查程序: (一)申請者檢附其個人履歷表、五年內研究出版品目錄及代表作論文三篇向本中心數學組或物理組主任提出申請。 (二)由本中心各組執行委員會會議送外審後提列候選人名單。 (三)由本中心各組執行委員會會議複審決定獲獎人名單。 四、獎助: 獲獎人由本中心頒發獎牌乙面並由中心提供每年總數20萬元之研究獎助,為期三年。研究獎助包 括:每年獎金6萬元,出國差旅費或邀請國外合作學者費用每年14萬元為限。 五、其他事項: (一)獲獎人數每年以數學組及物理組各一至二名為原則。 (二)獲獎人以獲頒一次為限。 (三)獲獎人及其邀訪之國外合作學者應至本中心進行演講等相關學活動。
國內訪問學者辦法 目的:鼓勵國內學者至本中心積極的參與研究工作。 對象:國立大學教授、私立大學、科技大學、技術學院、師範學院教師於寒、暑假、研究 進修或七年休假期間至本中心參與研究合作。 申請:個人向本中心(重點研究小組或工作小組主持人)提出。 補助:經費由本中心編列預算,期限以一個月以上為原則。研究地點在服務單位及居住地 點以外地區之距離在三十公里以上(即稱外縣市或不同縣市)者,可依實際所需選擇 以下任一補助辦法。 辦法一:補助移地研究生活費每月最高為新台幣三萬元,並依實際情況核給, 補助費用以核定研究期間為限,且自赴中心正式執行之日起接受補助。 辦法二:以實際訪問天數計算,每日膳雜費為新台幣伍佰。學者之交通費補助限來、回各一趟,住宿由 本中心安排與支付費用。 結案:訪問結束後兩個月內繳交成果報告予重點研究小組或工作小組主持人。
國際合作計畫 目的:在重要新興領域,鼓勵國內外實質合作以促成快速發展。 對像:博士班研究生,國內指導教授及國外指導教授。 遴選辦法:(1)繳交共同指導的論文計劃書、成績單及重點研究小組推薦函等, 由物理組執行委員會同意; (2)學生給物理組主任面試,確定其能力及意願。 (3)名額每年以2名為原則支助項目:(1)國外教授每年一次來台,經費由中心支助; (2)國內教授或學生訪問國外教授每年一次(7萬元以內); (3)博士生至國外教授處訪問以3個月為原則,經費由中心支助, 並比照國家科學委員會標準辦理。