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Jenna Lyday. Using PowerShell with BPOS . Establish a Credential. All of the BPOS tasks require authentication. Rather than typing in a user name and password for each task, put it into a variable. $ cred = get-credential. Get a List of Disabled Users.
Jenna Lyday Using PowerShell with BPOS
Establish a Credential • All of the BPOS tasks require authentication. Rather than typing in a user name and password for each task, put it into a variable. $cred = get-credential
Get a List of Disabled Users • Get-MSOnlineUser supports the default MOAC views. If you are expecting a list of more than 250 objects, be sure to specify ResultSize Get-MSOnlineUser -Credential $cred -Disabled |ft DisplayName, Identity Trusty Credential Format results as a table for easy viewing
Get-MSOnlineUser • Returns a single user or a single user view • Returns the following properties for each user returned: • First Name • Last Name • User Principal Name • Display Name • Job Title • Department • Office Number • Office Phone • Mobile Phone • Fax Number • Street Address • City • State or Province • ZIP or Postal code • Country or Region • Proxy Addresses • Password Expiration Date • Last Sign In • Mailbox Size (used) • Mailbox Size (allocated) • IsActive • CreatedDate • SubscriptionIDs
Get a List of Active Subscriptions (and put them into a variable) • By default, only active subscriptions are returned • Use –DisplayAllto see all subscriptions regardless of state $sub = Get-MSOnlineSubscription -Credential $cred
Put Subscription Information Into a CSV • Variables aren’t portable between sessions, so you’ll want a file Get-MSOnlineSubscription -Credential $cred |select-object -property subscriptionid,Status,ExchangeStorage,SharepointStorage,totalseats,usedseats,createdtime |export-csv out.csv Filters the object properties Creates output file
Enable a Single User • We’re leveraging $sub, but you can paste the GUID of the subscription in directly as well. • Grant seats in multiple subscriptions with a comma separated list of GUIDs Enable-MSOnlineUser -Identity user10@contoso.com -Credential $cred -SubscriptionIds $sub.SubscriptionId -Password 'P@ssw0rd'-UserLocation us
Enable a Batch of Users • Optimal method for performance CSV format: Identity,SubscriptionIds,Password,UserLocation user2@contoso.com,aa9713dd-baeb-464f-8c0c-fd48bd12dbd3,P@ssw0rd,us user8@contoso.com,aa9713dd-baeb-464f-8c0c-fd48bd12dbd3,P@ssw0rd,us user9@contoso.com,aa9713dd-baeb-464f-8c0c-fd48bd12dbd3,P@ssw0rd,us Import-Csv .\input.csv |Enable-MSOnlineUser -Credential $cred
Set a Password • Can specify not to change on next logon • Can set password to one previously used. • Complexity requirements enforced Set-MSOnlineUserPassword -Credential $cred -Identity user10@contoso.com -Password P@ssw0rd1 -ChangePasswordOnNextLogon false
Get Mailbox Metadata • This is information about the mailbox • Works against any Exchange 2007 mailbox $mbx = Get-XsHostedExchangeMailbox -SourceServer red001.mail.microsoftonline.com -SourceIdentity user@contoso.com -SourceAdminCredential $cred -SourceDetail full
Display Folder Item Count For the Mailbox • Many mailboxes will be smaller on the target than on the source • This assists with verifying that item counts match $mbx.folders |ft DisplayName,ItemCount
Grant FullMailboxAccess • Other permissions supported with this command are SendAs and SendOnBehalfOf • SendOnBehalfOf establishes the TrustedUser as a mailbox Delegate with default Outlook permissions Add-MSOnlineMailPermission -Credential $cred -Identity user2@contoso.com -TrustedUser user10@contoso.com -GrantFullAccess true
Get a specific mail item from a mailbox • Migration logs use MessageID as the unique name for the item with the error. • To extract that message for troubleshooting, do the following: Get-XsHostedExchangeMailboxData -SourceServer red001.mail.microsoftonline.com -Identity user10@contoso.com -SourceAdminCredential $cred -SourceItemIdentityAQEAAQPvLyasAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Sample messageID
Export content to a tbin • TBins make PowerShell objects portable from one session of the migration tools to another Get-XsHostedExchangeMailboxData -SourceServer red001.mail.microsoftonline.com -Identity user10@contoso.com -SourceAdminCredential $cred -SourceItemIdentityAQEAAQPvLyasAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA|Export-TransporterBinary -TargetFilePrefixtbin -TargetFilePath c:\temp
Import from a TBin • Having data portable between two sessions is only useful if you can not only export it but import it Import-TransporterBinary -SourceFileName c:\temp\tbin.tbin File we created in last slide