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Perspectives of Plasma- Wakefield Acceleration basics p erspectives state - of - the -art brief overview of various projects. F. Grüner , Universität Hamburg & Center for Free- Electron Laser Science. basic principle of any accelerator. one needs an electric field….
Perspectivesof Plasma-WakefieldAcceleration • basics • perspectives • state-of-the-art • briefoverviewofvariousprojects F. Grüner, Universität Hamburg & Center for Free-Electron Laser Science
basic principle of any accelerator one needs an electric field… …charged particles are then accelerated charge separation - + - electron
accelerators can be quite large… First X-ray FEL (2009):Stanford, USA kilometerlong!!!!....
but also quite small… lab setup of a Laser-Plasma-Accelerator at MPQ (S. Karsch et al.) pulse of a high- Power laser plasmacell:cm short!!!!....
plasma wakefield acceleration typicallengthscale = plasmawavelength plasma laserpulse withrelativisticintensity wake plasma(capillary) ~ 5 fs high-intensitylaser:~ 5 J / 25 fs PIC simulation (M. Geissler) Ez ~ TV/m
perspectives • EuroNNAcworkshop @ CERN, May 2011, top 5 goals, amongthem • - „table-top“ XFEL • - 10 GeVstage • - stableoperation 24/7 • brilliant X-raysources„athome“, addedvalues: • - intrinsicsynchronization (driverlaser, X-ray pulse, fewfs) • - compactenoughforhospitals: medicalapplications • - higherpeakcurrents (above 20 pC/4 fs) • high-energyphysics • - TeVmachine • - sureenough, manyopen questions (emittancegrowth, staging,timing/pointing for ~100 stages, efficiency,…..) ~ 16 m Leemans & Esarey, Physics Today, March 2009
state of the art • before 2000: theoryon LWFA, experimentswith „thermal“ energyspectra • 2000 theoryofbubbleacceleration (Meyer-ter-Vehn & Pukhov, MPQ): needsstrongerlaser • 2004 first experimental results, peakedenergyspectra (LBNL, LOA, RAL, Nature) • 2006 Berkeley lab reaches1.0 GeV(W. Leemans et al., Nature Physics) • 2008 stabilityimprovement (e.g., J. Osterhoff et al., PRL) • 2009 firstlaser-driven soft X-rayundulatorsource(F. Grüner et al., Nature Physics) • 2010-… diagnostics: bunchlength, emittance, positionbehindlasernewinjectionschemes: down-ramp, counter-propagatinglasers, ionization, shock-front courtesyof S. Karsch
howdoesit all work? • keyquestions • - emittancegrowth • - energyspread • - injection • - beam loading • - exitintovacuum • - stagingscalable? • selft-consistentanalyticaltreatmentstoocomplex → PIC codes • but: PIC codessufferfrom - idealisticmodelling • - numericalheating • - resolutionissues (spacecharge) open questions
Prominent LWFA results Imperial College Rutherford Lab Strathclyde Oxford PWA worldwide Lund Düsseldorf JenaDresden MunichHamburg Berkeley Lincoln Ann Arbor Austin Livermore LOA JAEA, Nara Frascati APRI Bejing Shanghai …
research clusters in Germany DESY, UHH/CFEL MBI Düssel-dorf HZDR Jena LMU, MPQ
Düsseldorf(Oswald Willi et al.) Düssel-dorf
Jena(MalteKaluza et al.) Jena M. Kaluza et al., PRL 2010 A. Buck et al., Nature Phys. (2011)
LMU/MPQ (Munich)(S. Karsch, L. Veisz, F. Grüner, et al.) LMU,MPQ M. Fuchs,…, J. Osterhoff, …,S. Karsch, F. Grüner, Nature Phys. 5, 826 (2009)
summary • PWA emergingfield: ultra-high gradients + ultra-shortbunches • perspectives: compact light sources, high-energycolliders….. • still many open question: beam quality… • increasing national and international activities • mergingwithconventional, modern accelerators