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Dendropark. Open classroom in nature. Dendropark-open classroom in nature. Realization: DREN NGO of Students of Forestry at the Faculty of Forestry in Skopje. Dendropark-open classroom in nature. Program: SECTOR

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  1. Dendropark Open classroom in nature

  2. Dendropark-open classroom in nature Realization: DREN NGO of Students of Forestry at the Faculty of Forestry in Skopje

  3. Dendropark-open classroom in nature Program: SECTOR Program for supporting environmental civil society organizations in Southeast Europe

  4. Dendropark-open classroom in nature Implemented by: REC Regional Environmental Center Office in Macedonia

  5. Dendropark-open classroom in nature Financed by: Sida Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency

  6. Dendropark-open classroom in nature Supported by: Faculty of Forestry Faculty of Food and Agriculture Municipality of Gazi Baba

  7. Dendropark-open classroom in nature Topic:Land use and urban planning Objectives: • Development and improvement of the environmental awareness and community responsibility by targeting pupils, students, local citizens, local authorities and other institutions for protection and promotion of the Dendropark located in the yard of the Faculty of Forestry and the Faculty of Food and Agriculture Sciences in the municipality of Gazi Baba; • Preservation of the environment and raising the level of consciousness about preservation of natural surrounding of Municipality of Gazi Baba.

  8. Dendropark-open classroom in nature Activities of the project include: • Improvement of the Dendropark through 2 phases: • I phaseComputer digitalization of the park, preparing and elaboration of information’s tables.

  9. Dendropark-open classroom in nature Activities of the project include: • II phaseTraining of the trainer’s team for educational activities relating the specific history of the park and information about the natural specific’s of the existing plants. Preparation and printing of educational material, preparation and hosting of web site, preparation of press releases for the media and local population, promotion of the Dendropark, education and informing the local community about the Dendropark, promotion and initiative for conservation of the Dendropark together with the supporters.

  10. Dendropark-open classroom in nature Outcomes: • Protected and promoted Dendropark (Dendrology - is the study of woody plants. These include trees: erect woody plants usually with one central trunk; shrubs: erect plants with numerous woody stem; and vines: woody plants that require an erect substrate); • Well informed and educated local population, ecological societies, media; • Placed 230 small tables with specific information of the plant; • Placed 2 big information tables at the front entrance of the two faculties;

  11. Dendropark-open classroom in nature Outcomes: • Printed and distributed 1000 educational brochures in 3 languages- Macedonian, Albanian and English language; • Trained 13 students for presentation of the park to the visiting students and pupils from the elementary and high schools and all interested citizens; • Established “classroom in nature” • Implemented 3 cleaning actions of the park; • Created web site for the Dendropark; • Created declarative support for inclusion of the Dendropark into the Detailed Urban Plan of the Municipality of Gazi Baba.

  12. Dendropark-open classroom in nature

  13. Dendropark-open classroom in nature

  14. Dendropark-open classroom in nature

  15. Dendropark-open classroom in nature

  16. Dendropark-open classroom in nature Budget: REC & Sida = 9.500 € in-cash • In-kind contribution: Faculty of Forestry = 6.000 € Faculty of Food and Agriculture Sciences = 3000 € Municipality of Gazi Baba = 1000 €

  17. Dendropark-open classroom in nature THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATENTION

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