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FAMU ASSESSMENT PLAN PhD Degree Program in Entomology Dr. Lambert Kanga / CESTA

FAMU ASSESSMENT PLAN PhD Degree Program in Entomology Dr. Lambert Kanga / CESTA. EXPECTED OUTCOMES. 1. Demonstrate proficiency in oral, and written communications about issues in Entomology and related disciplines

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FAMU ASSESSMENT PLAN PhD Degree Program in Entomology Dr. Lambert Kanga / CESTA

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  1. FAMU ASSESSMENT PLAN PhD Degree Program in Entomology Dr. Lambert Kanga / CESTA


  3. 1. Demonstrate proficiency in oral, and written communications about issues in Entomology and related disciplines • 2. Gain intellectual tools and master the usage of scientific reasoning and methodologies • 3. Demonstrate the use of critical and creative thinking in designing and conducting experiments, analyzing results, and reporting the findings for publication • 4. Gain knowledge, instructional and practical training to pursue successful careers in Entomology and related fields • 5. Possess the ability to work both collectively and independently in career fields, to develop and write research proposals for submission to funding agencies

  4. Step 1. Demonstrate proficiency in oral, and written communications about issues in Entomology and related disciplines Step 2 Ascertain Criteria for Success Direct Measures • Grade from laboratory reports and term paper presentations, the number of abstracts and papers published and successful dissertation defense Indirect Measures • Employer survey on written and oral communications • A rubric to evaluate oral presentations by students and faculty

  5. Step 3 Measure Performance Direct Measures • At least 80% of PhD students will receive the grade of “B” or better in their written laboratory reports and term papers, will demonstrate successful preparation and submission for publication of research studies (as determined by the comments of the reviewers of the manuscripts and the acceptance letter of the Editor), will have good acceptance (3 on a scale of 5) of abstracts for regional/national scientific meetings, successful oral presentations at the targeted meetings (as determined by a panel of judges for student paper competitions) Indirect Measures • Over 80% of Supervisors of graduates from the PhD Program responding to an Employer survey item: How well do FAMU’s graduates communicate in written and oral presentations compared to their peers from other institutions?” will indicate their communication skills to be superior, good or fair as compared to graduates of similar programs at other institutions. • A rubric designed by a faculty panel to evaluate the student’s performance during oral presentations by students and faculty will indicate “very well” or excellent performance.

  6. Step 4. Observe and Summarize Results Direct Measures • 100% of the students earned a great of “A” on laboratory reports and term paper presentations, 100% acceptance of abstracts at the 2 professionals meetings attended and all students had a successful defense of their dissertation research plan with high marks by the Supervisory Committee Indirect Measures • Over 80% of supervisors indicated outstanding oral and written communication skills of the PhD graduates in Entomology • A rubric designed to evaluate the student’s performance during oral presentations by peers and faculty indicated excellent performance for all PhD students enrolled in the program

  7. Step 5.Use of Results for Improvement • No changes are planned at this time. The oral and poster presentations at professional meetings along with class presentations and reports in graduate level courses will remain the cornerstone for evaluating students’ communication skills Step 6.Strengthening Program (Action Plan) • The PhD students are now being strongly encouraged to enter student competitions (poster and oral presentations) during professional meetings. It is now a requirement for funding to attend professional meetings.

  8. Step 1. Gain intellectual tools and master the usage of scientific reasoning and methodologies Step 2 Ascertain Criteria for Success Direct Measures • Grade in courses with scientific reasoning and methodology components, ENY 6402, ENY 6651, ENY 6814, and ENY 7979 • Successful qualifying exam and dissertation defense Indirect Measures • Approval of the proposed research plan (Form 2) by the Supervisory Committee • Satisfactory graduate research progress report

  9. Step 3 Measure Performance Direct Measures • At least 95% of students will exhibit good performance with grade of “B” or better in ENY 6402, ENY 6651, ENY 6814, and ENY 7979 • All PhD candidates will pass the qualifying exam and have successful dissertation defense as indicate by the students’ Supervisory Committee Indirect Measures • All students will successfully design and have the proposed research program (Form 2) approved by the supervisory committee in the second semester after admission. All students will have a graduate research progress report marked “satisfactory” by the Supervisory committee

  10. Step 4 Observe and Summarize Results Direct Measures • 100% of students have a grade of “B” or better in ENY 6402 and ENY 7979. • Qualifying exams still to be taken Indirect Measures • 100% of students successfully designed and implemented the dissertation research plan that was approved by the supervisory committee. • All PhD students were graded “satisfactory” on the progress report of theirresearch

  11. Step 5. Use of Results for Improvement • We will continue to require the students to have a grade of “B” or better in all graduate courses with scientific components selected by the faculty Step 6. Strengthening Program • The Advanced Research course (ENY 7979) is being revised to serve as a monitoring tool of the student’s research abilities. We are making mandatory to attend the Colloquium course (AGG 5920) and the Scientific Discussion Group series

  12. Step 1. Demonstrate the ability to use critical and creative thinking in designing and conducting experiments, analyzing results, and reporting their findings for publication Step 2 Ascertain Criteria for Success Direct Measures • Grade in ENY 7979, successful defense of dissertation • Number of abstracts and manuscripts submitted and published Indirect Measures • Feedbacks from internal and external reviewers • Feedbacks from immediate supervisor of PhD graduates in academia and research

  13. Step 3 Measure Performance Direct Measures • At least 80% of PhD students will earn a “B” or a better grade in ENY 7979. • All students will have a successful defense of dissertation (judged as “passing” by student’s supervisory dissertation committee). • Students will have good acceptance (3 on a scale of 5) of abstracts and manuscripts submitted for publication. Indirect Measures • Feedbacks from internal and external reviewers on the quality of student research activities will indicate the scoring results as satisfactory or better at 80%. • At least 80% of PhD students will earn “satisfactory” for their research activities by immediate supervisor in academia and research

  14. Step 4 Observe and Summarize Results Direct Measures • 100% of the PhD students earned a “B” or a better grade in ENY 7979. • The PhD students are progressing successfully toward the defense of their dissertation in the years to come as indicated by their progress report • 50% of the students had research papers published Indirect Measures • Comments from internal and external reviewers indicated excellent score (over 90%) on student research activities (submitted abstracts/manuscripts)

  15. Step 5. Use of Results for Improvement • No changes are planned at this time. The number of publications will continue to serve as a measure of student’s productivity Step 6.Strengthening Program • Students will be encouraged to send manuscripts for publication from their dissertation before the date of defense • Publications of abstracts and papers, as well as grant writings will be strengthened

  16. Step 1. Gain knowledge, instructional and practical training to pursue successful careers in Entomology and related fields Step 2 Ascertain Criteria for Success Direct Measures • Employment rate, or involvement in entrepreneurial and professional activities • Invitation for interviews for vacancy positions in Entomology or related fields • Attendance of career fairs and professional meetings Indirect Measures • Rank at the Linneaen Games (competition) • Exit interview on the satisfaction with their knowledge in Entomology • Job performance

  17. Step 3 Measure Performance Direct Measures • Within a year of graduation, at least 80% of graduates will be employed, or be involved in entrepreneurial and professional activities in areas related to their field of study. • A least 80% of PhD graduates will be short listed in any vacancy positions in Entomology or related fields. • At least 80% of PhD students will attend career fairs and professional meetings twice a year. Indirect Measures • Responding to an Exit Interview, 80% of the graduating students will indicate that they are satisfied or very satisfied with their knowledge in Entomology and related fields. Satisfactory rank at the Linneaen Games • Survey data collected from employers using a questionnaire prepared by faculty will indicate that 80% of graduate’s performance on the job is rated as satisfactory, good, and excellent.

  18. Step 4 Observe and Summarize Results Direct Measures  • All PhD graduates are employed and involved in professional activities in Entomology within a year • More than 80% of students attended career fairs and professional meetings twice a year Indirect Measures • 100% of graduating students indicated that they were very satisfied with their knowledge of insects and their role in the environment • Survey data from supervisors (employers) indicated that 100% of the graduate’s performance in the job was excellent • Linneaen team had an acceptable rank

  19. Step 5 Use of Results for Improvement • We will continue to use the employment rate as an assessment tool, however we will design an evaluation form which will take into account how the student skills make him a successful candidate for a job Step 6 Strengthening Program • We will provide the students with career networking opportunity and peer support network. We will encourage/require the students to attend at least two career fairs and professional meeting a year and be member of the Linneaen Team during competitions at professional meetings.

  20. Step 1. Possess the ability to work both collectively and independently in career fields, to develop and write research proposals for funding to a variety of agencies Step 2 Ascertain Criteria for Success Direct Measures • Grade on group projects • Number of proposals submitted for funding • Grade in AGG 5900 Indirect Measures • Exit survey on team work • Feedbacks from internal and external reviewers on the quality of submitted proposals for funding

  21. Step 3. Measure Performance Direct Measures • At least 80% of students will receive participation scores of “B” or higher in AGG 5900 or group projects graded by peers or supervisors using a rubric developed by the Faculty. PhD students will have good acceptance (3 on a scale of 5) of proposals submitted to donor agencies for funding to attend scientific meetings. Indirect Measures • Responding to a survey question about team work, we anticipate that at least 75% of graduates will respond positively that their experience in the program has prepared them to work and conduct research in a team setting. • Feedbacks from internal and external reviewers on the quality of proposals written by FAMU graduates will indicate the scoring results as satisfactory or excellent.

  22. Step 4. Observe and Summarize Results Direct Measures • 100% of students received “B” or higher AGG 5900 or in group projects graded by peers.  • More than 50% of students had good acceptance of proposals submitted for funding. Indirect Measures • Proposals written by students were judged as satisfactory by internal and external reviewers

  23. Step 5 Use of Results for Improvement • Currently, there is no incentive to the students to submit a proposal for funding. Collaborating type of proposal should be encouraged and acceptance rate should serve as an evaluation tool. Step 6Strengthening Program • Graduating students are required to attend at least one grant writing workshop and participate in group project activitiesand student clubs.

  24. Summary • Decisions were made by the entire faculty • Strong collaboration between students and faculty to share information (grant proposals, progress reports, reviewers’ comments etc..) • Implementation process is carried on by each faculty member • Most changes are in progress • The whole impact will be better identified in the next assessment cycles.

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