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Sikh Identity Lesson 2

Sikh Identity Lesson 2 . WALT: Understand the meaning and significance of the Panj Kakkar . Analyse the deeper meanings of Kes and the Dastaar. . Greeting Task: Who would like to be a brave Lion or Lioness and share their Khalsa thoughts/poems homework? . Prayer Time - ismrn.

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Sikh Identity Lesson 2

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  1. Sikh Identity Lesson 2 WALT: Understand the meaning and significance of the PanjKakkar. Analyse the deeper meanings of Kes and the Dastaar. Greeting Task: Who would like to be a brave Lion or Lioness and share their Khalsa thoughts/poems homework?

  2. Prayer Time - ismrn Close your eyes, Breathe in, Breathe out, Sing along Enjoy the experience

  3. 11 Guru Sahibs Each one of the ten Gurus represents a divine attribute: 1. Sri Guru Nanak Dev Jee - Humility 2. Sri Guru Angad Dev Jee - Obedience 3. Sri Guru Amar Das Jee - Equality 4. Sri Guru Ram Das Jee- Service 5. Sri Guru Arjan Dev Jee - Self-Sacrifice 6. Sri Guru Hargobind Sahib Jee - Justice 7. Sri Guru Har RaiJee - Mercy 8. Sri Guru Har KrishanJee - Purity 9. Sri Guru Tegh BahadurJee - Tranquility 10. Sri Guru Gobind Singh Jee - Royal Courage 11. Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee- the embodiment of all ten Guru Sahibs and attributes

  4. Why do we have the PanjKakkar and Sikh Identity? Sometimes answers to our complex questions are simple....because Maharaj said so....SIMPLES. In Sri Guru Gobind Singh Jee 52 Hukams (commands) he explicitly says: PunjKakaardiRehatdrirhkarrukhni - Follow the discipline of the 5 K's strictly. Dastaar binanahirehnaa - Wear a turban at all times. Sikhikesaa-suaasa sang nibhaaouni - Live and die a Keshadhaari Sikh Countless countlesspangteea in Gurbani too. RehatMaryada: Sikh Code of Conduct

  5. Why do we have the PanjKakkar and Sikh Identity? Although the answer is simples there are so many more spiritual reasons as to why we keep the PanjKakkar. They are metaphors, reminders, connectors and above all part of our human body. Today we will look at the 5 Ks as they’re known in more detail. As we work through the next few slides think about the qualities your class human had and how each of the 5 Kakkar represent those qualities.

  6. N.BWe are discussing the PanjKakkar, if ‘you’ keep some of them or all of them doesn’t make you ‘better’ than someone who doesn’t. They are our uniform and have a lot of spiritual power so it is our duty to explain why keeping kes is important etc. This is the path laid out by our Gurus and all our journeys are individual. There is no judgement or guilt...just providing you with knowledge for YOUR JOURNEY.

  7. Identity Sikhs who have been baptised must wear the 5 Ks or 5 kakkar to show they are a Sikh. 1. Kes (uncut hair covered with a turban) 2. Kangha (comb)3. Kara (steel bracelet)4. Kirpan (sword)5. Kachhera (shorts) All Sikh men have the SINGH meaning Lion All Sikh women have the surname KAUR meaning Princess Task: Cut out your boxes and mix and match the kakkar descriptions with the correct images. Extension Task: Which Kakkar do you find most interesting and why? Do you have any questions about any of the Kakkar, if so write them down? These can be practical/RehatMaryada (code of conduct) questions.

  8. Misconception If the Kirpan is removed from the case (mian) ONE DOES NOT HAVE TO DRAW BLOOD!!!!!!!!! The Kirpan is used to bless food (degh during Ardaas, bhog of langar) because of it’s symbolic representation. Sikhs also highly value the use of pure Iron.

  9. World Record Turbans and Beards... Sikh man wears a 700 m, 60 kg turban on the occasion of Diwali in Amritsar.

  10. Kes and Dastaar TASK: As we watch the video jot down why Kes and Dastaar are so important to our Sikh uniform, connection and spirituality.

  11. Something to make you chuckle...

  12. ELC: We are all still unique even with our blessed uniforms?

  13. Homework Homework Task: Using your knowledge of the Sikh uniform over the last two lessons, make this blank human into a Sikh. You can use any arts and crafts materials you wish...best ones win a prize! You have TWO WEEKS to complete this (not next lesson but the lesson after that) Deadline:

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