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Going to the Toilet!. SlyA function in Salmonella Enterica Authors: Period 6 Research Methods SD3R-02 Teacher: Ms. Ross Mentor: Dr . Bonneau. Introduction
Going to the Toilet! SlyA function in Salmonella EntericaAuthors: Period 6 Research Methods SD3R-02 Teacher: Ms. Ross Mentor: Dr. Bonneau Introduction The abdominal pains, visiting the bathroom every 10 minutes, suffering from food poisoning. What's the mastermind behind all this? Salmonella, it is one of the most common reasons for food poisoning. This is the bacteria that does it all, it can be found in contaminated eggs, poultry, and meat. Upon entering the body, Salmonella invades the lining of the guts which is the reason for the stomach pains suffered from food poisoning. It can lead to extreme dehydration. The master virulence regulator controlling transcription in Salmonella is called the SlyA. SlyA interacts with DNA. It does so by direct recognition of Arg-65 and interactions between Arg-86, which we have highlighted in our model. Since Salmonella is dependent on the SlyA gene, it wouldn’t be able to regulate without it since it’s necessary for transcription. Abstract: SlyA plays an important role in the adaptation of the salmonella in its host. SlyA is considered a transcriptional regulator. A transcription regulator either activates or represses expression of target genes. It is required for virulence and survival in the macrophage environment. SlyA is activated during infection of the host. SlyA interacts with DNA through guanine bases by Arg-65 and Arg-86 and with other contacts in the sugar phosphate backbone. In our JMOL protein the arginine residues are colored green where they interact with the DNA . The expressions of multiple Salmonella proteins are regulated by SlyA during infection of macrophages. The SlyA is implicated in virulence, survival in macrophages, and resistance to oxidative stress and anti-microbial peptides. Story The SlyA protein is a member of the MarR family of transcription factors. The MarR family plays an important role in bacterial virulence and so does SlyA. SlyA is important regulates transcription of specific genes of Salmonella Enterica. It binds to DNA through direct recognition of a DNA base with the amino acid residue Arg-65, and of an indirect bond with the sugar phosphate backbone of the DNA. This binding allows RNA to come in and attach further along the DNA and begin transcribing a particular gene. RNA binds 41 base pairs upstream from the SlyA on the DNA. SlyA is required for Salmonella Enterica to survive the macrophages environment of the host organism. If SlyA was not in Salmonella Enterica, then it could not survive the environment of human beings and it would die. This would mean that people would not get any food poisoning from Salmonella. Summary Food poisoning is the most common case caused by the bacterium, Salmonella. Salmonella also cause typhoid fever when it enters the blood stream. This bacterium attacks the host cells in the human body. Common foods that the bacterium is found in is in dairy products. One protein that is located in Salmonella is SlyA. It controls the transcription of the genes in the bacterium. http://www.google.com/imgres?q=transcription+factor&hl=en&biw=819&bih=470&gbv=2&tbm=isch&tbnid=3ZS6U2bDOJg4nM:&imgrefurl=http://www.stemcellschool.org/ig-transcription-factor.html&docid=dS8fa1iDnbGudM&imgurl=http://www.stemcellschool.org/images/transcription_factors_LG.jpg&w=610&h=343&ei=Q5EdT-ifBqOssAKE3bWpCw&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=312&sig=108738105983582231872&page=1&tbnh=113&tbnw=181&start=0&ndsp=8&ved=1t:429,r:6,s:0&tx=100&ty=54 Methodology The technology used to create our model is the Jmol program, and the Zcorp printers and the Rapid Prototyping Center at MSOE. Bibliography:•Crystal structure of the Salmonella transcriptional regulator SlyA in complex with DNA . (n.d.). Retrieved fromhttp://www.pdb.org/pdb/explore/explore.do?structureId=3Q5F