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VEGETATION DATA. Viviana Maggioni Dr. Jeffrey Walker. The Vegetation Sampling. Regional Sampling 16 vegetation biomass samples at the 8 HI-RES areas (week 1 & 3) 6 vegetation biomass samples per farm every Monday at the same location

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Presentation Transcript

  1. VEGETATION DATA Viviana Maggioni Dr. Jeffrey Walker

  2. The Vegetation Sampling • Regional Sampling • 16 vegetation biomass samples at the 8 HI-RES areas (week 1 & 3) • 6 vegetation biomass samples per farm every Monday at the same location • measurements of NDVI, TIR, LAI at 16 points of the HI-RES areas (once per farm) • Farm Scale Sampling • 2 vegetation “grab” samples at NW and SE corners of the HI-RES area N W E S Viviana Maggioni

  3. Collected Data • Vegetation Dry Biomass • Vegetation Water Content • Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) • Thermal Infra Red (TIR) • Leaf Area Index (LAI) Viviana Maggioni

  4. _____ NIR – SWIR NDWI = NIR + SWIR Objective • VWC estimates to remotely sense VWC • Literature: T. Jackson et al. (2003) • How accurate do we need to know VWC for a given accuracy of Moisture Content of 4%? Saturation of the NDVI • extreme conditions: 0.8 kg/m² • otherwise: 1 kg/m² Viviana Maggioni

  5. The High Resolution Focus Areas N • Dales: • Native Grass • Pembroke: • 80% Barley • 20% Native Grass • Midlothian: • 50% Fallow • 50% Lucerne • Merriwa Park: • Wheat • Illogan: • 60% Oats • 40% Barley • Stanley: • Native Grass • Cullingral: • 50% Wheat • 50% Barley • Roscommon: • Native Grass

  6. Dry Biomass (kg/m²): Merriwa Area Viviana Maggioni

  7. Dry Biomass (kg/m²): Krui Area Viviana Maggioni

  8. Vegetation Water Content (kg/m²): Merriwa Area Viviana Maggioni

  9. Vegetation Water Content (kg/m²): Krui Area Viviana Maggioni

  10. NIR and RED Viviana Maggioni

  11. NIR - RED NDVI = NIR + RED Normalized Difference Vegetation Index Viviana Maggioni

  12. TIR and LAI Viviana Maggioni

  13. MODIS NDVI Validation Viviana Maggioni

  14. NDVI versus TIME Viviana Maggioni

  15. NDWI versus TIME _______ NIR – SWIR1640nm NDWI1640= NIR + SWIR1640nm _______ NIR - SWIR2130nm NDWI2130= NIR + SWIR2130nm Viviana Maggioni

  16. VWC Relationships R-squared RMSE NDVI • Native Grass • Crop 0.6998 0.0228 0.9573 0.1794 NDWI 1640 • Native Grass • Crop 0.0295 0.0654 0.7931 0.3861 NDWI 2130 • Native Grass • Crop 0.90360.0206 0.7457 0.4531 Viviana Maggioni

  17. Dry Biomass Relationships R-squared RMSE NDVI • Native Grass • Crop 0.3531 0.0794 0.8292 0.1057 NDWI 1640 • Native Grass • Crop 0.4121 0.1165 0.5893 0.1932 NDWI 2130 • Native Grass • Crop 0.4214 0.0956 0.7881 0.1656 Viviana Maggioni

  18. VWC & Dry Biomass versus TIME Viviana Maggioni

  19. MODIS Data 31 OCT 1 NOV 2 NOV 3 NOV 5 NOV 6 NOV 7 NOV 8 NOV 9 NOV 11 NOV 12 NOV 13 NOV 14 NOV 16 NOV 17 NOV 18 NOV 19 NOV 21 NOV 22 NOV 23 NOV Viviana Maggioni

  20. How many samples? Viviana Maggioni

  21. Merriwa Park 3 0 Next Steps • Landcover map • Thumbnails of spatial VWC • Aircraft NDVI validation • Microwave Polarization Difference Index (MPDI) relationship Viviana Maggioni

  22. Thank you Viviana Maggioni

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