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Brachytherapy and GYN malignancy

Discover the intricacies of brachytherapy in gynecologic malignancies, from its inception in 1898 to modern applications. Learn about various radioactive sources such as Radium-226, Cesium-137, Cobalt-60, Iridium-192, and Iodine-125 used for targeted radiation therapy. Explore the benefits and drawbacks of different sources, techniques, and implant options in treating cervical cancer, endometrial cancer, and female urethral cancer. Gain insights into the combination of external beam radiotherapy and brachytherapy for effective treatment outcomes.

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Brachytherapy and GYN malignancy

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  1. Brachytherapy and GYN malignancy

  2. Brachytherapy • Brachytherapy (brachy, from the Greek for “short distance”) consists of placing sealed radioactive sources close to or contact with the target tissue. • Interstitial, intracavity, or transluminal approach. • Temporary, or permanent implant. • Low or high dose rate.

  3. Introduction • Discovery in 1898 • Short distance (cm) • High radiation dose can be delivered locally to the tumor with rapid dose fall-off in the surrounding normal tissue

  4. Radioactive sources

  5. Radioactive sourcesRadium-226 • Average energy 0.83Mev (0.5mm of platinum) • A filtration of at least 0.5mm platinum is sufficient to absorb all the α particles and most of the β particles emitted by the radium and its daughter products. • Half life ~1600 years • It was loaded into cells about 1cm long and 1mm in diameter. • Radium sources are manufactured as needles or tubes in a variety of lengths and activities

  6. Radioactive sourcesCesium-137 • Substitute for radium in both interstitial and intracavitary brachytherapy • Energy 0.662Mev nearly the same penetrating power as radium • Half life 30 years (clinically used 7 years without replacement) It was doubly encapsulated in stainless-steel needles and tubes.

  7. Radioactive sourcesCobalt-60 • High specific activity • Small sources required for some special applicators • More expensive than 137Cs and short half life (5.26 years) • The sources can be used to replace 226Ra in intracavitary application

  8. Radioactive sourcesIridium-192 • It has a complicated γ ray spectrum with an average energy of 0.38 MeV. → It required less shielding for personnel protection. • It has the disadvantage of a short half-life (73.8 days) • It is fabricated in the form of thin flexible wires which can be cut to desired lengths

  9. Radioactive sourcesIodine-125 • Widely used for permanent implants. • Longer half-life: 59.4 days (convenient for storage) • Low photon energy (0.028MeV) → less shielding. • Disadvantages: dosimetry of 125I is much more complex.

  10. BrachytherapyPermanently Implanted

  11. Radioactive sources • ICRU38 LDR sources: 0.4-2 Gy/hr (137Cs) HDR sources: ≥ 12 Gy/hr (60Co, 192Ir) • 226Ra leakage Radon gas. • 137Cs better than 226Ra  less shielding and microsphere form with leakage gas. • 137Cs better than 60Co  less shielding and cheap. • 192Ir better than 137Cs  lower energy require less shielding for personnal protection and higher specific activity. • 103Pd better than 198Au and 125I  less shielding and biologic advantage .

  12. Radioactive sources

  13. Brachytherapy and GYN Malignancy

  14. Reference point from which lymph node position were measured on lymphoangiograms and the range of locationInt. J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 34:167-172, 1996

  15. Distribution of pelvic node metastases in patients with Ib-IIa cervical cancerGynecol Oncol 62:19-24, 1996 Tumor size <=4 cm Local advanced tumor

  16. External beam radiotherapy for GYN Malignancy

  17. Pelvic irradiation portal in cervical cancer4-field box technique

  18. Pelvic irradiation portal in cervical cancer4-field box technique

  19. Combination of external beam pelvic irradiation and intracavitary brachytherapy (ICRT)

  20. Brachytherapy in definitive radiotherapy of cervical cancer(Intracavity radiotherapy, ICRT)

  21. Intracavitary Radiotherapy (ICRT)

  22. Applicator of ICRT

  23. Intracavitary insertion (ICRT)

  24. Postoperative brachytherapy(Intravaginal radiotherapy)

  25. Intravaginal radiotherapy (IVRT)

  26. Female urethral cancer

  27. Endometrial cancer

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