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Student Practice in JINR Fields of Research , Dubna 2011. Fission 238 U in subcritical Quinta setup. Speaker: Klara Rusin University of Lodz. Group . Laboratory of Information Technologies (LIT),Dubna Supervisor : Dr Andrzej Wojciechowski Student: Klara Rusin (Poland).
Student Practice in JINR Fields of Research, Dubna 2011 Fission238U insubcriticalQuinta setup Speaker: Klara Rusin University of Lodz
Group Laboratory of Information Technologies (LIT),Dubna Supervisor : Dr Andrzej Wojciechowski Student: Klara Rusin (Poland)
Thename of theproject : • Energy and Transmutation of RadioactiveWastes (E+T RAW) • The main goal of this research program is transmutation of radioactive waste of energetic reactors and using it to energy production • Experimenttook place inmarch 2011 in JINR Dubna • Members of a group : • Russia (JINR Dubna, CPTP Atomenergomash, Moscow, Russia, Obmińsk) • Belaruss, Poland, Czech Republic, Germany, France, Greece, Mongolia, Ukraine, Australia. • Thecoordinators: • M.Kadykov, S.Tyutyunnikov,( JINR) • V.Chilap, (CPTP ”Atomenergomash”)
TheAim of theexperiment • Research the fission of 238U nucleus in fast neutron beam • Research spectrum of amount neutron energy • Plutonium production
An equipmentdescription To mesurement was used track and activaton detector, which was located in aluminium plates in different distance from axis beam There was used deuteron beam accelerated to 2 GeV, 4 GeV, 6 GeV in LHE nucleotron in Dubna
The results from activation detectors was obtain using germanium detectors to measure the energy gamma spectrum. Number of fissions defines by averaging of following fission product yields: 97Zr (5.42%), 131I (3.64%), 133I (6.39%), 143Ce (4.26%)
Measuring system Measuring system
Detector Geometry Red – U238 Blue- detector
A experimentdescription Calculation method To calculate number of 238U(n,f) reaction Nf was used definition: (1) Where φ(E) density of neutron flux calculated by MCNPX 2.6 based on NDF Data Base, σ(E) –cross section from JENDL (Japanese Evaalueted Nuclear Data Library )
In calculation was used : • Beam profle parameters from proportional chamber. • MCNPX 2.6 code • ENDF –Evalueted Nuclear Data File • Bertini + FLUKA + Abla • Formula (1) and the U-238(n,f) cross section from JENDL data library
Results Fig Comparison neutron production for experiment and models of MCNPX code. Target is made with natPb. Width and diameter of target is equal 35cm and 15cm respectively. Experimental data are from Phys.Rev.C56:1909-1917,1997.
The experimental data presented in this work are from: J.Adam, A.Baldin, N.Vladimirova, N.Gundorin, B.Gus’kov, M.Kadykov,, et al., Preliminary results of March Nuclotron run on «QUINTA» setup, ,JINR,2011,Dubna SSNT: Solid State Neutron Truck Axial distribution. Comparison of SSNT , Activation methods and calculation results for R=4cm, beam energy 2 , 4 and 6 GeV
Radial distribution. Comparison of SSNT, Activation methods and calculation results for Z=36cm, beam energy 2 , 4 and 6 GeV.
Axial distribution. Comparison of SSNT , Activation methods and calculation results for R=8cm, beam energy 2 , 4and 6 GeV
Axial distribution. Comparison of SSNT , Activation methods and calculation results for R=12cm, beam energy 2 , 4and 6 GeV
Conclusion Number of fission of U-238 calculated by Bertini+FLUKA+ABLA code quite agree withexperimental data. The differences between experimental data and calculation results includes in the range of experimental errors (about 7%).
For The Curious [1] FLUKA for inelastic collisions of hadrons use difference model - for range 0.02-2.5GeV - preequilibrium model, - for range 2.5-4GeV - resonance production and decay model, - for range 4GeV-20TeV -Dual Parton Model) . (www.fluka.org) The Bertini model [2,3] and FLUKA codes are swiched at 1.5GeV for nucleons and pions. (The Bertini model was used below 1,5GeV and the FLUKA high-energy generator will be used abow this value) [1] www.fluka.org [2] V.SBarashenkov,V.D.Toneev, Vzaimodeistvievysokoenergeticheskih chastits i atomnyh yader s yadrami,Atomizdat,1972. [3] N.W.Bertini et al., Phys.Rev. 1976, V. C14,P.590. [4] L. Dresner, “EVAP-A Fortran Program for Calculating the Evaporation of Various Particles from Excited Compound Nuclei,” Oak Ridge National Laboratory report ORNL-TM-7882 (July 1981).